Thursday, January 25, 2018

Salt and ashes

Cast this cargo seaward
Salt and ashes, what it fertilises
I will neither know nor tend
Only seeds upon the wind
I will not pass by here again.
The watermark is low
Cast this cargo
And should some find value
Fish, urchins, crab
Let us celebrate next habour
With logs, flagons and song
They will not mark this spot for long
Not with an X.
But let us celebrate
Sacrifice to fish
It was but stowed weight these gifts
This fresh wind so swift
She skips across the crests
And runs the storms like Terns
Tell me are there ports to West
Or South of here
I have a hold so capacitous
Maybe in Dalmatia
I'll find pepper I can trade for wine
This cargo is but salt and ashes
The wind is good, the weather fine.


If as from my life seems clear
I fall in love every seven years
Then by the time I love again
I'll be 49 and to what end?
To just repeat this pattern.

It's a thought and part a fear
A cause to check the course and steer
By the time I love again
I'll be 49 and to what end?
To just repeat this pattern.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

She was so hot

When I met her I was like
"Where do you shop?"
She was so hot she burnt cotton up
Made nylon melt
She'd walk in the rain
And turn wool into felt.

I said "Would you like a drink?"
She said something with ice
Didn't blink 
Held my heart like a vice. 

She was so hot 
She turned shower drops to steam
Kept changing the channel
With infrared beams

She could cook an egg in her hand 
The constant smoke alarms
Give her oats, butter and
Honey, she could make flapjacks in her palm. 

She was so hot 
She was so hot, I candid confide
I was afraid for my child
Because of piles of bromide. 

Like an explosion
White heat, blue lights, A&E, third degree
Six months in traction, intensively. 

There were times I thought it couldn't last
Like after the fourth skin graft 
Making love in an ice bath
But the water wouldn't last
And we wouldn't stop
Wake staring up at a pitying doc.

After the fourteenth graft post-op
Got a consultant proper top
Nobody's fool
And he suggested investing 
In a swimming pool. 

It didn't take long. 
We got an ice dispenser
Opened a hammam as a community centre
Then thought why not. 
Got a turbine charged 20p a kilowatt. 

Now everyday we fill the whole pool with ice.
Steam generate making nice.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Venerable Should

In the Understood Wood
In the Foothills of Good
Lives a beast known
As the Venerable Should

With two hundred heads
And a great sense of smell
The Venerable Should
Is often unwell.

For with two hundred heads
It has two hundred minds
And they don't all agree
All of the time.

So as one is given
To climb up a tree
Then another is given
To burrow beneath

And it furrows the brow
Of those in between
A hundred howls echo
Through the glimmering green

For a Should could do this
And Should could do that
You will often see Shoulds
Going forward and back.

And sometimes its coat
Is a big fuzzy ball
And sometimes it molts
And is clean cut and small.

And if you see one
You sometimes can't tell
For the Venerable Should
Changes colour as well.

Sometimes its brown mottled
And brushed into the green
At others, pink polka dot
That cannot be unseen.

One head likes to fish
And stay down by the river
Another gets colds
Its nose all a quiver

And yet another
Will eat only fruit
And the next one along
Likes Trivial Pursuit.

And they all think that they're right
And they generally are
But the Venerable Should
Seldom strays far.

For with two hundred heads
And four hundred eyes
That it is often confused
Is no great suprise.

In the Foothills of Good
The chorus of Should
Is sometimes seen chasing
For Ifs and for Woulds.

And rarely, when the stars
Are all in correct sections
The two hundred heads
Face one direction

Then, in the Understood Wood
In the Foothills of Good
Goes trotting forward
The Venerable Should.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Jerry Beck's grant cheque

Jerry Beck's grant cheque had knees
And jumped from bank to bank like fleas
They gave him this, and gave him that
And soon that grant cheque grew fat.

He took the entertainment cash
And put it all on railtrack
Over summer made a stack
Then returned the balance back.

Jerry Beck had patience
And asked good questions too
From fractions of a cent or pence
His yeastlike fortune grew.

Jerry Beck's grant cheque had knees
He plays cricket
With the Cayman Island cricket team.

Weather balloons

We read it very early on
As the hole in ozone bloomed
NASA in Alaska with their weather balloons
They captured all the data
And when it was not what they assumed
They said it must be calibration
The gadget out of tune.
So they put it back to benchmark
Light made dark by folk so smart
We'd just been to the moon.

And throughout the 70s
And in the 80s too
They threw out what they saw
For what they thought they knew
We sprayed aerosol and CFCs
The hole above us grew
And all the while they changed the spreadsheets
Thinking them untrue
And these were folk of science
They were not buffoons
Whole teams for decades
Deaf to weather balloons.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Forget all this

Pelike. Vase. Depicting birth of Aphrodite. Rhodes 5th Century BC

Love, why not lover, come to bath, to wash
Come to the table, to cloth
The cost, the hurt, would make this love so firm
On deep cut foundings we will grow and learn.

Know it's only you
Your cautious grace, a slow embrace
Like every space is kissed
Your regal air, your will to dare
Makes every place a palace.
Forget all this.

