Blueprint for the revolution - draft


We stand before Pyramids
We stand beneath pyramids built of wires
Built of cargo ships and computation
Built of our venerated law and custom.

That heave from deserts, where the band plays on
Upon the wreckage of old certainties
Upon famished, unwashed, terrified pleas
On legal instruments, players play on.

Watching seasons of reflected sun
On the gold crowned apex, as at Cheops
When the Nile flooded with slave bodies
When the mind budded with new found signs
When Egyptians learned how to split one
Into fractions and built pyramids.

There is no gold atop the pyramids at Cheops.

Their gods long since submerged by grains of sand
Their temples swept by grains of sand and lost
Their dead tongued edicts shorn of old meaning
The broken bodies of their carved idols
Like the scattered jigsaw of a crime scene
We could not begin to know
How to worship Pharaohs now.
We stand before our Pyramids, gold crowned
The gold cap atop Cheops long torn down.


You are a butterfly, carbon fibre
You, yes you. No lie
To say your wingbeat
May cause hurricanes
In the course of flight
Resonate and amplify
Sweep flat all built overnight.

You are a rock in the river
The current altered by your mass
We are all rocks in the river
Together shape its flow and course.

See this vast chamber
Roofed by satellites
Your cry will echo in this great hall
Of linked marionettes
That dance in chaos
Each leg pulling on another leg
Nodding and then wagging heads
The ripples in the current spread
The questioned begged
Who tugged the first, starting string?
Why some butterfly's, passing wing.

Know this truth
That rises from our enacted scripture
The god, Market, hears you when you pray
When you perform plastic rituals
It is moved.
The spiders high in the rafters of the web
They see you. Your every move
Moves them.

Tell them of the change you are
Tell them what your heart declaims
You, a carbon fibre butterfly
Your wingbeat causes hurricanes.


Know there is but one single rule to them.
Glass windows broken, locks crowbarred wrecked
Tall fences and high walls are no object.
To those, the desperate and demon driven
They take like they've right
Sell cheap to escape
To their heavenly and happy haven.

Them, demon willed
The mendacity of alcoholism
The puffed bravado and cruel thuggery
Of balance blind drunks, still bottle draining
The arrogance of cocaine, closed vision
The violence, loudest of all voices
With the busy unquenched lust to return
Quest back, to festering crack house. The den
Scoured of every object but vice
Detritus, cans, smashed glass and ash
All the rest sold off.
And quest back

The same dopamine pathway
Pleasure kick
Personhood long lost in lust for a fix
The spirit of reused needles, criminal
Minded, possessed, demon tools
In addict ridden halls of power
In the Pyramids and Ivory Towers.

The same pathway
Each dose deadening receptors
The next fix must be bigger, and bigger
Till drunk on power, crazed, addicted
Till veins scream for needles, hands shake
For drink. There is no rule they will not break

They must be institutionalised, like the Priory
In high security, watched round the clock
Till cured, and we can be sure
They are safe
To return to the society.


Let's talk about how the germs get in
The parasites and virus
On the matchstick frail and weakened limbs.
Leeches latch on among us
Who wade the muddy current waist deep
Up to our neck, the choicest.
Bully the hungry and short on sleep
On those who work the hardest
Carry most
That's where parasites will find a host.

When broken in, to broken body
Then they multiply again
Begin, select vectors to infect
The whole flock till every sheep
Is sick with ticks. “We gave you freedom”
All the grass you could ever need
Emaciated. So many mouths
To feed.
That's how germs get in and louse.

Influenzas, to name some
Kill the old and kill the young
Knock off all the bottom rungs
Then see how long they have to run.

T-Cells only recognise
After the infections come
The broken fragments of a virus
Make an innoculation.

Germs will still get in unless
We can recognise the parasite
And every body old and young
Has the strength to fight.


We have built oceans in the sky
Glass bottomed that gleam in the sun
They are clouded, the keels of yachts
The slow whales, swift sharks visible
When the clouds part.

The great imperial locks and seals
The black bitumen seams that sweat
High vaulted walls, their narrow shore
The face of safe doors that perspire
Condensation on the steel skin
Creaking gaskets of old money
Dripping. Where the great pipes empty
In a Niagra, spray rises
High into the air and some winds
Set the waves to lap in thin cascades.
There are waterways in the sky
That we have built. Modern pipework
Like the Westbourne over Sloane Square
Canals that sluice, spaghetti mesh
Fairground wheels and yes
It trickles down.

Trickles in increasingly fickle
And unsettled rivulets through deserts
Carcasses, the bones of asses in the dirt
Reapers sickles over wishes, this dearth
Of liquid.
Hackney Brook, hundred foot wide at the Lea
The Tyburn, that Windsor's throne stole as rest
The Fleet with quays, carved Farringdon valley
Are cased in concrete tunnels under us
Like spent mine shafts, the hewn veins once precious.

Hidden in Byzatine marble jungle
The York stone Baobabs with termite blocks
With ants, the concrete mangroves
Where the call of soot stained statues and tin rats
The penguins and the parrot carouses
Hidden here amid ceremony and veneration.
Are the great pump houses.

Gargantuan pipes, the old hide replaced
By copper, by stainless, in a forest
Concrete towers like a tall coal furnace
The spinning whirlpool
The suction mouths of graft, quotas, licence
Empty all liquid from vast depressions
The great motors turning, bound in velum
Bolted tight with torts. Gearing and levers
Whirring din of paper bladed turbines
With the power of language and routine
The monumental PSI
To force this liquid
To vast oceans in the sky.

