Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The window

In the rain, walled in by clay shades
And the scattered brick that repeats in rooves
Breaking spumes of green, this framed scene
Is the stuff of epics, snow blind boredom
Of escapes and flights. Yoked madness
And demons beaten like sled dogs till they drag
Some words, from the whisper of car wheels
In spray, from the soft pat of footsteps
Kissed by moist concrete. With this
Turbulent pot of spider stocked molten soup
Thick with all that's caught between Colombia
Canaria, East India, flies swarm, drawn
To the sweet rot, scent of piled corpse and sacrifice
The old headstones stacked like index cards
Against the moss stippled yard wall
Of St. Someone's church by the flats,
That sits locked like it or god forgot;
To the sediment of the anthropocene
The rich alluvial deposits of longitude
Of law, the first thawings of power's grasp
And what jungles grew, what jungles of souls
Where cut, chainsawn to planks
By the strong arms of freedom, shipping rope
And sails stretched like spider silk past sunset
And the clay shaded walls left
As testament, as embers and magnets
This horizon of stacked brick and rain
Is the stuff of epics. It's plain.

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