Forget the day, these hours
The shackling clock so slow
Forget the brick, the towers
This city paved in gold
Forget your doors and curtains
Your furnishings and clothes
Forget all your bright jewelry
Forget them all and come

To the forests, the briars, the dark thickets
Beyond all lies and truth
Beyond veracity and acting
Beyond age and youth
Tear yourself if you must
Till blood drips,
Drips from the wire pen
Sunshine, our land
Are not yours till won.

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Rugby ball

This may be not the thing to say
But we'll make it right another day.
And now if you admit your fall
I won't treat you like a rugby ball
Seek to grasp and runaway
Drop kick to touch to make a play
Throw you swift around my friends
And push and barge off other men.

This may be not the thing to say
We'll make it right another day
When you call, it's joy to fall
You won't become a rugby ball.

Therapy notes

Too much the child
They will not help you up
And fix you
They've done their time
This what their skills can do
They will not help you up.

And if they could've done better
Settled all the butterflies
Set up all the dominoes
You know they would've done so
This is what their skills can do
They cannot help you up.

The slow rolling of the hill
The greying hairs
The baggage train of unexplained
Armaments, defences
The rusted buckle on well stowed pain
The ordinary pretences
The soft and seeping sore of love
Too tender to be touched
Too much the child
Too much the child
They will not help you up.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

That passes

Willow by the bank
I hope you are well
With the water that passes
Under your tresses
With the brook that runs
With the nest at your roots
With this season of ruin
With the burgeoning fruit.
I hope you are well
With the water that passes.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Be worth it

Call me an idealist
But from the start
Just be worth
A broken heart.
I don't mind tarts
Artists, Spartans
But I ask this for certain
Should you strike with Cupid's dart
Just be worth a broken heart.

From a love that's lost
I bought the old bay tree
That rooted now
Grows wild and free
With leaves that lend
A depth to tea
This one thing I'll ask of thee
Even if we one day part
Just be worth a broken heart.

One dawn, one dusk
Above the sea
One lingered cusp
One hand in need
Even without bended knee
If to love you well
Means to set you free
I'll take the shilling and embark
Just be worth a broken heart.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Rock pools

Under the skin
Dip, like thrown rock
And it's cool
In a thin, sun-cradled layer
On the top.
Stretched hands out like darts
Into almost ice
In the dark, murk
Deep hollow of rock
Sun does not touch, dense
Almost ice
Swaddled in slowed time
And all within becomes fire
Fighting, almost ice
To the light, the surface and sun
The shining picture of mountains
When the skin stills again.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Blueprint - Ivory Towers

The bones of magic, dead enchanted things.

From the ground the tops look like needle tips
Gaudi's skyscrapers in seperate estates
So high they penetrate the atmosphere
Take the measure of stars.
Golden fire reflects off ivory like a beacon
After the sun's moved on to other lands
And from the high windowed panopticon
You can see all below like satellites,
In days and seasons when the weather's right
Though mostly all is fluffy candyfloss
Bright cottonwool of brilliant white,
Tracking the sight of storms wet eyes
In the pure unbroken cover of the sky.
Yet when it's clear
The earthbound look like black mustard seeds
Spilled from a jar
Cities like scars, you see no nations
From space. In the stacked cream. Right at the top
You cannot hear a scream.

Stretching up to the sun,
The stolen bones of slain enchanted things
Undone. Narwhale, elephant and unicorn
Space scratching scaffold of tusk and horn,
With balconies, with walkways and turrets
Through the troposhphere. And here
At the base, you can still see blood on the tusks
Dried black and brown and inside a prison
Countless incarcerated, trussed
And bound in cloth, leather, card
Shut cramped like slave ships
Billions of crushed trees branded
And silenced like dissidents.

With a telescope you will see space suits
Weaving a lattice of tusks, for ever more shelves
The cells of knowledge, the labrynth of crannies
The walls of these towers built of prisoners
Built of creativity and dissent.
Light and glass. With light and glass
They can be free, shake their cracked binds
Fly from between the tusks and horns
Like a snowstorm,
Like a typhoon of finches, hummingbird and butterfly.
Each carve it's own netsuke.
And let the pages live among the trees,
Live in cities on the rooftops and parks
Eat seed from the meadows and
Drop the letters of their brandings as they throng
So the streets and fields grow flush with wisdom.

The silos in the stratosphere are no good use of bones
Of the lives of elephants and unicorns
Of fishing magic beasts in arctic waters.
These seperate towers into space when we can fly.
When we have an international station there
Above ivory towers rising high into the air.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Haiku mentioning vampires

These watchful robots
Do they search for Dracula
Bats in the belfry

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Glass I

It was transparent
Vinegar streaks from windowlene
Buffed to invisibility. Pristine
Clean windows. And the small fly
Shook it's wings with all its force
And drummed the pane in all recourse
But not without remorse
It was transparent
Clear. It could not pass.

The fly could see the rotting mass beyond
Could see the rubbish strewn about the public
Street. All the shit it could ever eat.
The fly could see it
It was transparent.

And if it called a million friends
They could not find a pass.
To show them shit and still pretend
A fly can force the glass.

It didn't have glass cutter
Later. I found a dry dead fly
On the sill in dust and clutter.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Blueprint - Oceans

Attic Amphora 520BC. Thetis delivers Armour to Achilles

We have built oceans in the sky
Glass bottomed that gleam in the sun
They are clouded, the keels of yachts
The slow whales, swift sharks visible
When the clouds part.

