Friday, February 17, 2017

All I can think of is you

I wanted to write a piece about
How free movement of capital
Allows the evasion of national regulations
And political control
Piling up mile high guarded mountains of gold
But all I can think of is you.

I wanted to write a piece about
How the value of networks being a function of their size
Combines with the weightless economy
And digital goods to facilitate global monopolies
That bleed the world dry,
Feeding small pools of leeches
In Seattle offices
But all I can think of is the time
You wore gothic eye makeup with silver studs.

I wanted to write about
How all encompassing property rights
Within a system of profit incentives encourages
Rent extraction of our common heritage
Co-opting distributed pillage
Like a virus defiling the planet
But my mind is filled with the image
Of you in a white bonnet with flowers and beau lace
And all I can think of is you.

I wanted to write
A polemic about how the efficacy and endemic limits
Of bureaucratic administration creates a situation
Where government is buckling under its own weight.
How the width at the base determines
A pyramid's safe height
But my mind
Keeps going back to that fight we had on the stairs.

I wanted to write about
How surpassed nationalism is floundering
Due the decimation of capital cost of broadcast.
The geography of communication fields bequeathed
By Mongolian, North Atlantic and Islamic imperialism
In comparison to our border being a hundred miles
But all I can think of is
You brushing your hair
From your smile, compassionate, confused.

I wanted to write about intellectual property
As a simple conceptual heresy against
The inherent advantages of humanity, GNU
The defence of Academy to protect
The intellectual future of our race as the task
Of the present generation to gift.

About the necessity of using our freedom
To develop new institutions, forms of cooperation
Demonstrative architectures of distribution
And possible uses of blockchain for value inclusion.
I wanted to write about a new Rochdale
But I fail
Cos my mind is locked on the picture
Of coloured string in your pigtails
And all I can think of is you.

I wanted to write about
Transnational communication, the evolution
And creation of new communal identities
The necessary inabilities of global hierarchy
Against mathematically proven efficiency
And resilience of networks meaning
Their dominance is given
And consequent logical implications for feminism.
But all I can think of is your spinning hem
And feet,
A second of silence after when our eyes meet
And your whites, wide, just for moment
Tell me.
All I can think of is you.

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