Saturday, July 22, 2017
Power to the people
When they cried 'power to the people'
They didn't mean it.
Just a them and us confrontation
Against power's concentration.
But it was people that had power.
Now they mean it. Increasingly
We will say it and mean it
Against the unceasing creep of invisible webs
Networks and algorithms in people's stead.
Computers are blind to the streets
Blind to banners, deaf to demos and chants
Algorithms do not have to face
Their children, their uncles and aunts.
When we cry power to the people
We will mean it.
Thursday, July 06, 2017
We, myself and I
So this guy, who I've never met
But connect with over digi shit
From keyboard skirmish in some debate
Pops up on messenger to ask
Who are you?
And I'm like, wait.....?
I am at least 43% bacteria
Who are not me, who do not share my DNA
Governed by linked Eukaryotes
That hold at least some sway.
So who are we, this team
Bounded in a lipid skin
That processes all this data
From without, within?
A nested complex system
Fractal departure in fractal set
A mobile arc for DNA
Electro-chemical and wet.
An optic set of stories
And culture that I've sponged
A city built on many towns
Foundations, deep, unknown.
I am all those I know
And how I know them too
The other teams of storied cells
A node in the Ubuntu.
The Greeks will tell I'm an immortal soul
Ever true like maths
That there is one unchanging me
If I mill through all the chaff.
But if I'm an equation
Then it is one non-linear
The answer made each moment new
With situation and parameter.
For I am not that three year old
Or that young man of twenty
To go chasing after some true self
Is just a quest that's empty.
I am not me ten years back
Or even yesterday
And I am not who I will be
Even later on today.
I am we, is what we find
The more sciene probes
For there is at least one self
In each temporal lobe.
There are neurons
In my heart and gut
Not just in my head
And chemicals that change
With every book I 've read.
Chemicals that change
If on my head they place a crown
Or bind me in shackles chained
In prison, beaten down.
Chemicals that change
If love holds me for a time
Or I run a marathon
Or live on nout but limes.
I have understandings
From animals extinct and dead
And understandings from unique genius
Like Einstein, in my head.
I'm a complex adaptive system
That mills meanings as I be
And even by this evening
I'll be a different form of we.
Saturday, July 01, 2017
She is a survivor
Be kind to her
Even if she has grown to wear the crown
Be kind.
Soon after birth she broke
Murdering family, self-harm
Long before the uncle appeared
Be kind to her.
Acount the infant trauma
Questions and pictures of hurt youth
Frozen at heart to know no path
Away from these vexed complexes
Rooted in past and tangled in her
Treat her with kindness and care.
She still walks with stars in her eyes
Still dreams, still streams with tears
And screams, still finds the same
Can't stitch the torn seams
Still fights the guilt, clings to toys
Pulls up the quilt. Still cannot help
But see the pictures of those young
Still caught in recriminations and hate
Asking the same questions she asked
Young questions from a long held crown.
Confounded in the same debates
From the 1860s
Darwin, Melanin, Socialism or
Like she'll never move on, be kind to
America, her civil war
Survivor of childhood trauma.
Monday, June 26, 2017
Haggerston bridge
London Plane, trunk like old skin, lamp
clad and bluing
Is portal guard like Cerebus to dark
water in warm dusk
This is not the Styx, this yoked
conduit of memory
Slow freight path of archaeology
Is again thinking new sediment.
Where once were dreams rise modular
Poorly edited, I remember this
When the blocks of type had no roofs
Shards and boards, pigeons and purple
The new brick is unetched by traffic
Unwashed by soot, standing as if
It is something, the red faced facade
And underneath steel webbed core.
There is no thought of empire here no
Thoughts are elsewhere, interest and
Elsewhere, decorations, elsewhere
Stucco and arches, long ago squared
No proud punctuation of co-operative
No ornamentation
Just railings, iron, 4x10 or whatever.