The great imperial locks and seals
The black bitumen seams that sweat
High vaulted walls, their narrow shore
The face of safe doors that perspire
Condensation on the steel skin
Creaking gaskets of old money
Dripping. Where the great pipes empty
In a Niagra, spray rises
High into the air and some winds
Set the waves to lap in thin cascades.
There are waterways in the sky
That we have built. Modern pipework
Like the Westbourne over Sloane Square
Canals that sluice, spaghetti mesh
Fairground wheels and yes
It trickles down.

Trickles in increasingly fickle
And unsettled rivulets through deserts
Carcasses, the bones of asses in the dirt
Reapers sickles over wishes, this dearth
Of liquid.
Hackney Brook, hundred foot wide at the Lea
The Tyburn, that Windsor's throne stole as rest
The Fleet with quays, carved Farringdon valley
Are cased in concrete tunnels under us
Like spent mine shafts, the hewn veins once precious.

Hidden in the Byzantine marble jungle
The York stone Baobabs with termite blocks
With ants, the concrete mangroves
Where the call of soot stained statues and tin rats
The penguins and the parrot carouses
Hidden here amid ceremony and veneration.
Are the great pump houses.

Gargantuan pipes, the old hide replaced
By copper, by stainless, in a forest
Concrete towers like a tall coal furnace
The spinning whirlpool
The suction mouths of graft, quotas, licence
Empty all liquid from vast depressions
The great motors turning, bound in velum
Bolted tight with torts. Gearing and levers
Whirring din of paper bladed turbines
With the power of language and routine
The monumental PSI
To force this liquid
To vast oceans in the sky.

The velum casks that bind the pumps are rotting
If they were to rupture, burst
And all this liquidity flood upon the common
A thousand flowers. The Flamingoes would return
Elephant and Ibis. The Whales in the sky
Sharks, yachts would beach upon glass bottoms
And watch the earth's innumerable flowers
There are oceans in the sky
That take PSI and power.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Blueprint - Oceans III

Hidden in Byzatine marble jungle
The York stone Baobabs with termite blocks
With ants, the concrete mangroves
                                                     where the call
Of soot stained statues and tin rats
The penguins and the parrot carouses
Hidden here amid ceremony and veneration.
Are the great pump houses.

Gargantuan pipes, the old hide replaced
By copper, by stainless, in a forest
Concrete towers like a tall coal furnace
The spinning whirlpool
The suction mouths of graft, quotas, licence
Hoover all liquid from vast depressions
The great motors turning, bound in velum
Bolted tight with torts. Gearing and levers
The whirring din of paper bladed turbines
With the power of language and routine
The monumental PSI
To force this liquid
To vast oceans in the sky.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Blueprint - Oceans II

Trickles in increasingly fickle
And unsettled rivulets through deserts
Caracasses, the bones of asses in the dirt
Reapers sickles over wishes, this dearth
Of liquid.
Hackney Brook, hundred foot wide at the Lea
The Tyburn, Windsor's throne stole as rest
The Fleet with quays, carved Farringdon valley
All cased in concrete tunnels under us
Like spent mine shafts, the hewn veins once precious.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Blueprint - Oceans I

We have built oceans in the sky
Glass bottomed that gleam in the sun
They are clouded, the keels of yachts
The slow whales, swift sharks visible
When the clouds part.

The great imperial locks and seals
The black bitumen seams that sweat
High vaulted walls, their narrow shore
The face of safe doors that perspire
Condensation on the steel skin
Creaking gaskets of old money
Dripping. Where the great pipes empty
In a Niagra, spray rises
High into the air and some winds
Set the waves to lap in thin cascades.
There are waterways in the sky
That we have built. Modern pipework
Like the Westbourne over Sloane Square
Canals that sluice, spaghetti mesh
Fairground wheels and yes
It trickles down.


Trickles in increasingly fickle
And unsettled rivulets through deserts
Caracasses, the bones of asses in the dirt
Reapers sickles over wishes, this dearth
Of liquid.
Hackney Brook, hundred foot wide at the Lea
The Tyburn, that the throne stole as rest
The Fleet with quays, carved Farringdon valley
All cased in concrete tunnels under us
Like spent mine shafts, the hewn veins once precious.


Hidden in Byzatine marble jungle
The York stone Baobabs with termite blocks
With ants, the concrete mangroves
                                                     where the call
Of soot stained statues and tin rats
The penguins and the parrot carouses
Hidden here amid ceremony and veneration.
Are the great pump houses.

Gargantuan pipes, the old hide replaced
By copper, by stainless, in a forest
Concrete towers like a tall coal furnace
The spinning whirlpool
The suction mouths of graft, quotas, licence
Hoover all liquid from vast depressions
The great motors turning, bound in velum
Bolted tight with torts. Gearing and levers
The whirring din of paper bladed turbines
With the power of language and routine
The monumental PSI
To force this liquid
To vast oceans in the sky.

He read the Mail

He entered like he was expected
The face of a Cypriot Greek
Greying, chiseled to English sag
And bulldog cheeks.
He read the Mail.

He didn't want the cabbage
And mocked in voice
"So poor all I can afford is
He read the Mail.

