Monday, June 05, 2017

Man chats flaff

What spoonful of sorrow do you bring
Exchange it for medicine
Tell me where your heart weighs
My ear yours always, in all ways.

This is not you, sweet enchantment
Can't be, but for how you are an apogee
Of every man's hope and dream
Seeming or unseemly.
No, this is not thee.
In all your sweet revrie, wise liberty
Your care, and he might wish to love you
But the full you he does not dare.
Only in your form and shape
That adverts of our heaven ape
But shys from your sweet spell
Too enriching to wish escape.
The only freedom in your following.

Do you not know you are more than diamonds.
Have I failed you?
More than the sun's gold good bye
I haven't failed you have I.
Some years since our summer, close
But more than most,
More than any other, almost
You colour my idea of love
I colour my idea of love
From the outlines that you left on me.
Your laugh, your wit, my sweet revrie.

Forgive me
If I think I learnt
Something of the art you taught
Learnt in lonliness, an acupuncture of intimacy
Learnt in sweat where love maps to skin
Forgive, my belief
That you need to be loved easily
Like brushing your teeth.
Like sketches in ink.
Like casserole.
Your relief mapped in touch and breath
Forgive, if you left expecting any less.

Let me risk this one disappointment
You can't expect most to match your depth
To see what you see in this world and the hearts of men
See beyond how they themselves can with all reflection
You tend the garden well,
Each grows its own direction to your sun.
The way I loved you for so long as a canvas for projection.
One of the cleverest men in Britain once said to me
Another level of understanding is needed for explanation.
You in gifts explain the art of love by demonstration.

And if he wears you too full of care.
Call, I'll tell you that I love you, and ever are my pride
And that for every verse I write
There's a hundred men a tongue tied.
He might want to love you, but love you he doesn't dare
Leave him to rue and learn, go drop hankerchief on Mayfair.

Sunday, June 04, 2017

Vote giant vampire squid

Vote giant vampire squid
Because squid will eat your kids.
Squid will suck out your face
And label you a disgrace
For not having enough flesh to

Vote squid
Squid will efficiently
Juice every nook and cranny
Squeezing out every last penny
From any pocket.
Squid will beat the small man down
Squid will beat the medium man down too
Give squid your vote
Because squid will fit universal catheters to pipes
And juice your shit on remote.

Squid will pat fat cats and
Eichmann's Jerusalem enablers
Relax in tax havens
And make you play catch for crumbs
Squid will presume you're that dumb.

Vote squid
Because squid will liquidate our common heritage
For a couple of quid

Vote squid
A monster you can trust
To suck out your face
And leave you a dried husk.

Saturday, June 03, 2017

Those other loves

Would you ever accept being fourth
Worry of other loves
Worry that at night
I was stealing the message of your touch
For Erato,
That I was saving my feelings for Calliope,
Or that I sang for some other better
Greying that I only wanted you
For your resonance, for sentences
Could you ever forgive leaving you alone
For a sonnet.

Friday, June 02, 2017


Candle light
My jet, you make the page so bright
And yet, I know you can't requite,
Reciprocate a love like this
Don't fret 
You make the page so bright.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

I spoil her

We shall go to the sea late summer
When a faraway storm brings waves
When moon is waxen yellow and low
And all the sky is a nave.

We shall go to sea late summer
When the air is a syrup of blooms
When the air is an oven of slumber
And all the shore is a room.

The waves will be our whispers
And all we have to tell
The waves will be our cradle
In the frolick of the swell

We shall taste salt on skin
Salt upon our mouths
Salt upon the air that swims
On the shores of the seas of the south

We shall go to the sea late summer
Without gravity or edge
Without the trappings of fashion
With nothing that needs to be said.

We shall go to the sea late summer
When a faraway storm brings waves
When the moon is waxen yellow and low
We shall go to the sea and be saved.

Monday, May 08, 2017

Make me an honest man

Make me on honest man
This tongue of mine so lose and free
For I believe there's one who can
Carry this rich hyperbole.

Would you make me an honest man
I have such sweet, fine things to say
So few who gently understand
These words so often throwaway.

Oh, let me shower them on you
In whispered passion or sweet jest
Be one to make these words ring true
Make them not lies upon my chest.

If I should say that in your eye
Is all beauty one soul could bear
Could you make this not some coarse lie
Oh, make me honest if you care.

Were I to call your touch divine
Could you make that phrase ring true
Whisper you've a heart so kind
Could you make that truthful too.

If I sung there's nothing better
Than to spend my days with you
Would your spirit make the letter
Of this commandment ever true.

Oh love make me an honest man
How sweet nothings flow from my lips
And rising flames they unseen fan
This careful tongue so often slips

And with it words slip to your soul
Like diamonds on your heart to hold
To speak in lies does leave me cold
Oh, make me an honest man.

I only wish to hold your hand
And sweet nothing seeds to flower
Would you make me an honest man
So rare that one has the power.

Thoughts of a grey day

Well, I guess it's a mess
Frayed trust is a hard set to adjust
All static
I can't ask you to do this
The edges of my cover
In lose filaments, the weave
Fading, unbraiding and disordered
Caught on the less populated edges
Like the first dogs
I must mutate to stomach
The rubbish, fed with rubbish
And fed up, to the gills.
These storms of mind worsen
There have always been squalls
Burnt carbon, methane
Now they are hurricanes
And the thick black pall
Hangs on the horizon for seasons
The only deliverance is mutation
Controlled cell growth under this light
Adaptation. The lodger left the toilet broken
My ex got drunk and pulled the guest
Of all, I know not what should be spoken
This frayed blanket is a mess.

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Obama,history may see you as black

For America,
Obama, you were a great act
A mixed descent Kenyan
American of melted origin
But heritage, will see you as black.

In Damascus
They will see you as black
In Tripoli and Cairo
They will see you as black.

And all those in the Umma
With their homes on their backs
Well, they might just too
See you as black.

100 years since the Kaiser
Put Lenin on a train
The oil fields in flames
And your closer
The foreign legacy
Was a right Turkey.

You sold yourself so short

In memory of Ted Hughes

You deserved it
Outside the great court
After all our courtship
You sold yourself short
So short
Too cautious, so obvious
You chose less risk
Thinking it was safe
That he would never see you lit,
To turn your back on changing sea
And boat your passions on a lake.

Do you pretend
For a second
That I could not have made that conflict quicken
As you scurried sticky
Under the Plane trees.
I let you shrink
Not worth the ring
Not the worth the mink.

