Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Venerable Should

In the Understood Wood
In the Foothills of Good
Lives a beast known
As the Venerable Should

With two hundred heads
And a great sense of smell
The Venerable Should
Is often unwell.

For with two hundred heads
It has two hundred minds
And they don't all agree
All of the time.

So as one is given
To climb up a tree
Then another is given
To burrow beneath

And it furrows the brow
Of those in between
A hundred howls echo
Through the glimmering green

For a Should could do this
And Should could do that
You will often see Shoulds
Going forward and back.

And sometimes its coat
Is a big fuzzy ball
And sometimes it molts
And is clean cut and small.

And if you see one
You sometimes can't tell
For the Venerable Should
Changes colour as well.

Sometimes its brown mottled
And brushed into the green
At others, pink polka dot
That cannot be unseen.

One head likes to fish
And stay down by the river
Another gets colds
Its nose all a quiver

And yet another
Will eat only fruit
And the next one along
Likes Trivial Pursuit.

And they all think that they're right
And they generally are
But the Venerable Should
Seldom strays far.

For with two hundred heads
And four hundred eyes
That it is often confused
Is no great suprise.

In the Foothills of Good
The chorus of Should
Is sometimes seen chasing
For Ifs and for Woulds.

And rarely, when the stars
Are all in correct sections
The two hundred heads
Face one direction

Then, in the Understood Wood
In the Foothills of Good
Goes trotting forward
The Venerable Should.

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