"And carrots and peas
And tea and gravy
The gravy not in the tea"
Like the waitress would think
That was funny
Like his wife thought
That was funny.
His wife wasn't there
He sat hunched in a chair
And read the Mail

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Friday, November 03, 2017

Blueprint - Germs

Let's talk about how the germs get in
The parasites and virus
On the matchstick frail and weakened limbs.
Leeches latch on among us
Who wade the muddy current waist deep
Up to our neck, the choicest.
Bully the hungry and short on sleep
On those who work the hardest
Carry most
That's where parasites will find a host.

When broken in, to broken body
Then they multiply again
Begin, select vectors to infect
The whole flock till every sheep
Is sick with ticks. “We gave you freedom”
All the grass you could ever need
Emaciated. So many mouths
To feed.
That's how germs get in and louse.

Influenzas, to name some
Kill the old and kill the young
Knock off all the bottom rungs
Then see how long they have to run.

T-Cells only recognise
After the infections come
The broken fragments of a virus
Make an innoculation.

Germs will still get in unless
We can recognise the parasite
And every body old and young
Has the strength to fight.

Friday, October 27, 2017

It's a conspiracy

If you landed in this hall
This land where language
Seems a family affair
And the tiles reflect pictures of
Different countries like a map
You could become confused
And all at sea perhaps
Bemused at the profusion
Of alloys from the pot.

If you took just the best, trump card
The richest, deepest from each
Muditha, natsukashii, saudade
Practice and adaptations from each niche
If you watched and copied
Edited and embroidered
A collage of all
The distilled wisdom in this hall
Would you be a street ahead?
A road in Jammu, Bosaso or Siirt
If you linked each end to end like Dido
What empire would you start?
But for those whose mind balks the hurdle
Of the changing colours of the paegant.
Whose blood curdles
At different language and pigment
Whose roots
Reach so far back in one spot
That they forgot animals move
And vegetables stay put
Immigration is a conspiracy,
Against the ignorant.

Its a conspiracy
Like wires against pigeons
And bronze against tin.
Like peer review on revelation
It's a slow yarn to spin.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Things not to say on tinder IV

Tempt me into sin
My mother is a feminist
I was just flicking past
On every face that came.

Tempt me into sin
For I'm innocent
And principled and so
Unschooled therein.

Tempt me into sin
I am just another one them
Lonely older men
That woke and found
That youth had passed
And all the inns were barren.

Things not to say on Tinder III

Oh Nicky, oh Nicky
To say this' so tricky
But I must get you
Wet and sticky.
Oh but know
That I'm so picky
And seldom one
To have a quicky
But like spice
The thought tender lingers
Of kneading you
Beneath reading fingers.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Things not to say on Tinder II

You were bad, but I'm flattered
I might be sad if it mattered
But I'm mad as hatter
And the pad is in tatters.

I might be sad if it mattered
You were bad, but I'm flattered.

Blame the moon

Blame the moon
Become mine, tonight
It is not too soon
This season, after midnight
As you imply
By morning light be mine.

When we are not ours
Blame the moon
When it is waxen full
Clotted like a bucket of milk
Bowl round
And you will find my all.

Blame the moon
Hear its beams make
These puppet silhouettes
Ball dance maquis of brick
Make these shadows of my lips.

Brewing clouds are not the storm
In all its booming might
Blame the moon
For tides and storms
Become mine tonight.

Sunday, October 22, 2017


My mind is all a glitter
My head all flocked in wool
Reflecting as I sit here
Wish I was better on the pull.

For she was rich as fire pits
And she all soft like down
And she was such a magic witch
And I simple clown.

And she was from the silver screen
A fountain sweet of spells
A groundhog day of might have beens
No story there to tell.

And she was joy like spinning tops
A diamond in the light
And all my head in fleece is flocked
Ensconced in bottled night.

My mind is all a glitter
My head all flocked with wool
They say it is a wise man's art
Naturally,  a fool.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Blueprint - Addicts

Them, with demon will to power, evil
Spirit of sheetless mattress, blood stained walls
Narrow, grime ragged, gap tooth, grey valleyed skin
Spirit of brown bags and reused needles
Know there is but one single rule to them.
Glass windows broken, locks crowbarred wrecked
Tall fences and high walls are no object.
To those, the desperate and demon driven
They take like they've right
Sell cheap to escape
To their heavenly and happy haven.

Them, demon willed
The mendacity of alcoholism
The puffed bravado and cruel thuggery
Of balance blind drunks, still bottle draining
The arrogance of cocaine, closed vision
The violence, loudest of all voices
With the busy unquenched lust to return
Quest back, to festering crack house. The den
Scoured of every object but vice
Detritus, cans, smashed glass and ash
All the rest sold off.
And quest back

The same dopamine pathway
Pleasure kick
Personhood long lost in lust for a fix
The spirit of reused needles, criminal
Minded, possessed, demon tools
In addict ridden halls of power
In the Pyramids and Ivory Towers.

The same pathway
Each dose deadening receptors
The next fix must be bigger, and bigger
Till drunk on power, crazed, addicted
Till veins scream for needles, hands shake
For drink. There is no rule they will not break

They must be institutionalised, like the Priory
In high security, watched round the clock
Till cured, and we can be sure
They are safe
To return to the society.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Blueprint - Butterflies

You are a butterfly, carbon fibre
You, yes you. No lie
To say your wingbeat
May cause hurricanes
In the course of flight
Resonate and amplify
Sweep flat all built overnight.