We pretended
Long after it all went awry
When you became offended
That I said your mother had surrendered
In Kent, to defeat.
And I became offended
That you couldn't think on your feet.

You can carry on pretending.
You won't forget me
Or forgive yourself
For missing out on love
However old you grow.
I saw your wedding photos
Who were you thinking of, what
That day?

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Old bailey

Even best friends
Unquestioning companions

The stone falls
To the well
And echoes tell
Measurements beyond sight.

Memory is the last
Wish it be a brook
Fond visted
That washes smooth
Edged rock to pebbles
Like round vowels.

Even those we treasure
And best friends
Beyond our sight
And help us measure.

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Sunday vanished in the small box
Of ungodly hours
It was tryptch
A playfighting winter finished shift
And donned civvies, he said, widishins
I am too full of magic, too full of hex
To leave these streets, so empty.

Painted in earthen shades of London
Bi-curious and fluid in language
And youth in the low hall, undecorated
With the thick rimmed blind
And a set grey man who recalled
The fields of Athenry
They span happy in between
My glazed eyes wishing these
Good futures
Hair dye, simple questions and self-doubt
The finding out
Carved in stone somewhere far down the Nile
A likeness and they said they had no purpose
In a back street somewhere past New-Cross
So we walked off to another bus.


It was tryptch.
The first frame left we heard on a bus
We had witnessed someone famous
Under lights that lit only the mind
Of epileptics, it took us to a place
Where everyone wears fame their own way
Down streets lost Sunday scant
The market like an empty bath
And scraped to where
A whisp of smokers jittered
Behind crowd barriers, shoulders
Shaped like hung marionettes
In the deep night and a great
Obsidian obelisk grinned
Wider than the narrow gate.

Curly locked, compact she caught apples
And let lament in arches and pirouettes
She needed him behind the bar
The other, later by the traffic island
Who left blushing in a hired car
Bi-curious and fluid in language
Sunday had vanished
But we were unaware.
Circling, waiting for a bus.


It was tryptch
Hair shirt, she had given everything she had away
In pleas for goodness and treasured
Cigarette filters as her draw
For apple eyes. Cigarette filters for a bed.

Under arc lights, at the interchange, dehumanised
Made stranger by batteries of concrete
Bank vaults that rose from the clean tarmac sea
Like some new White Cliffs.
The cranes that lift us lit with red lights
In this blind dome night we could only miss
The silver arc across velvet sky
That might have made a wish.

At dawn, I was in the suburbs my mother
Would warn me of when she returned on her bike
The old Pit lay on the soft bag with fear in his eye
Tumours like tennis balls under his skin
In the vacuum of grief, she was gaunt
As if the chair in which she rested for years
Was electric. It was obvious why
They didn't take him to die and he lay
Scared, in the thin strip, bright, and almost warm
He could not understand
And I could not help
Other than to not block the March light.

Tryptch. To the bus, we stumbled a fresh
Gambol at the miracle birth of spring.

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Back lit crit

And the stalker says
"I bought you wild berry jam for breakfast"
And a wall of texts, calling you a bitch
Some graphics
Depicting threats.
You're narcissistic, an accurate
To expect.
How twisted is this shit?

"Who's Paula?
She's a great actress"
Tried to force her way past
After knocking on the glass
"She told me the house
Belongs to Sven.
You're narcissistic.
I said you had a girlfriend."

"I live just round the corner
With my boyfriend"
The stalker said when we met
In the pub, "I left him on the spot".
She said. "I'm just round the corner".
She says.

That's the rub.


Eros infects with back lit ire.
What we hold close we clothe
Throwing our own shadow
If the light's not right. The danger
In spite of intimacy
Calumny and slight
On raised sights we hope might guide us.

How common is this?
To list the defects
Of that which we would call love
And project
Blind that we're backlit
Throwing our own waste
At Them, smothered in our silhouette?


I didn't know the lodger was back
Till I went down to check
"Thank you and could I apologise 
For all of that." I said.
"She kept calling me Paula"
She said.

Sunday, March 05, 2017


I'll be an artist, you be a survivor
You can live and let live
I'll live and spread fertiliser.

Thursday, March 02, 2017


Why desire
Peturbance, initial volition
With desire
Those missions and force meaningful
But learn that nights will be cold
If you don't travel from here.
A fear of failed crops
That hapless harpist at harvest
But know this
Without walls built to store grain
The swiftest reaper suffers rot from rain.
A silo for ears
Like beehive stone huts that dot
The med, the North Atlantic shores.

And paint
Not walls in monochrome, but sails wide
And note there is no colour in the pallette
That you can touch to another
And leave that one unchanged
No two the same and in time
They will dry to different shades.

Without walls
They will have nowhere to hang
The ears will rot on the verge
The rain, weavils and rats
Grain spread flat on the fields
Compost for next year
The plough will tarnish and rust
As sight of heaven weights its tax
Looking earthbound, looking back
And looking up to see
Only emptiness between stars.

There is no flour from spread grain on the verge
Weavils find another living
Build those beehives
Where the sea breeds fish
Where the nights are warm
And know before reaping
The walls will hold safe those ears and more
Till they are ready to make flour.
What desire.

A silo for ears
And sails set wide for paint
Settled that nights maybe cold
If you travel from here.

What's a man to do

I used to have one stalker
Now I got two
And all the time I was looking at you.
And this is gutter
But it ain't nothing new
All the time I been looking at you.

And I ain't fixed the bell.
I should be able to tell
And I don't think the door will go through.  
That and the cell
And the WhatsApp as well
Left me thinking what should I do? 

I used to have one
But I picked up another
Tired and drunk
Late in some jam or other.

If me talking to you
Feels like her talking to me
Then I best pack my bags
And go overseas.

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Something scary

There's something scary
Coming over the hill
And that's a privatised A.I.
That's ready to kill
A private A.I.
That's ready to drill
A hole in your pocket
And end your pay packet
And you can't stop it
Or even lock off it.

There's something scary
Come over the hill
That's a private A.I.
Manipulating popular will.
That gets in so many heads
With what you've watched and you've read
That you have to give credit
How well we're misled.

There's something scary
Coming over the hill
And that's private A.I.
That won't for a second be still
That will out think you and I
And that really smart guy
Just easy as we
Would out think a fly.

There's something scary
Coming over the hill
That's a private A.I.
That's ready to kill
That's a private A.I.
Backed by silicon mills
In the hands of a gang
High on satanic thrills.