The velum casks that bind the pumps are rotting
If they were to rupture, burst
And all this liquidity flood upon the common
A thousand flowers. The Flamingoes would return
And elephant and ibis. The whales in the sky
And sharks, yachts would beach upon glass bottoms
And watch the earth's innumerable flowers
There are oceans in the sky
That take PSI and power.


Silk bussel, silvered mirror and wig
She thought leavened eggs
Sugar, risen golden baked,was cake
A hall of silver mirrors and lace.

With a common touch,
Grease fingered and muddied
They called pie
Higher, with deeper slices
Stories tall sliver of filling
Steaming via the podium
From some nation's womb
And it's news.
Pie is how we organise sunshine.

Calm at the eye of the storm, cake
A gyre spread across continents
Wrath or bounty in a wing's breath
Bodies of men and women, steel hoppers
The wheels of lorries, docking ships
Hands in chain across dimensions
Plane brake smoke on bitumen
Cake is not the the thing in the tin
Cake is how we organise sunshine.

Certain as it rises
Balance a pyramid on pin
Set head after tail, after head
After wing, after leaf, after blade,
After photon..
Alfafa, Cock's foot and Timothy
Concentrate blue grass to cream
Organise worms to custard
Box sunshine in steel and ship it
From under the watchful eye of Christ
To glass mountains
Soya beans marching like Napoleon
Rivers be dammed, greenhouses
Built on sand. Blood on the walls
Blood in the drains, for Pie.
This is how we organise sunshine.


The bones of magic, dead enchanted things.

From the ground the tops look like needle tips
Gaudi's skyscrapers in seperate estates
So high they penetrate the atmosphere
Take the measure of stars.
Golden fire reflects off ivory like a beacon
After the sun's moved on to other lands
And from the high windowed panopticon
You can see all below like satellites,
In days and seasons when the weather's right
Though mostly all is fluffy candyfloss
Bright cottonwool of brilliant white,
Tracking the sight of storms wet eyes
In the pure unbroken cover of the sky.
Yet when it's clear
The earthbound look like black mustard seeds
Spilled from a jar
Cities like scars, you see no nations
From space. In the stacked cream. Right at the top
You cannot hear a scream.

Stretching up to the sun,
The stolen bones of slain enchanted things
Undone. Narwhale, elephant and unicorn
Space scratching scaffold of tusk and horn,
With balconies, with walkways and turrets
Through the troposhphere. And here
At the base, you can still see blood on the tusks
Dried black and brown and inside a prison
Countless incarcerated, trussed
And bound in cloth, leather, card
Shut cramped like slave ships
Billions of crushed trees branded
And silenced like dissidents.

With a telescope you will see space suits
Weaving a lattice of tusks, for ever more shelves
The cells of knowledge, the labrynth of crannies
The walls of these towers built of prisoners
Built of creativity and dissent.
Light and glass. With light and glass
They can be free, shake their cracked binds
Fly from between the tusks and horns
Like a snowstorm,
Like a typhoon of finches, hummingbird and butterfly.
Each carve it's own netsuke.
And let the pages live among the trees,
Live in cities on the rooftops and parks
Eat seed from the meadows and
Drop the letters of their brandings as they throng
So the streets and fields grow flush with wisdom.

The silos in the stratosphere are no good use of bones
Of the lives of elephants and unicorns
Of fishing magic beasts in arctic waters.
These seperate towers into space when we can fly.
When we have an international station there
Above ivory towers rising high into the air.


Those that pass through walls, the halls, courts unseen
That raise the terrified from their sleep
The rustling papers, the forms of dead
In screens, smiling, seductive, that lurk
The fridge, dark shadows, the laundry machine
That haunt the story high fonts of our streets.
Do you dress in my mind of them?
Do you believe in them?

Do you wake, dress and wash at ghost's behest
You, of solid flesh, by borders bound
And steel word of law. They pass through walls.
Your desk they pace and press the circled clock
Between your blades, to find a spine
Pushing honey up the twine, 
String lines to marionettes.
Putting money in your pocket.
Do you buy old rope from ghosts?

Do you sacrifice
The pennies, hours, sensibilities and principal
For the invisible
Look your brother in the eye and lie
Steal, turn people from the door
Over to the law for the undead unseen
For the rustling papers
Would you operate ovens
For ghosts?

Crates and paper travel like the poltergeists are puppeteers
The chill hand inhuman
A morality of Gyges, picking the pumphouse lock
Come by, and whistles. The crook.
The dead with unfinished business
Some functionary faked the paper for a cheque
Fiddled while the world burnt. Banal concerns.
The furniture is gone, the railroad and pipes
The miracles of yestyear's endeavour
In flames devoured. They gather
In a semi-circle and rub their hands
Stretch their formless palms towards the flames
Solid flesh blisters, yet ghosts cannot get warm.

Uniformed armies at their beck
Daily ford the river, daily scale walls
Battle blind and raging at their foe
Who cannot see the war
Yet blood let, pillage and enfief their fellow ape 
The corn we tend, the nightingale. From far, far off
With a bottle top taken as a token to a wraith
You choked the albatross.
Do you believe in ghosts?

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