You are a rock in the river
The current altered by your mass
We are all rocks in the river
Together shape its flow and course.

See this vast chamber
Roofed by satellites
Your cry will echo in this great hall
Of linked marionettes
That dance in chaos
Each leg pulling on another leg
Nodding and then wagging heads
The ripples in the current spread
The questioned begged
Who tugged the first, starting string?
Why some butterfly's, passing wing.

Know this truth
That rises from our enacted scripture
The god, Market, hears you when you pray
When you perform plastic rituals
It is moved.
The spiders high in the rafters of the web
They see you. Your every move
Moves them.

Tell them of the change you are
Tell them what your heart declaims
You, a carbon fibre butterfly
Your wingbeat causes hurricanes.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The sweeping dark

This sweeping dark, these dusks
I ask you questions
But you are earless
Without heart. And no reflection
In this mirror, this sweeping dark
The coldest shiver. Look down
All the appartitions quiver
A pall of tales, the sweeping dark
The dusk, the empty park
And jumpers. No reflection
And all the silver, the hidden moon
The unbidden wings of gloom
Sit o'er the sky, this sweeping dark
These dusks, an empty heart
When all the sails fall becalmed
When all the views in minds high film
Have so few and seem so ill
The sweeping dark comes o'er the scene
And all to come, and all that's been
And yet in all, as sure as must
Some dawn will always follow dusk.

Monday, October 02, 2017

Normal is what you are if you can't be anything better

From the time that I dressed
In my sister's corduroy dungarees
Many have said that I'm mad as a hatter
And I thank them, for their kind flattery
Believing in fact, that the fact of the matter
Is that normal is what you are
If you can't be anything better.

My mum once said play the game,
Just try and fit in
That particular game,
I'm unlikely to win.
But originality, is not the original sin
So I'll say this to the classes that chatter
Normal's what you are
If you can't be anything better.

I heard men should wear uniform, go march in time
Get popular products, from production lines
Wear a suit, with a regular tie
And settle down to a safe nine to five
Anxiously conform to conventional fetters
Secure in the moores living law to the letter
I've seen folk strive to be normal
And end up quite bitter
Because normal's what you are
If you can't be anything better.

Disparagingly average, damned by faint praise
The normal is never the finest of days
Regular never the very best way
Normal rarely really what pays
Would you rather follow fashion
Or be a trend setter?
Normal's what you are
If you can't be anything better.

I've always worn purple
And walked with bare feet
And always found people
Who disapprove vehemently
And I'll tell you this, all types of go-getters
Know normal's what you are
If you can't be anything better.

Friday, September 22, 2017

As the blackbird flies these autumn gusts

Under grey block gabled sky
Wind high and blustering like a crisis bitten lush
I saw a blackbird fly.

Spilling arcs in the close storm's surf
Wings as shields stiff, neck locked he banks
Yaws and lifts like string snapped kite
Skates swift down wild waves unseen.
I saw a blackbird blown.

No compass in the colourless wash
Yellow beak unfollowed, sky and land
One sphere to its eye he dives,
Like fletched dart, black fleck
In swilled glass of medicine
For dirty streets, it dives again.

Not play. Taut against cloud's taunts 
And laughs, stiff agency betrays the joy 
Of sport. Once caught and slips, caught and slips so light, 
The current, like a skateboard from a pipe and vaunts 
These vaults a spinning top, an upward thrust.

Tell me Blackbird, I must know for true
Is my muse's heart like you?


I heard Stealth Bombers expand
When they fly, so high and fast they heat
And when they land and cool
All the oil and unspent fuel
Pisses out as joints contract and seals slip
The whole thing needs repainting
Before it flies another trip.

This muse is more like a cat
Leave out a bowl
It'll probably be back.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Things to do

Whistling like sailors
On the prow and in the spray
That lamb's tail
Never fails to shake with breaking day.
It does not all repeat like brick
These cycles like the Dutch
Like amonites, sediments, Fibonacci
Sequences, calyxes and such
Repeat and grow, repeat and grow
In iterations. Organic 4D tapestry, print
Time bound block weave of wet dyed wool
Half empty or half full
The glass will set the task
If you can set the rule.

Monday, September 18, 2017

She said she didn't like honey

She said she didn't like honey
Busy as she was in flight
165 jars
Almost every country
One over imported cheese
As she pours.

She said she didn't like honey
Jet driven, thought of the future
And talked of rafts of ants in floods
That some died locked together
And the rest floated on their drowned bodies.

She thought of the future
Said she didn't like honey.

Saturday, September 09, 2017

A more heavy metal protest song against the "great" repeal bill

Twisted bitch spit roast the nation
Parliament spit roast the nation
Making money, money
Off devastation
They got their tongue in, tongue in
The destitution
Fucking us like bunnies it ain't even

All I hear is lies, lies, lies
And if you listen
It's just lies, lies, lies
To Rip Off Britain
More lies, lies, lies
And that's their mission.

Did mention
They're robbing the pensions.

