Sunday vanished in the small box
Of ungodly hours
It was tryptch
A playfighting winter finished shift
And donned civvies, he said, widishins
I am too full of magic, too full of hex
To leave these streets, so empty.
Painted in earthen shades of London
Bi-curious and fluid in language
And youth in the low hall, undecorated
With the thick rimmed blind
And a set grey man who recalled
The fields of Athenry
They span happy in between
My glazed eyes wishing these
Good futures
Hair dye, simple questions and
The finding out
Carved in stone somewhere far down the
A likeness and they said they had no
In a back street somewhere past
So we walked off to another bus.
It was tryptch.
The first frame left we heard on a bus
We had witnessed someone famous
Under lights that lit only the mind
Of epileptics, it took us to a place
Where everyone wears fame their own way
Down streets lost Sunday scant
The market like an empty bath
And scraped to where
A whisp of smokers jittered
Behind crowd barriers, shoulders
Shaped like hung marionettes
In the deep night and a great
Obsidian obelisk grinned
Wider than the narrow gate.
Curly locked, compact she caught apples
And let lament in arches and pirouettes
She needed him behind the bar
The other, later by the traffic island
Who left blushing in a hired car
Bi-curious and fluid in language
Sunday had vanished
But we were unaware.
Circling, waiting for a bus.
Circling, waiting for a bus.
It was tryptch
Hair shirt, she had given everything
she had away
In pleas for goodness and treasured
Cigarette filters as her draw
For apple eyes. Cigarette filters for a
Under arc lights, at the interchange,
Made stranger by batteries of concrete
Bank vaults that rose from the clean
tarmac sea
Like some new White Cliffs.
The cranes that lift us lit with red
In this blind dome night we could only
The silver arc across velvet sky
That might have made a wish.
At dawn, I was in the suburbs my mother
Would warn me of when she returned on
her bike
The old Pit lay on the soft bag with fear in his eye
Tumours like tennis balls under his
In the vacuum of grief, she was gaunt
As if the chair in which she rested for
Was electric. It was obvious why
They didn't take him to die and he lay
Scared, in the thin strip, bright, and
almost warm
He could not understand
And I could not help
Other than to not block the March
Tryptch. To the bus, we stumbled a
Gambol at the miracle birth of spring.