There's something fuck scary coming over the hill
This is a very, very, very, very, very, very dangerous moment
Don't sit back and chill
There's something scary coming over the hill.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Hot sauce

Hot sauce
The type that stays on your lips
After the tissue wipes.
Stays on your lips after wine.
Stays on your lips
Like a galaxy of light explosions
Rolling them together
More sauce.
Dipped meat caramelised
Comes alive. Succulent
And moist on the fork.

The aroma of this sauce curls
Gently scented around your skin.
Like incense burning by your ankle.
Laps your thigh encircling
Then splits like shoots of ivy, jasmine
Sweet Honeysuckle in spring
Raises you in scaffolds high
Adorned and flowering.

This is a sauce that coats
Like slow water, sweet
Envelopes to tongue's tip
The more you get
The more the pursed edges
Of your lips drip hot.

A forceful sauce, spice remorseless
Unstalled by waterfalls, bread walls
Or heart rent caterwauls.
From your throat, heart, 
Gut a burning chasm
Volcanic. The type to wake
A mount from dormancy
To shaking pyroclasm

The type to delicately
Move your fingers on cutlery
And stir your tongue
The type of sauce
That says there's so much to come.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Excess bars

I got excess bars
Barred for black sheep barbarism
Banged like sing-sing
So many bars make prison
Riven and penned
In editorial decisions.

It's all the tall Ls
Like walls, lullabies over the fells
And moors, and more,
And more, like a cast in foundry
Liquid bars pour
Cup ringed in waterfalls
Can't mop phrases from the floor.

I got excess bars
I let you into a secret
They're secret
If I tell you this
You must not repeat it.
Repeat it.
I got excess bars
Puns so bad they're barbaric
Call to the lawyers
I need to be catching a car
I can't get stuck behind bars.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

A bye

Compassionate, confused
She smiled like she didn't know
Why I'd say thank you
As we turned to go.
I'm glad I knew.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Pity the maladjusted

Pity them
For they hate pity
Hate their narrative and hold it gilded high
Proud of difference, they hate
The poor terrified hallucinations
Monstrous others
Stalking their imagination
Rapists murderers and thieves
In lurid shadows, indistinct, unknown
And intimate to themselves.
Their own hate and fault
Could only be others.
Pity them whose fictions
Are their only pass to status
And stress relief
An identity of less cortisol
Evaporates in myth.
And how they hate

Friday, February 24, 2017

In the car parks

They are but ten years old
Some as young as seven or less
Standing in car parks alone
On the edge of commercial space.

Our conscience of this is young
We make war on their lands
Murdered old nations and tribes
Acre on acre of genocide.

They had families and cousins
Who would guide them
A parent to suckle their growth
Now we stand them by streetlights alone
With no concern for their loss.

We realised, enlightened
That they have something to give
That we love and need their presence
So we transplant some of the kids

To the margins
Where they humanise brands
The great steel wharehouses
Motorways and railway tracks
Collared, isolated, startled and scared
Passive and under attack.

How long does it take
To find one of their kin
In the next pen
Fingers reaching out
To touch in darkness
Under the toxic shelters of black rock.

Over the tops of old brick
The elders rise, storied
Like veins on the sky
Like the earth's drowning hands
Thin as a cortex.
Will they adopt and make friends
Toddlers delivered swaddled in cloth
Just babies,
These trees, child refugees.


When you're up on your high horse
And moralising
Riding well shod by those just surviving
Remember, and this may be banal
In human behaviour, context is all.
Think about what it's essential to bring
Principles are expensive things.

More underwhelming than supermarket sushi

This bad haiku that
Doesn't scan at all really
And then goes nowhere.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Standard 16

You ain't heard of me
I ain't got badges in Queensbridge
But if you wanna fuck around
Then you need bring team with.

I don't grip mics for the rep
I leave Django upset
When Babylon run up on drums
Then I'm not among the suspects.

Dip shit MCs ain't got wit to learn in weeks
Talk is cheap
Come correct
Don't even quit in my sleep.

And if you wanna look me up
Go check Who's Who
I thought you knew, those that do
Don't talk, and those that talk don't do.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

You hurt the whole world

You hurt the whole world
With what you did
Not just me and you
And mum and Nu
And all the bods in the crew.

But all the others
My work would've helped
If my sense of injustice
Wasn't corrupted
By feelings I felt as a whelp.

You hurt the whole world
You did.

Never, ever

Don't you like riding dragons?
Maybe it's poor eyesight
Flagons and moonlight
But I really thought you the type.

Tell me you've got spares
Who'll hang diamond teardrops in your ears
And lace your marble neck with gold.
You look better in silver
And I'd bejewel your soul.

I don't own pets
Don't need you to be any less
And you can guess one thing
That should you fall
You're heart and all
You'll find yourself flying
On a wing.

Don't you like riding dragons?
I thought you would dare
Unlike the others,
Too coy or too scared
Fair, with poor insight
Can't see if you stare.

Love you've had plenty.
Loved you've been for sure.
Suitors list lengthy
But none the type to open doors
And make you realise
You never, ever
Really loved before.


At the end of the night
I expect to be hurt
Not by a fight
Or the flight of a skirt

But the pang of the hooks
Pulling on twine
From some backward look
Long lost in time.

In my organs they bite
Zig-zag snagged line
All caught up tight
In the brambles behind.

My kilter all faltering
Taught lines pitch up short
And I find myself baltering
Between barrels of oughts.

Sideways is pain
And back seems ok
But forward I strain
And hooks rip and flay.

Somewhere, someone has scissors
For a dagger carapaced back
To cut lines so they quiver
And fall shung and slack.

Then maybe, just maybe
Berries I'll find
Following lines over my shoulder
To the brambles of mind.

Friday, February 17, 2017

All I can think of is you

I wanted to write a piece about
How free movement of capital
Allows the evasion of national regulations
And political control
Piling up mile high guarded mountains of gold
But all I can think of is you.

I wanted to write a piece about
How the value of networks being a function of their size
Combines with the weightless economy
And digital goods to facilitate global monopolies
That bleed the world dry,
Feeding small pools of leeches
In Seattle offices
But all I can think of is the time
You wore gothic eye makeup with silver studs.

I wanted to write about
How all encompassing property rights
Within a system of profit incentives encourages
Rent extraction of our common heritage
Co-opting distributed pillage
Like a virus defiling the planet
But my mind is filled with the image
Of you in a white bonnet with flowers and beau lace
And all I can think of is you.