This manuscript is seen from distance
Where pride is in different
Different interest and considerations
Whoever made this wash
Does not know this place
And what it has to be proud of.
Dusk stretches into lost distance like
Dark artery, spun into glasses,
footsteps, kisses
By a million lights, it is hard to know
When the sun sets.
But there is no thought of empire
Where innovation is a different shape
of box
Frosted glass steps monotonous, myopic
They believe in these cube units.
But value just one angle
There is no thought of empire here
Only conquest.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
It's a donkey
We're getting sold a donkey
They said it was a Ferrari, classic
The finest engineering, cutting edge
But it's a donkey.
A donkey with bling stirrups and
ergonomic saddle
Go faster stripes sprayed on for modern
We're getting sold a donkey, named
It's the best of 800 year old donkeys
But it's not a Ferrari
It doesn't send performance data to
track side
To tweak and adjust input and exhaust,
real time
It ain't clocking 200k on the straight
You can't change it's shoes in 1.2
Trade descriptions, this not a Ferrari.
Cross in a box every five years
Deary, deary, dear
It's a donkey.
The mother of
all parliaments
Needs to look to the grandkids
Or we will all feel plate tectonics.
They say earthquakes happen
When two adjacent pieces of crust
Move at different rates, one gets stuck
The resulting friction builds up
Until it erupts in violent shock.
The revolution will not be televised
It will not be bought to you by mail
Or pigeon carrier on velum parchment
But if we don't fix these plate
It might just come in smoke
I think we've been fooled
They say it's donkey called Ferrari
I think it's really a mule.
Friday, June 23, 2017
Say that again
The things that you say
Say to others
Say them to me.
I want to hear them from your lips.
Hear your lips whisper
Hear your lips
Without words.
Say to others
Say them to me.
I want to hear them from your lips.
Hear your lips whisper
Hear your lips
Without words.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
No plot left
In the beds that face the sun
I have grown roses
And now they are gone.
The first was yellow
Unlike any other one
An African, yes, long done.
The second, to the West
Was a classic red
Pungent, rosette blooms
That marched determined on
Through the year from June
And I never should have left
The hips on it, unprunned.
The third, to the East
Was delicate white
Fleeting, with scent so sweet
Geraniums and snapdragons
Mark the grave of each.
And now in the bed
That faces the sun
I see no plot for a new rose
Only Borrage and Geranium.
Friday, June 09, 2017
Strong and stable
Strong and stable,
Like a hairpin on a bomb
At the negotiating table
What could possibly go wrong.
Strong and stable
Like dominoes
Once willing and able
To tread on their toes.
Strong and stable
Like Terry Waite
As she sits among enemies
With her new found mates.
Strong and stable,
Like a hairpin on a bomb
At the negotiating table
What could possibly go wrong.
Of course I must forget
Of course I must forget
Like a beach forgets the traffic
With the tide.
Like night forgets a candle
That has died.
Like a shirt on a radiator
Forgets the rain.
I must hold you, or forget.
A single moment from a train.
Of course I must forget
Like oak forgets the summer
Every year.
Like clay forgets its possibilities
In fire.
Like a squirrel forgets
Where it buried its nuts.
Where it buried its nuts.
I must forget.
Thursday, June 08, 2017
There will be no snap election
No crocodile tears
What the naughtiest thing you've ever
Bomb London, child abuse is God's will.
There will be no snap election.
Monday, June 05, 2017
What is it he says
Sweetest summer love
My north star, so long my hope
What is it he says to you?
What is it he says?
Not within my ear shot
Or gunshots
Those echoes of harm
Snake weak forked tongue
We will see this done
Even weasels have a leg to stand on.
A kneecap.
What is it he says?
From the vice dripping
Glass house of a midlife crisis
I'll be nice with this
Though it would pain me
To finish it quick.
He should bring water to your cup, not your eye.
With grace and clean speed
Sparrow pierces through sky.