Tax haven, craven, champagne glutton
Push button fuckers leading sheep into mutton
Double dutch press, spread gas like muck
Selling want, hate and don't give a fuck

It's a fifty fifty flip
It's a fifty fifty flip
Now go pick the coin out of the shit

They put gas in our blood
Gas in our blood
So it reminds of Moet when they suck
And they suck
Ticket sellers at the gates of the park
And they suck, and suck
Ticket sellers at museums for the trees
And they suck, and suck
Ticket sellers at the surgeries

All  I hear is lies, lies, lies
And if you listen
It's just lies, lies, lies
To Rip Off Britain
More lies, lies, lies
And that's there mission.

Did I mention
They disguise their intentions

we had a vote
Yes vote
A bit of hope
A bit of hope
Now the fascists stringing rope round parliaments throat
With a vote
A vote
A vote they say will vote votes away
Dismay, Mayhem
Rip the Magna Carta up and write it again.

It's all lies......

Friday, September 08, 2017

Protest song for the "great" repeal bill

The whole clusterfuck's been
Corrupt from the start
Dark black arts,
Foreign secret service, Saudi
And Putin's Oligarchs
Now the DUP want to rule over me
But they won't even say
Where they got their election money.

It's Germany in 33 or Italy in 25
We'll have take to the streets
To keep our freedom alive
If we let the powers be
Democracy's gonna die
Cos the corpse is out the coffin
And fascists are live

It's Germany in 33 and Italy in 25
Now the kids are on the streets
Sleeping in hungry in bags
And if you're in a wheelchair
Then it's just too bad
And the cheque don't stretch
So now your walking in rags
And they come of TV bragging,
Its the most jobs we've ever had

It's Germany in 33 or Italy in 25
We'll have take to the streets
To keep our freedom alive
If we let the powers be
Democracy's gonna die
Cos the corpse come out the coffin
And fascists are live

And they hang on it on the Muslims
Or the Polish too
And if you ain't got dough
Then they're slowly hanging you
And if you're old
A hospital bed will have to do
And if you ain't been told
This is a very British coup.

It's Germany in 33 or Italy in 25
We'll have take to the streets
To keep our freedom alive
If we let the powers be
Democracy's gonna die
Cos the corpse come out the coffin
And fascists are live

Voting is just joke
Cos the bandwidth stinks
The world is digital
They're still writing in ink
They printed so much cash
They don't think we make the link
And all they're gonna do
Is push the rest to brink.

It's Germany in 33.....

Let it slip

Let it slip
Let it slip
With touched fingers tips
To your buttons,
After the staring sun has dipped
The blue relaxed, the amber is lit
The clasp and the catch
An uncomfortable fit
Let it slip.
We will die like cats.
At least curious. At least curious.
Let slip a zip notch off your hip arch
Make one button fall undone
And cotton drip
Tip my thought with a sip
Let it slip.
The gate you keep
Meet by it, and there betwixt
Cup your back and catch like wick
Your laugh like sparks
Your lips like gusts
On grass lain all summer parched
Let it slip
Let it slip
With ringed fingertips
Over your shoulders
And down from your hip
Let it slip.

Shrapnel no. 22

The sky is a grimy sheep
And the street full of clowns
In tumbling, that wiggle
Down the windows in jumbled
Paths and splash punchlines
All the way from the endless
Blank stage above.
The street is full of clowns
Telling stories of love.

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Double or quits

Double or quits
Double or quits
That's how you become a troubled
Gambling addict
With the hope of a lift
Throwing more down the pit
Then you soar when you claw back
The smallest of gifts.

Double or quits
Double or quits
When you're all in a bubble
And the wrecking ball hits
When one moment you're rich
Then its thrown down the ditch
Taking double or quits
Double or quits

When what you wrote brings a writ
That fan spread hot shit
But your pen pounds and pours down
Like mounds more bars might just drown it.
Thinking double or quits
Double or quits.

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Shrapnel No. 47

The sun on my pen makes it a beak
Swilling krill through the bright lake
In swirls, across the ledge, shadows
Edge in drifts as curtains think of England.
They're talking about the parking space again
More politely now in tones that hide
The squabble over territory
And then sirens like a paint bucket thrown
And someone thinks they funk
Then just soft growls and the siren
Comfortingly distant.

Shrapnel no.65

They take spring lambs too young
Buds touched by frost grow flowers with a twist
The caged bird sings a cruder song
Chicks fall to hawks ere they fly the nest.
For there are men of force
Who so desire beauty
But fear its addiction more.

How the fear and the power felt
The spoiled reward of shame and guilt
Four pillars that, great St. Peter's built.
Fired like this, what warmth would melt?
For among us all
There are those who so desire love
But fear its addiction more.

Epistle to addicted pussle

Cat, puss, wustle, woodly woodly wuss
Whatever be your name
What is it you wish
That makes your tail swish
That makes you cupboards brush
That makes you whine and fuss
What is it you wish?
Not this dish of fish? Not beef
Or lamb or bread in milky mush
All left untouched
And yet you fuss and swish
Come over from the neighbours house
I'm only guessing which
What is it you wish for?
Whiskas crack biscuits? Ah yes
What's in this? Nip?
Cat smack that racks your naps
With thoughts of crunchy rock.
Ah wuss, Ah wuss
You wish a dish of fix
What war on drugs.
I wonder what's in this?