I wanted to write
A polemic about how the efficacy and endemic limits
Of bureaucratic administration creates a situation
Where government is buckling under its own weight.
How the width at the base determines
A pyramid's safe height
But my mind
Keeps going back to that fight we had on the stairs.

I wanted to write about
How surpassed nationalism is floundering
Due the decimation of capital cost of broadcast.
The geography of communication fields bequeathed
By Mongolian, North Atlantic and Islamic imperialism
In comparison to our border being a hundred miles
But all I can think of is
You brushing your hair
From your smile, compassionate, confused.

I wanted to write about intellectual property
As a simple conceptual heresy against
The inherent advantages of humanity, GNU
The defence of Academy to protect
The intellectual future of our race as the task
Of the present generation to gift.

About the necessity of using our freedom
To develop new institutions, forms of cooperation
Demonstrative architectures of distribution
And possible uses of blockchain for value inclusion.
I wanted to write about a new Rochdale
But I fail
Cos my mind is locked on the picture
Of coloured string in your pigtails
And all I can think of is you.

I wanted to write about
Transnational communication, the evolution
And creation of new communal identities
The necessary inabilities of global hierarchy
Against mathematically proven efficiency
And resilience of networks meaning
Their dominance is given
And consequent logical implications for feminism.
But all I can think of is your spinning hem
And feet,
A second of silence after when our eyes meet
And your whites, wide, just for moment
Tell me.
All I can think of is you.


That tickled me
I could call you obtuse
Am I cheating my duty
To use your peerless beauty
In want of a muse.
Afflicted by vacancy
But that ain't no news
Love in its latency
Doth always amuse.

It's just that I'm inclined
To spend time finding
New ways of describing
Your grace in text.
The curve of your brow
The fall of your neck.
Making up more nice things to say
Really must be the best use of my day.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Best of SMS


Though you never call me
I know the reason why
And will hear the hills a calling
Calling till I die
And will hear the forest
The heather and the brook
And in them all your timid love
Will never be mistook.


I wish you every bliss
Miss you every kiss I waste
On some young wench in tryst.
My compass ever points to true
And all the love that I confess
Just echoes of my love for you.


Sweet pea flower,
Wither do your tendrils spring
Tend what hopelings under wing
Wash what soils from fibre soft
Hold what spoils, high aloft
Sweet pea flower know one thing
I sing warm of you and oft.

Valentine for Cole

They said no to Coal
The heart of England
And oh, oh but Cole
She sets my heart a tingle
How I am not whole
A half when once a single.

And hardened men of grit and earth
Have fought the rock to treasure win
Though true Cole's wit and mirth
Are beyond measure of any men.

Valentine for Maggy

Oh leggy Maggie
Though you're crabby
I long to take you to the Abbey
Though I know I'm way too shabby
To wine and dine in Abu Dhabi.

But your scent I can't resist
Without your love I can't exist
So unrequited must persist
You'll always be my favourite fascist.


I don't want to write this
I would rather strike a match
And hold flame to the crisp
Edge till blank paper catch.

Watch black borders advance
Line by line all shaped by chance
Before soft orange silk's short dance
Effaces these diluted words.

I don't want write this
But light fire and let it grow
For without this night's bliss
Then I must just let go.

Valentine for L

Can I call you that
I ended up unsure
Of what I loved
Or if I was.

Dismissed it all as misplaced fiction
Self-deluding games of youth
And frames we get from stories
That fit poorly on the truth.

I dismissed it all
Till after time so long
I saw you strong
Like a distilled mirror
Of the great gold Buddha
In Battersea park by the Thames
And you faced me smiling
Chest broad, face upturned
Like I wish you would've then.

Valentine for A

Graceful by the water
What a smile she has.
You gave her that.
And if she should keep it
What a treasure.
What a treasure.
She will always have jewels.

Next Valentine

Oh surely Shirley you're not too girly
To twirl you by the short and curlies
Whirl you through the hurly burly
Till well early smile pearly.

Oh Shirley don't go all surly
Say that surely you will call me
Or I'll be poorly, wan and mardy
Take me and the glory Shirley.

Valentine for an errant muse

My father went away when I was young
Often, my mum said it affected me
Departure from the archetypes of Jung
Is not something we're born to see.

And few can stand sunbeams all day unblind
Bathe too long rue heatstroke, blistered skin
Warm blooded creatures will seek shade at times
Take some refuge from the orb life giving.

I think of Whitesmiths who make jewels from rocks
Their work coveted by aspiring thieves
Armouring their shops with shutters and locks
The worries wrought on wrights of beauty.

Don't be afraid that they'll leave, let them go
Freed things loved, if loving, return you know.

Valentine for Uplink

I couldn't think of a topping
Jam, honey and cream
Fresh, soft and steaming
The best wake from a dream
Gorgeous gallon waterfall
Of smoothest ice cream
Where you been ?
You must have been close
Cos I see trees looking up
And sprouting all green.

Valentine for S

When I'm at my mum's in France
Where the land still finds some freedom
And chalk oaks twist a living from the hills
There are trees I know
Knot by knot, a braille of youth
All but forgot.
They greet me like the pensioners
Who once were working men
Or the stooping lady with her stick
Who was forever shrinking.
The chalk oaks stand
And grow so slow
They inch unnoticed in decades known
But for branches from the knots
Some freshly grown, some spent and cropped
A path among old and silent friends
Their creviced bark beneath my running hand
Like hope to watch them slowly branch
Constant as the years advance.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Times offers subscription

The Times offers me subscription
For £2.33 a week
For £2.33 a week
I can digest Murdoch's shit.

Now of course unwittingly
We're all part of this utility
To process new age sewage
Into opiated rage.

But for £2.33 you get a direct pipe
Of distributed shit digestion
Served to you in type.

You can "get educated" for £2.33
Perspective gaslight medicated
Object to facts to hallucinated
Angrily frustrated in hyper-reality.

And sewage turns to compost
Inside the reader's head
Seeded with Murdoch trees
And on this shite they're fed.

Murdoch trees grow Murdoch fruit
That we will never eat
Bloody juice and bitter rind
Pollute the grounds
The roots beneath our feet.

The Times offers me value
Subscription to opinion for £2.33
So I can be a smacked up minion
Of rank plutocracy.