Heron, my grace and compass
Don't hold his sacks on your wing
His baggage and shit
And should he seek to clip
Your freedom that lets the air in
I will break each bone from wrist up
And return to his fingers
Oh dare him. And I will visit
Jazz upon his bones like Mingus.
It gets me a bit old testament
Certain suggestions
Linguistic tricks, baited attacks and
I got this instruction booklet called
'Making mothafuckas act right'
Misappropriated entitlements
Fed on sensation, titillation,
Obscured connections, responsibilities
Obscured connections, responsibilities
The globalised ring of gyges
I say ring, wring
Is no big thing
No big thing.
Lilting stream, water over smooth rocks
On what level do we meet angels?
Some can only rope and drag low
Some cannot fly, and in truth
Some can only lie
For their truth is not to tell.
Your wings reach above the clouds
Where the sun shines
And angels sing at picnic
Spare him no time
Spare him no time
Mudslingers leave grime
Bring gunslingers, he ain't yours
He's all mine.
Man chats flaff
What spoonful of sorrow do you bring
Exchange it for medicine
Tell me where your heart weighs
My ear yours always, in all ways.
This is not you, sweet enchantment
Can't be, but for how you are an apogee
Of every man's hope and dream
Seeming or unseemly.
No, this is not thee.
In all your sweet revrie, wise liberty
Your care, and he might wish to love
But the full you he does not dare.
Only in your form and shape
That adverts of our heaven ape
But shys from your sweet spell
Too enriching to wish escape.
The only freedom in your following.
Do you not know you are more than
Have I failed you?
More than the sun's gold good bye
I haven't failed you have I.
Some years since our summer, close
But more than most,
More than any other, almost
You colour my idea of love
I colour my idea of love
From the outlines that you left on me.
Your laugh, your wit, my sweet revrie.
Forgive me
If I think I learnt
Something of the art you taught
Learnt in lonliness, an acupuncture of
Learnt in sweat where love maps to skin
Forgive, my belief
That you need to be loved easily
Like brushing your teeth.
Like sketches in ink.
Like casserole.
Your relief mapped in touch and breath
Forgive, if you left expecting any
Let me risk this one disappointment
You can't expect most to match your
To see what you see in this world and
the hearts of men
See beyond how they themselves can with
all reflection
You tend the garden well,
Each grows its own direction to your
The way I loved you for so long as a
canvas for projection.
One of the cleverest men in Britain
once said to me
Another level of understanding is
needed for explanation.
You in gifts explain the art of love by
And if he wears you too full of care.
Call, I'll tell you that I love you,
and ever are my pride
And that for every verse I write
There's a hundred men a tongue tied.
He might want to love you, but love you
he doesn't dare
Leave him to rue and learn, go drop
hankerchief on Mayfair.
Sunday, June 04, 2017
Vote giant vampire squid
Vote giant vampire squid
Because squid will eat your kids.
Squid will suck out your face
And label you a disgrace
For not having enough flesh to
Vote squid
Squid will efficiently
Juice every nook and cranny
Squeezing out every last penny
From any pocket.
Squid will beat the small man down
Squid will beat the medium man down too
Give squid your vote
Because squid will fit universal
catheters to pipes
And juice your shit on remote.
Squid will pat fat cats and
Eichmann's Jerusalem enablers
Relax in tax havens
And make you play catch for crumbs
Squid will presume you're that dumb.
Vote squid
Because squid will liquidate our common
For a couple of quid
Vote squid
A monster you can trust
To suck out your face
And leave you a dried husk.
Saturday, June 03, 2017
Those other loves
Would you ever accept being fourth
Worry of other loves
Worry that at night
I was stealing the message of your
For Erato,
That I was saving my feelings for
Or that I sang for some other better
Greying that I only wanted you
For your resonance, for sentences
Could you ever forgive leaving you
For a sonnet.
