Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Blueprint. Pyramids

We stand before Pyramids
We stand beneath pyramids built of wires
Built of cargo ships and computation
Built of our venerated law and custom.

That heave from deserts, where the band plays on
Upon the wreckage of old certainties
Upon famished, unwashed, terrified pleas
On legal instruments, players play on.

Watching seasons of reflected sun
On the gold crowned apex, as at Cheops
When the Nile flooded with slave bodies
When the mind budded with new found signs
When Egyptians learned how to split one
Into fractions and built pyramids.

There is no gold atop the pyramids at Cheops.

Their gods long since submerged by grains of sand
Their temples swept by grains of sand and lost
Their dead tongued edicts shorn of old meaning
The broken bodies of their carved idols
Like the scattered jigsaw of a crime scene
We could not begin to know
How to worship Pharaohs now.

We stand before our Pyramids, gold crowned
The gold cap atop Cheops long torn down.

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