So I can ponder questions
Such as how many foreigners
Sorry terrorists
It would be good to cull
I can have a septic tank
For Murdoch in my skull.

The Times offers me subscription
Education for £2.33
And I say, not me, no thanks
I would rather stay dull
Than set a distributed septic tank
For Murdoch in my skull.

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Things not too say on Tinder I.

Sneering, disdain and contempt
Are the road down which lost love is sent
Wind in the sails.
Current for keels.

The attention of some is a blessing
The attention of others a curse
And one love's intention confessing
Can sometimes be roads to the worst.

You should always be sure
When push comes to shove
There is more
More than one kind of love.

Monday, February 06, 2017

Wind haiku

Soft butterfly wings
Cause hurricanes in far realms
What storms a bullet?

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Ducks in a line

The big one is down in the rushes
And the little one is up by the pond
The mother is nesting
And another is resting
I don't know where the speckled one's gone.

Sprinkle spring

Sprinkle me some springtime
A tinkling of thimble bells
A twinkling of sunshine.
Burgeon some root fed bud
Some sureptious shoot that scouts
In doubt of curious March frosts.
Warm a nest of noon kissed moss
To catch each wafting cloud that pass
Sprinkle me some springtime
On my breakfast.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Reminder for Randy

If you think Rand is grand
That there's no need for Machiavellli
With a gun in your hand
If this is the plan, you understand
All religion is soppy
Just remember Nietzche
Died young, mad and unhappy.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Recommendation for A

I can recommend A,

As a human being
Of the conscious type.
Considerate and observant
With a minium of fuss.
Guided by unshakeable
Moral compass.
Possessed of deft assurance
Like a shepherd in control
And emotional fibre
Spun of gold.

Saturday, January 21, 2017


When you looked at her, you couldn't think Tracey.
Fire and ice, Sheffield feisty
In a blue cocktail dress she could be the first lady
In a brown hessian sack this woman was racey
When you looked, you just couldn't think Tracey.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Drunk Note

Oh sexy minx
In slinky keks
Remember sex ain't hard to get
But intimacy, a scarce
A delicate capacity.
The lack of which makes liberty
A wasteland wanting happy.

Friday, January 13, 2017

X for Y

My mate said
I mistook an X for Z
And I
Sometimes in my head
Drunk, when I should be in bed
Mistake an ex for a why.

Sunday, January 08, 2017

Sonnet for Berners-lee's Monster

"What is it like to be a bat?"

A wobble of flesh wakens and reacts
Tap, tap
Plastic catalyst pressed calls on
Signals from silicon-carbon synapse
Electric charge along copper axon.

Glass dendrite lights, digital bytes echo.
Another road, connection reinforced
Traversed between terminals of macro
Neurons, silicon enriched wobbling flesh.

Fan cooled hippocampus in Finnish wharehouse
Orbito-celebrito lobes cross-linked
With Twitter-form Gyrus and various
Specialist regions on sex, cats. In sync.

It is anyone's guess
If it's conscious.
Anyone's guess
What its consciousness is.

Thursday, January 05, 2017

Crowded world

This city is a crowded world
How to stand or move, push
Be pushed against, what lengths
Of stride for pigeon steps
What weight to pull
Be pulled upon
What tug to move you on.
It is a crowded world.

To be heard
Above the turning motors
The shepherd roads
To shout is hard
To harmonise, sing
Bring instruments
For few have ears close enough
One will hear a whisper
This is a crowded world.

To be seen
Amidst the herd
The sea of hair and hats
The brick facades, lift your hand
They'll think you drown
Step a box, a stage, on siege engines
Climb the pyramid of men
Don't look down
This is a crowded world.

Monday, January 02, 2017

New year sonnet

What work's this, the past to rest
We can but drag shipping threads
The rope of life's woof and weft
To shuttle days, blindly lead

By weather and dreams of youth
Weave the lines from every root
Bind the findings of your truth
To all selves you can recruit.

Eastern light will make the past
Less real than the rising dust
First palour of the year toast
And strike to smith the year's musts.

Spin all beams that fall upon thee
To threads of richest tapestry.

Sunday, January 01, 2017

New year haiku

Clock ticks thick leg steps
Calendar leaf by leaf flies
Rearriving home.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Streets at lunch

White low sun in lunchtime sky
Paves and shods the City silver
And all the tarmac roads
Show their other face in this
False spring.
The crocus will rise
Before the year's done
There's a cherry
At the junction in full blossom
I have construction worries
Like builders
And London roads are silver.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Collateral love

They say all is fair 
But sometimes the battle gets rough 
And you're so buff 
You're causing collateral love.

I say you're beautiful, poised, powerful 
Others want all the above 
You're so buff 
You're causing collateral love.

And so many want to hear it 
But they just don't bring enough 
But you're so buff you're causing 
Collateral love.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

So beautiful is this world

So beautiful is this world
It calls me like a siren
And I am bidden to gambol
Like a spring lamb
Stumbling as if drunk
Among it's wonders.

So beautiful is this world
That every noise is music
And all becomes a serenade
The joyous song of everyday
Makes me fizz like lemonade.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Extended reply to a superior and errant muse

Who claims someone else said it all

I'll accept your apologies
Not for me, but for you
We both know you never have need
And always a smile will do.

But I'll accept your apologies
Because we both know that it's true
You couldn't open without saying sorry
The respect just wouldn't come through.

I know it can't be a habit
That with men you must never have to
But I'll accept your apologies
Not for me, but for you.


When I first drank Absinthe
Upstairs on the corner in Brixton
It was giddy, peripheral vision
Lost to my recollection
Hungover like fire
Brain in a tumbledryer
But I sobered up
I don't have the mind
To sip wormwood in the forest
Till blind.


If you ask what am I to you
Not as much of what you need
Of what I've got it's true.
But please, give that no heed.


Well after I'd left home
I would get offended
By people's pretences and stratagems
Sulk insulted and think
Do they not understand
What I can understand in them
But then one instant understood
That they didn't, they couldn't
With all the will, they never would
Because they didn't, they couldn't
And I became more forgiving
And meet it now with quiet shepherding
Chevere, Chevere


Streetlights brighten the drunken Odyssey
For all, even from afar, you can gaze
And see that this is what makes cities
Warm amber takes the doubt away
But streetlights are not free
Can't stop dogs pissing,
Or leave broken things unseen
You might look and see lovers kissing
I see a realised dream.

Streetlights are a public good.