Friday, June 02, 2017
Candle light
My jet, you make the page so bright
And yet, I know you can't requite,
Reciprocate a love like this
Don't fret
You make the page so bright.
Saturday, May 13, 2017
I spoil her
We shall go to the sea late summer
When a faraway storm brings waves
When moon is waxen yellow and low
And all the sky is a nave.
We shall go to sea late summer
When the air is a syrup of blooms
When the air is an oven of slumber
And all the shore is a room.
The waves will be our whispers
And all we have to tell
The waves will be our cradle
In the frolick of the swell
We shall taste salt on skin
Salt upon our mouths
Salt upon the air that swims
On the shores of the seas of the south
We shall go to the sea late summer
Without gravity or edge
Without the trappings of fashion
With nothing that needs to be said.
We shall go to the sea late summer
When a faraway storm brings waves
When the moon is waxen yellow and low
We shall go to the sea and be saved.
Monday, May 08, 2017
Make me an honest man
Make me on honest man
This tongue of mine so lose and free
For I believe there's one who can
Carry this rich hyperbole.
Would you make me an honest man
I have such sweet, fine things to say
So few who gently understand
These words so often throwaway.
Oh, let me shower them on you
In whispered passion or sweet jest
Be one to make these words ring true
Make them not lies upon my chest.
If I should say that in your eye
Is all beauty one soul could bear
Could you make this not some coarse lie
Oh, make me honest if you care.
Were I to call your touch divine
Could you make that phrase ring true
Whisper you've a heart so kind
Could you make that truthful too.
If I sung there's nothing better
Than to spend my days with you
Would your spirit make the letter
Of this commandment ever true.
Oh love make me an honest man
How sweet nothings flow from my lips
And rising flames they unseen fan
This careful tongue so often slips
And with it words slip to your soul
Like diamonds on your heart to hold
To speak in lies does leave me cold
Oh, make me an honest man.
I only wish to hold your hand
And sweet nothing seeds to flower
Would you make me an honest man
So rare that one has the power.
Thoughts of a grey day
Well, I guess it's a mess
Frayed trust is a hard set to adjust
All static
I can't ask you to do this
The edges of my cover
In lose filaments, the weave
Fading, unbraiding and disordered
Caught on the less populated edges
Like the first dogs
I must mutate to stomach
The rubbish, fed with rubbish
And fed up, to the gills.
These storms of mind worsen
There have always been squalls
Burnt carbon, methane
Now they are hurricanes
And the thick black pall
Hangs on the horizon for seasons
The only deliverance is mutation
Controlled cell growth under this light
Adaptation. The lodger left the toilet
My ex got drunk and pulled the guest
Of all, I know not what should be
This frayed blanket is a mess.
Wednesday, May 03, 2017
Obama,history may see you as black
For America,
Obama, you were a great act
A mixed descent Kenyan
American of melted origin
But heritage, will see you as black.
In Damascus
They will see you as black
In Tripoli and Cairo
They will see you as black.
And all those in the Umma
With their homes on their backs
Well, they might just too
See you as black.
100 years since the Kaiser
Put Lenin on a train
The oil fields in flames
And your closer
The foreign legacy
Was a right Turkey.
You sold yourself so short
In memory of Ted Hughes
You deserved it
Outside the great court
After all our courtship
You sold yourself short
So short
Too cautious, so obvious
You chose less risk
Thinking it was safe
That he would never see you lit,
To turn your back on changing sea
And boat your passions on a lake.
Do you pretend
For a second
That I could not have made that
conflict quicken
As you scurried sticky
Under the Plane trees.
I let you shrink
Not worth the ring
Not the worth the mink.
We pretended
Long after it all went awry
When you became offended
That I said your mother had surrendered
In Kent, to defeat.
And I became offended
That you couldn't think on your feet.
You can carry on pretending.
You won't forget me
Or forgive yourself
For missing out on love
However old you grow.
I saw your wedding photos
Who were you thinking of, what
That day?
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