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

The Socialist Revolution

Let me tell you something about the socialist revolution
It happened. While you were sleeping
It happened when workplace terminals came creeping
It happened when the computer came home
It's happened. That's why you check your phone.

It happened with satellites and fibre optics
Computer chips, when the internet replaced television
It happened with the collapse of communism
It happened when stocks stopped being about dividends
When you no longer had to make things
To get rich, just three guys with an app and a pitch
Capital factories high and dry as they put it online
And you pay for bandwidth to reproduce all that.

It happened with SourceForge, Linux, Apache
When geeks united across time and space
According to their ability, to write software
According to your need. Indeed
It happened with the advent of cyrpto-currency.
It happened. But maybe not quite as envisioned.
While you were sleeping.

It happened when you became valued for your data
When they started giving 99% free
To sell you 1% later.
Are you're awake now?

When with a big bang the banks flopped
You woke up, and saw there was a problem
Went to the cook-book and called it
Capitalism, Nationalism, Liberalism
But the revolution had happened
And all the mud you slung got no traction.

As you cried “Burn capitalists”
But capitalists had turned to taxes
And burning cash in Silicon fire pits.

As you cried “Worker's rights”
But workers are nowhere in sight
And electric power runs robots all night.

Friday, September 01, 2017

Tank remix II.III

In the low ceiling crypt
Where they chose to gather
The etched and rounded brick
Thows a mesh of shadows
With candlelit plot soup thick
She waxes again, like sips
Of hot coffee, water.
Energy courses as tips
In spring force through dark earth
Bulb to light, flip state switch
Kite born over the sea
She feels free for sprouting
Throughout the estuary
She still carrying her
Physical memory
And will not be waylayed
On road to them, she found
A way, there are others
And dozens of others
Who will be a band in
Waves and light, uncovered
Chorus of voices unite.
Fight gave purpose afresh
They were not the usual
Superfluous flesh.

I won't explain

I won't explain
And you won't ask
Cracked vase in the aftermath
The over watered pot
The mucus covered calving
Sentences. Things I just forgot.

I won't explain
When paint runs
The current flow
At surface and at depth
I didn't think that fag was lit
Didn't pour that drink.

I won't explain
A whisper's touch.
Spray breaking upon bare rock
Bamboo shaken in a gust
Gravity lost in rolling surf.

I won't explain.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tanks remix

It was after the funeral
The tears and the drone. After
She'd gone up the hill. Near her
A young man came across tilled field
Covered in sulphur from head to toe
Gave her physical memory, will
And said to her, “You are not so

These are their addresses and history
Their branching and probable destinies.”

There in the files the man had names
Important names, hers, others
His. History, chains, more. Their
Foot snaps a branch and paths fork, part
From then on whatever occurs
She'd kiss an obituary. Walk
To the field where she first heard

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The window

In the rain, walled in by clay shades
And the scattered brick that repeats in rooves
Breaking spumes of green, this framed scene
Is the stuff of epics, snow blind boredom
Of escapes and flights. Yoked madness
And demons beaten like sled dogs till they drag
Some words, from the whisper of car wheels
In spray, from the soft pat of footsteps
Kissed by moist concrete. With this
Turbulent pot of spider stocked molten soup
Thick with all that's caught between Colombia
Canaria, East India, flies swarm, drawn
To the sweet rot, scent of piled corpse and sacrifice
The old headstones stacked like index cards
Against the moss stippled yard wall
Of St. Someone's church by the flats,
That sits locked like it or god forgot;
To the sediment of the anthropocene
The rich alluvial deposits of longitude
Of law, the first thawings of power's grasp
And what jungles grew, what jungles of souls
Where cut, chainsawn to planks
By the strong arms of freedom, shipping rope
And sails stretched like spider silk past sunset
And the clay shaded walls left
As testament, as embers and magnets
This horizon of stacked brick and rain
Is the stuff of epics. It's plain.

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Blueprint for the revolution I and II

It has to be leaderless
As we understand the risks. Power corrupts
Dopamine makes fiends of Kings and Queens
Makes schooled folly and bullies
Makes a mass, a forest from trees and the rest of us.

The attraction of hierarchy, addiction
Of our institutions,
Manacled to mammalian mating patterns
As natural as they are arbitrary.
Did the enlightenment ever happen?
This great hubris of humanity.
We ape gods.

It has to be leaderless
Poly-centric, poly-archy, poly-anna
Democratically selected technocrats and planners
In a structure of proper etiquette and manners.
That is, checks, gibbets and balance.
Connected and injected with
All affecting the manor.

It has to be leaderless
A network that gets the best work
Tests first, then iterates
Builds and communicates all that is great.

It has to be leaderless.


It has to be transparent
Infinitely perspicacious
Clearer than water
Clearer than glass

It has to be like optics and maps
Like microscopes, telescopes
Stethoscopes for every bloke
To slice and dice
Comb out vices, ticks and lice.

It has to be so transparent
That the path of every penny
Is crystal clearly apparent.
Every signatory and functionary
Every spreadsheet and file
Every phone number dialed
It has to be transparent.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Blueprint. Pyramids

We stand before Pyramids
We stand beneath pyramids built of wires
Built of cargo ships and computation
Built of our venerated law and custom.