Your smallest attention
A concentrated dose
The electrifying inspiration
Of having you close
Like pharmaceuticals
It makes me selfish, truth be told
Like it's stealable
I guess it's a hard struggle to toil
Walking around like a Tesla coil


You must have won many a battle of wills
With trophies to litter your mantle and sill
You could get me drunk and suggest
In a simple low cost conquest
And I'm sure you can smell them
The prey that offers less fight then Belgium.
It's not a field where I could challenge your might
You know I don't pick that type of fight.


When I gazed into your eyes
For the first minute, I was just amazed
By their size
I guess most don't survive that first blaze
Fall prey to disguise and leave dazed.

I saw your need for vengenace
On the selfish, the inspired, that stole
The moments of Tartarus romance
Deep in the founds of your soul.

But you can apologise one of these days
Self sensitise and let struggle give way


Though you might try
There are things you can't fake
From forty yards your eyes
Said that you made a mistake

But you can apologise
I'll accept it
Though we both know a message will do

You can apologise
I'll accept it
Not for me, but for you.

Reply to an errant muse

Let's talk 
Tell me I'm not 
Your favorite stalker 
Of the current crop 
Bet you've had corkers 
I'll put it out I'm top 
In terms of the baddest 
Baddest kind of mad 
Bet I'm the best type of stalker you've had.

Friday, December 09, 2016

Santa needs a visa

It's all changed
Elf rights arrived
And they cast off their chains
Now they been rationalised
And replaced by machines.

Suppliers fly parts
From the Antartic on hire
Cos it's cheap
Now the Elves are in igloos
With nothing to eat.

And the reindeer
Don't like Springboks
Coming over here
But there's a shock.
They could never expect it
Santa needs a visa post Brexit

Slave labour, cheap foreign imports
Flooding the streets
Dumping toys on good children
And our boys can't comepte.

The RAF will have him
Before he hits Aberdeen
Send him back to his cabin
Keep Rudolf in quarantine.

And you think you're in the frying pan
But this is the nex' shit
Santa needs a visa post Brexit.

Friday, December 02, 2016

Faerie bears

Pocket fluff gets wanderlust if you're delicate enough and loft it
Aeolian. I often come across furry bears when truffling
In coppiced asparagus or a Walrus esophagus
But nonetheless
Faerie bears are very rare
They pass unnoticed, lost in luscious grass
Leading elusive lives and should be always
Indistinctly described
Like clouds.
Clouds make perfect answers
To any question
To all subjects, look up
Look up
Clouds make perfect answers.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Letter to an errant muse

The power you have over men
That power that affects me too
Can give no power o'er your sen
Your beauty can't protect you.

The hold you have on other hearts
Can never hold the heart within
Though you might glower, spit and smart
It will not shield Eros' sweet pin.

You can deny
Say there's no rush
You'll try and find another one
But then why lie
I've seen you blush
You're not fooling anyone.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Jogging partners

I get these moments when
Folk want to measure and won't pretend
And when they find I won't contend
They scoff and call me bats
And I say friend
Let's not offend
We all must find our track
I'm on the mend
And in the end
You'll find I don't race rats
I jog round the bend
And up dead ends
And it's more fun it fact
To run against dead men.

I dreamt the house aflame

When I awoke my eyes were full of flame
The house around me was a phoenix
And I was dreaming, a dream that wakes you.

From Sparta with all warriors slain
In emptied halls I watched torches
Watched one torch with my heart
Jumping at each gust
In each obscurity.
Screaming to the runner
Set it down
Set it down
Set it down on the dry heather, the parched gorse and sedge
Set it down
So it may teach and I may learn
Set it down
Fool, it runs swifter than you.

I gathered marbles in the Menalaion
Flaming marbles
And watched them burn through my hand
Felt like the other guy who stayed in
Looking through the window
With Armstrong and Aldrin.

Looking through high regency windows
The sound of cowbells, cars and marraccas
Surrounded by Tuxedos and bolts of cloth
Loki enters with a silver platter, burnt
“Is that Old Bond St.?” I ask
Blackened leather apron, thick Hellenic beard
The tailor drags his gammy leg and hunch
Flip-top pocket watch and tape
Measuring my chains
“So light” I say “I've never worn any so light”
And float.

Ear to an oyster shell
High in the Atcama
I set a circle of campfires
Each in a mound
And from the centre speak
In Italian, today
"Cosa ti piacerebbe fare per oggi"
Fresh roast black coffee
Curved shoulders falling forward
I can't save myself from hanging
On these words.
She smiles like she knows what you're doing next summer.

Roaring like an orchestra, like the circus is in town
We gather staring till our orange faces stretch like drums
Broad-shouldered, leaping engorged, hair free
Pan's troupe pipe a raucous feast in glade of light
All bow and shy, even with our backs turned
We feel the forceful presence of the blaze.

Sun blind into the blazing furnace
The silhouettes of men pounding iron poles
At it's heart
And sparks fly
Like Sheffield in days gone by
Poles, then hands, redden and sag
Then the rump melts, then the rest.
Steelmen softening to pools of dribbling slag.

Settled on a glowing bed
Calm as candles in an empty church
I heard a whisper
Late in the day in the outdoor air, from a sofa
In need of tender and close enough to breathe on
The embers had fallen like tea leaves
A map of silk faced charcoal roads
And piebald scars, I heard confess in whispered guess
The spot to crowd hot ash to light with breath
That which remains, to gauge log or branch
To aid surviving heat, that yet might thrive
And dance, wick and char, smoke gets in your eyes.

Smoke gets in your eyes and then you see,
If it will make green twigs spit
Where to leave and let the flame run free
When fire calms
And calls you close enough to breathe.

It is light and warmth, food
And all of art and science
The house was a phoenix
And I awoke, it felt
In Sparta, without fear
Of fire.

The sunny days

The sunny days
They slip away.
They slip away
To winter grey
And rain that brings
A grave dismay.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

You're almost perfect

I know nothing but your beauty, your grace
Like a pink Pescara marble pillar
In visions was Galathea released
And you could be a cold blooded killer.
You're almost perfect.

For sure they'll be no tears over this
No complications when the football's on
No vengeful face turn scorn on sorry kiss
No callous laughing when the moment's wrong.

No “we did not dance to my favourite song”
No grounding bumps, back to reality
No fear of secrets hidden all along
No blue confusion of intimacy.

I know nothing but your beauty, your grace
Nested so remote, I doubt we'll ever meet
Any abstract trope or shade will freely trace
Pure hope, like fresh primed canvas, incomplete
You're almost perfect.

