Sunday, February 19, 2017


At the end of the night
I expect to be hurt
Not by a fight
Or the flight of a skirt

But the pang of the hooks
Pulling on twine
From some backward look
Long lost in time.

In my organs they bite
Zig-zag snagged line
All caught up tight
In the brambles behind.

My kilter all faltering
Taught lines pitch up short
And I find myself baltering
Between barrels of oughts.

Sideways is pain
And back seems ok
But forward I strain
And hooks rip and flay.

Somewhere, someone has scissors
For a dagger carapaced back
To cut lines so they quiver
And fall shung and slack.

Then maybe, just maybe
Berries I'll find
Following lines over my shoulder
To the brambles of mind.

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