That heave from deserts, where the band plays on
Upon the wreckage of old certainties
Upon famished, unwashed, terrified pleas
On legal instruments, players play on.

Watching seasons of reflected sun
On the gold crowned apex, as at Cheops
When the Nile flooded with slave bodies
When the mind budded with new found signs
When Egyptians learned how to split one
Into fractions and built pyramids.

There is no gold atop the pyramids at Cheops.

Their gods long since submerged by grains of sand
Their temples swept by grains of sand and lost
Their dead tongued edicts shorn of old meaning
The broken bodies of their carved idols
Like the scattered jigsaw of a crime scene
We could not begin to know
How to worship Pharaohs now.

We stand before our Pyramids, gold crowned
The gold cap atop Cheops long torn down.

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Blue print for the revolution. Intro

Let's get it on, stop pretending
That we're stuck in the days
Of typewriters and pens
Bookends and postmen.
Just stop pretending.

Stop offering wooden soles not rubber treads
Stop offering fruit picking instead of bread.
Stop saying pigs can't fly.
We've a dozen ways to make pigs fly.

I'm not calling for a bit more for the poor
For men to do house chores
Or to let live and ignore.
I'm calling for all these old walls to fall.

For the cathedrals and palaces
To be redecorated, reconsecrated
For the entire architecture to be updated
I am not the only one frustrated.

Each election is an  affront
A front of rubber stamps and shackled tyranny
It's obvious when you understand it
Parliamentary democracy
Is premised on poor bandwidth.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Cherry groves

In these high days the fruit trees bow so low
Cypriot tankard 18th century BC

The cherry spreads its sweep to brush soft pates
Of shrouded idlers slumbered through the grove
Above hand's rest hang all the jewels to sate
Any appetite.

                     Why scale the smooth ringed trunk
When there is fruit to hand to make you sick
Ripe fruit to hand to get you giddy drunk
And baskets brim from catch of beaten sticks.

Would it be greed to leave this tussock
Reach like apes, curious amongst the branch
To push and pull the lush sweet summer luck
Or derelict to spurn these gifts, this chance.

What paths to muse, lain prone in cherry groves
With windfall presents, these sweet merry odes.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Power to the people

Iraq. Early Dynastic. pot 2800BC

When they cried 'power to the people'
They didn't mean it.
Just a them and us confrontation
Against power's concentration.
But it was people that had power.

Now they mean it. Increasingly
We will say it and mean it
Against the unceasing creep of invisible webs
Networks and algorithms in people's stead.

Computers are blind to the streets
Blind to banners,  deaf to demos and chants
Algorithms do not have to face
Their children, their uncles and aunts.

When we cry power to the people
We will mean it.

Thursday, July 06, 2017

We, myself and I

So this guy, who I've never met
But connect with over digi shit
From keyboard skirmish in some debate
Pops up on messenger to ask
Who are you?
And I'm like, wait.....?

I am at least 43% bacteria
Who are not me, who do not share my DNA
Governed by linked Eukaryotes
That hold at least some sway.

So who are we, this team
Bounded in a lipid skin
That processes all this data
From without, within?

A nested complex system
Fractal departure in fractal set
A mobile arc for DNA
Electro-chemical and wet.

An optic set of stories
And culture that I've sponged
A city built on many towns
Foundations, deep, unknown.

I am all those I know
And how I know them too
The other teams of storied cells
A node in the Ubuntu.

The Greeks will tell I'm an immortal soul
Ever true like maths
That there is one unchanging me
If I mill through all the chaff.

But if I'm an equation
Then it is one non-linear
The answer made each moment new
With situation and parameter.

For I am not that three year old
Or that young man of twenty
To go chasing after some true self
Is just a quest that's empty.

I am not me ten years back
Or even yesterday
And I am not who I will be
Even later on today.

I am we, is what we find
The more sciene probes
For there is at least one self
In each temporal lobe.

There are neurons
In my heart and gut
Not just in my head
And chemicals that change
With every book I 've read.

Chemicals that change
If on my head they place a crown
Or bind me in shackles chained
In prison, beaten down.

Chemicals that change
If love holds me for a time
Or I run a marathon
Or live on nout but limes.

I have understandings
From animals extinct and dead
And understandings from unique genius
Like Einstein, in my head.

I'm a complex adaptive system
That mills meanings as I be
And even by this evening
I'll be a different form of we.

Saturday, July 01, 2017

She is a survivor

Be kind to her
Even if she has grown to wear the crown
Be kind.

Soon after birth she broke
Murdering family, self-harm
Long before the uncle appeared
Be kind to her.

Acount the infant trauma
Questions and pictures of hurt youth
Frozen at heart to know no path
Away from these vexed complexes
Rooted in past and tangled in her hair.
Treat her with kindness and care.

She still walks with stars in her eyes
Still dreams, still streams with tears
And screams, still finds the same faults
Can't stitch the torn seams
Still fights the guilt, clings to toys
Pulls up the quilt. Still cannot help
But see the pictures of those young eyes.

Still caught in recriminations and hate
Asking the same questions she asked then
Young questions from a long held crown.
Confounded in the same debates
From the 1860s
Darwin, Melanin, Socialism or Liberalism
Like she'll never move on, be kind to her
America, her civil war
Survivor of childhood trauma.