Oh I'd ruin it if we met for real
You never disappoint, almost perfect
You're ideal.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

You must know love well

My love was not enough for you
Or in truth
You were so like magic
I never thought you could be true
In theatre it's called tragic
My love did not arrive on cue.

I hid elements of my affection
From my conscience, safe
In a forest of judgements and young bravado
To try and hide a heart from you
Pocketed it as you left
When I thought it was still by that bush
Pocketed it as you left
The way you lose school friends
And when we met again
It was not adventure, not the same.


Since you've had my heart
You never served it on a plate
Or used it as a hook
Play with it, like a cat or stoat
Never treated it a joke.
You never stoked its flame
Or teased it to uncertain hell
You let it breathe.
And that taught me
That you must know love well.

Monday, November 14, 2016

All I know

All I know
Is as I grow
What I know
I know too slow.

And even when the going's fine
Just one percent is knowing
The rest's remembering in time.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Autumn poem

Autumn upon us it's time
To set a match to kinderling
Rest by the hot press of silk light
Watch sparks race up the flue
With youthful dreams they too
Might be stars.

It washes the city flat and sick
November's clouded light
Paints every shade with muddied brush
I wish I'd sown all the feathers to my wings
Wish I had stitched in August
In earnest.

Radiators are not the hearth
Fan heaters not the fire
Guide my taper to the driest tinder
And watch it catch in flickers
A curved lick from a knot that starts to jet
I will let it smoke
Let it weave wisps to plumes
And then blow
Call forth a genie,
Wild feet snapping twigs in dance
Grant me warmth, comfort and light to see by
Cocooned from autumn in it's grey
In all it's forms of colourful decay.

Getting burned never put me off
Holidays with blackened fingers
Sores from embers to remind me of my folly
I loved playing with fire when young

A hazy memory of me
In my sister's ill-fitting dungarees
Laying a fire as a sphere of straw with wood in
Like an oven
I loved playing with fire when young.

This impulse to gather wood and pile it
An odd source of happiness, primordial reward
Clockwork foresight, dyed into my Id
I love to gather wood
And can think of but one purpose
To set fires in autumn and wish.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016


There's always a storm down the Thames these days
Constant as traffic, a carousel of gull calls
Over the tiles, the roofs, rusted swinging hinges
Even in spring blue sky, days since rainfall
There must always be a storm in the Thames.

They eat the pigeons, the gulls do
With their ired eye and their wronged screech
I've seen them, like you may have too
Pigeons left the field for Parrakeets.

My mother, looking at the clouds would mutter
When thigh high young her hand I reached for
There's storm at Chatham, over Thanet
They fly down to London to find harbor
And Pigeons are softer than Ganets.

There must be a storm out to sea
Pigeons have moved on from grass seed
And the Gulls have moved on from fish
Pecking boxes of K.F.C
Avians scavenging trash
It is, as Darwinian does
These days we breed Vultures from Doves.

I heard of civil war where Starlings breed
Now they travel with but a clutch of friends
Sparrows survive, some return to the trees
Someone won five thousand pounds in the end.

There's a storm in the Thames, gulls are in flight
The wooden lense of tradition has said
Of people who look on red sky at night
Only shepherds of the Atlantic
Go soundly to bed, and Grandma will tell
That is was all fields, before Haber-Bosch
These days there's always a storm in the Wash.

There's always a storm down the Thames
And other legends
The widow in Richmond, who in loving grief
Released a pair of green Parrakeets
And park by park they fought for twenty years
Till they shocked us one scarfed schooled winter
Green against grey and the naked trees of the heath
A flock of sqwaking green Parrakeets.

Doves become Vultures, Parrots replace Doves
Darwin says it what it takes to find love
Grandma says the Lord works in mysterious ways
And there's always a storm in the Thames these days.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Something I said to bloke on stage

Don't step to me with that
Gotta be black to rap crap
That abject chat is a trap
That forefathers fought to free from
But you jumping straight back.

Erecting same walls of Melanin
Like the spirit of slave masters
Still leaves deep within

You divide and categorise
By the colour of man's skin
Brother that ain't brain cells
That's brain prison.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Untame Ode to Ali Cole

Moonbeam loom your weft and woof
Does leave me a breathless beetroot youth
The softest quilt, your sticky silk
Is all cocooning of my heart that melts.

In truth I haven't felt this way
Since I dived velvet chocolate caramel
And swam intoxicated days
Till my teeth sank into nougat quays
And mermaids, raised me on Patchouli breeze
With magic made me divine wind.
Oh moonbeam loom, let me begin again.

At Ariadne's knee she learned
To weave the equinox's light
Into silver sheets and pearls
That hold souls warm and tight.

Oh moonbeam loom
Let me dye just one thread
Or know
I'd rather die instead.
I gaze though gauzes in my bed
No light to see by in your stead
But stumble blind in garden sheds
By scent alone to roses led
With searching fingers grasp their heads
And push a dozen to my nose
But their touch is not of your ilk
As brick to Sapphire is
As water is to milk.
A rose cannot bind me like your silk.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Ode to Ali Cole

There is a story to be told
About the glory of Ali Cole
But not a story I can tell
So wide the sea, so deep the well.

For I can gaze into the heavens
But cannot count the stars
They name me but a heathen
In the hunt of Diana.

Though my eye is full of moon
But one side I see
All its markings and its runes
Remain a mystery.

I can but stand as priests have done
Marvel at the moon and sun
As they set my night and day
In ways that I can't fathom.

I can but stand as priests and pray
In humble wonder of all she be
A glory far beyond assay
Pray, enlightenment she'll bestow on me.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Note to a bird on a train

Thank you
You gave me a pen
To write
A rare gem
From a ship in the night.

Shoulders of giants

Where cords of civilisation are moored
The brittle guy ropes of our tree house world
I see men of law and plump senators
Laying blocks and digging foundation holes
New barriers rising high while I watch
Above where the arm stops, at the seam stitch.

There the claims of Captains of industry
Lead lines of blind leaders like Pavlov's bell
“All the silver I land belongs to me”
They cry so proud from high on the lapel.
Laying barbed wire which they freshly forge
Electrifying the tromba, notch and gorge

Dragging paper up the back by the cart
Reams in blocks yards thick on seams daily grow
Miles upon miles of statutes and torts
To form walls, tall and strong like Jerrico
At the entrances they make gates like Gates
Would charge fees to all who climb the breastplate.

