Friday, September 02, 2016

Sonic Boom

Gurning sun-burnt urchins lurch church to church uncertain
In curious discovery of all covered by the curtains.
Lethargic surges urge in waves merging pungent nights with days
In rolling surf of mirth and smurfs, giraffes, and of course, unicorns
Dressed in heavy gauge
Macrophages for anxiety, scour thoroughfares of pagan piety
Alleyways of high society.
And all the world's a stage

To see bees
Make a merry path so free
Dancing underneath the trees
Moments that can only please
And all the world's a stage.

Sparkle this lithium crisp reaction i saw shooting stars
Look, a smile and another, and another in a milky way
Which way, oh what wily bewitchment hexes this
Enchanted wood, I hear leaves play tambourines
And lights in orange, white and green
Shadows dance and hug me warm like wilderness

Perambulating ambient distances, riotous bliss, listless of all, dam hill
Missed this, legs kill, white coats, pill for that,
Missed this, in glistening visions, missions in fission
Listening to waves breaking in space in fat collisions
For a clean place to shit-in.

Cover me on the grass like ashes, drift like pollen in the sun
Running syrup thick liquid marionette to sounds and sets
Settled and encamped in rainbow ranks, what walls
What walls are there that would resist this army's siege.

Drink a case this on my feet
Tarantella daft, laced with tastes of scenes, bass and acts
For others
I can't speak
The most useful paste of lean baked half sedated waste
I been in a year and a week
For real
Something saved my grace in those fields.

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