It's about time we weren't all so compliant
They'll privatise the shoulders of giants.

Do Mssrs Musk, Zuckerberg, Venter, Brin
Feel that they could have achieved anything
Had they not in diligence caught coat tales
The thick braid between gold buttons scaled.
Licence royalties owed to Edison
Newton, Bacon, Faraday and whoever
Was the Babylonian that pressed on
Wet clay with stones way back in Nineveh.

Illiterate, I don't think they'd have one percent of the clients
They're all reliant
On the shoulders of giants.

This deft suspension above the deep shit
This tree house society of all us
Exists high in the sky, every bit
Borne on shoulders of countless Colossus.
Without the lookout post of libraries
We'll fall from the Eden of these high trees.

Make mine a Molotov, get defiant
They want privatise shoulders of giants.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


I spent some time in thought about it all
I was a climber, unvertiginous
Oh if
I loved to wander waterfalls and cliffs
If only
I tended to flowers idigneous
If only I
Couldn't live in the City's artifice
If only ideas
Freed I from these strictures and earthly bonds
If only ideas purr
Like a calm cat, watchful, ready, at peace
If only ideas purchase
Houses full bread, pillows, songs and friends
If ony ideas purchase say
Dreams of peace, light, empires and monuments
If only ideas' purchase save us
From the vagaries of love and our end
Only if ideas' purchase saves us now
Will I keep the habour afore of the prow.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Some piece of confusion

Wish she'd had enough to love
In her heart
That she weren't so hurt
You know.
Didn't start from gentle touch
So far apart, yet
I glimpse light from pillboxes
From just a brush
I think we'd fit like stencils
And alter charts,
My fire never quieted
For us.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

So late in summer - sonnet

Speak less of desire so late in summer
When heat swaddles tarmac, rising from roots
Flowers in finery seduce bees dumb
And sun kisses sugar into green fruits.

The hay's to be brought in, the grass is long
The seas are warm, tall corn has ripened ear
December born charm, think my heart unwrong
So late, speak less of desire my dear.

All life's adventure, so late in summer
So late waking, bees already in love
Strawberries from spring beds have set runners
Still dusk takes an age to draw close above

This season of slow days when geese look South
She was born, a Passion flower in her mouth.

Closed vowel

Why did love not open
We made move and prove
And even lose and open vowel
But love stayed closed
And now to find a rhyme
I am so oft defeated
Love, love, love
It must have stayed repeated.

So late in summer

Speak less of desire so late in summer
When heat swaddles tarmac, rising from roots
Flowers in their finery seduce bees dumb
And sun kisses sugar into green fruits.

The hay's to be brought in, the grass is long
The seas are warm, the corn has ripened ear
The collared doves coo soft in song
May born charm, think my heart unwrong
Talk less of desire my dear.

All life is adventure
So late in summer
So late waking, with bees already in love
When dusk takes an age to draw covers close
Geese look south
She was born of this season
Passionflower in her mouth.

Friday, September 02, 2016

Sick note for Tommy Bee's birthday

Oh marbled fleshed Adonis
So unearthly is your promise
It is immodest that I pretend
To frame such mind-bending glory
With a pen.

So stout of jaw and firm of hip
That artists track your every step
A truth I see that at your birth
The very fabric of aesthetics ripped
And all was lit across the earth
As glorious God let us see in you
Heroic new dimensions
Of beauty timeless true.

I have heard the name Tommy Bee
Sung in arias overseas
And whispered in hushed reverent tones
Gates, Obama seek to phone
Diaz, Delevigne writhe and sweat
Westwood (V) casts weekly thrones.

And scientists they wish to test
That muscled member world renowned as blessed
That thick undulating silken dick
That zestful lovers besotted lick
With heaving chest and heart so quick
They quest to taste the irreplacable
Lollipop of Hackney Wick.

Sonic Boom

Gurning sun-burnt urchins lurch church to church uncertain
In curious discovery of all covered by the curtains.
Lethargic surges urge in waves merging pungent nights with days
In rolling surf of mirth and smurfs, giraffes, and of course, unicorns
Dressed in heavy gauge
Macrophages for anxiety, scour thoroughfares of pagan piety
Alleyways of high society.
And all the world's a stage

To see bees
Make a merry path so free
Dancing underneath the trees
Moments that can only please
And all the world's a stage.

Sparkle this lithium crisp reaction i saw shooting stars
Look, a smile and another, and another in a milky way
Which way, oh what wily bewitchment hexes this
Enchanted wood, I hear leaves play tambourines
And lights in orange, white and green
Shadows dance and hug me warm like wilderness

Perambulating ambient distances, riotous bliss, listless of all, dam hill
Missed this, legs kill, white coats, pill for that,
Missed this, in glistening visions, missions in fission
Listening to waves breaking in space in fat collisions
For a clean place to shit-in.

Cover me on the grass like ashes, drift like pollen in the sun
Running syrup thick liquid marionette to sounds and sets
Settled and encamped in rainbow ranks, what walls
What walls are there that would resist this army's siege.

Drink a case this on my feet
Tarantella daft, laced with tastes of scenes, bass and acts
For others
I can't speak
The most useful paste of lean baked half sedated waste
I been in a year and a week
For real
Something saved my grace in those fields.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Battle bars

Your deadweight statements are basic, abate them
I got half a dozen replacements
You'll take vacations in basements
Concrete casements no trace, no body, no statements
Wasting your grace chasing migratory geese
Geaser I'm decorating temporary space with these beats
We done verbal feats
In places where iron gates get effaced by the beast
You heard all the  chiefs, daft
I'm sicker than cats fed on weeks of fur-balls and grass.
You claim you badder by half
Bet I'm madder, brung better rungs the ladder
Had enough of rough mathematics and adders
Don't be sad that your pad is full of fakes and charades
Bars claiming your hard
You only punt ounces, all you bounce is a card
Gwaan jog your hard arse right back to your yard
Act like you heard
My style is known lardarse round here and abroad
Don't be sad that you're around to drown in my wake
My shit is greater, no debate, settled and clear
Your ears been waiting to hear shit like this
Since like Shakespeare.

Scum also rises

They say that cream rises to the top
A quote true of pure milk
But that's about where it stops.

For when I boil the pot
Cream in or not
It's scum that I see rise to the top.

So don't be suprised
If the film is not
As the quotation advises
There is the odd clot
And scum also rises.