Saturday, August 10, 2019
First world problems
Have no cocoa
These boutiques of Brezhnev where you cannot even queue.
I got first world problems
I got first world problems
Like they dissolved jobs into chips and bits
Extract my characteristics
To bamboozle me and sell me shit.
I got first world problems
Like the 20th century infrastructure miracle distilling
Sixty cents in the dollar
Piped, alembic like, into the infinitely capacitous pockets
Of Jeff Bezos, that leaves the rest of us.....
I got first world problems
Like they only make magic money to rearrange property rights
Privatise my collective services
To incompetent fly-by-nights.
I got first world problems
Like they covered the land in tarmac
So you can't grow food
But you can drive to buy it back.
I got first world problems
Like my mind is under attack
By nefarious cabals
That develop their social agenda on crack.
I got first world problems
Like social organisation is complex beyond my comprehension
N-dimensional factorials. An utter dependence on expert systems
Like trains, traffic lights international logistics, wires and gas pipes.
I got first world problems
Like government beyond amateur comprehension
And I've got amateur representation
They said I was above it
But then they closed my station.
(What would you do?)
I got first world, timeless problems
Like barbarians inside the gates
Power high coke fiends that pillage and rape.
It's loco
I got first world problems
I bought the shop out of tropical products like cocoa.
Thursday, August 08, 2019
Lost phone
Boo hoo Boo hoo
And its camera shot true
Boo hoo Boo hoo
I lost my phone down the Tube
Boo hoo Boo hoo.
It did so many things
I don't need to do.
Boo hoo Boo hoo
Saturday, August 03, 2019
I said its dead.
Fight over 7% of the world's wealth
1300 people own everything else.
Can't see, the wood, forgive him
They make money of you breathing and living
Turkeys ain't got franchise
If you can't see what's in front of your eyes
Then you'll only ever know what they told you to think.
From each according to their ability
To each according to their need
Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos the surplus.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Citizens of nowhere
Dog whistle, it's Daoist
The yin and yang
Each word its opposite manifests.
Citizens of our Empire.
Citizens of nowhere
Dog whistle the map dots
Spots like Rockall
Sandbars, cocktail bars, Anguila
Citizens of nowhere.
Mother of that vision
Citizens of nowhere
With zeal and greed
Private planes for old men, old women
She stole a nurse's passport
And made her die overseas.
Citizens of nowhere.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Leaves like ears and tongues
I have been waiting for the Sage to flower.
Faeries make their home there, in purple cups
Since retired my mother's Thyme is pruned
I have been waiting for the Sage to flower
Its towers engulf the old compost bin
Slender grey green palms now stand two foot tall
Hanging silent in the July sun.
Thick trunked trees well mulched, strawberry patches
A thatch of dry grass, Ivy and Yew
And the faeries will stop, when they pass through
Sprites and pixies too will come
For the purple flower with veined leaves like tongues.
I have been waiting for the Sage to flower
The old black compost bin in forest lost
A cloud of veined grey-green tongues that thrust.
I thought, clear in error, some dyslexic
Misfiled season that Sage when it strung
Its palisade in spring would purple bring
And faeries soon but many moons have sank
And still, my mother would have said the other
A, not April, how fell, my foolish mind
Does serve me ill.
At some august time, correct and proper
After purple sentinels have trumpeted their nectar
The grey-green tongues have fed the zenithed bells
When flies have drank and bees, the faeries swum
In purple cups and pixies played harp
Upon the petals; I will take scissors
Cut stalk to base afresh, tight bunch the stems
With Honeysuckle twine and hold bright flame
Carrying all about house and garden
As witches would have done
A censer make of silent grey green tongues.
For good faeries will come rushing to aid
And bad faeries will turn tail and run
When they smell the scent of a home burning
The purple cups and their soft ears aflame
Fig hollow, foxglove will house those that came.
And set ground afresh for spirits next year
I have been waiting for the Sage to flower.
Shrapnel 102
What is one to do when there's no donkey for the tail?
What is one to do when you've an aeroplane to mail?
I put a pin into a fountain and it failed.
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Shrapnel 31
Broken mooreland and glen
I did not dance for them to come
Washing salt, sweet over my lips
I drank every breath.
Friday, June 21, 2019
Therapy Notes III
I don't care
The frayed child's lie
You should not argue with those not there.
The washing machine will not clean
The churning of these waking dreams.
Pouring dirt in the powder slot
Push the button, pressing play
Turn the dial to boiling hot.
A grey matter, you cannot run away.
Nor waste in anguish yet more days
For all the fearful love you share
You should not argue with those not there.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
The cranes are pecking at the mudflats
Scarred ground and glass
Of terraces down west and east are lost
At night, great red eyed rats sit atop
Great red eyed rats, fat
And busy making new ones from the young.
“Les enfants danse sur la cupole" seulement
Without religion
Git, git, git
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Shrapnel No.88
There's no need to deify
It's the way I see it in true
And I justify it too
Tell it straight up
I'm gonna subjectify you.
They must have told ya
It's in the eye of the beholder.
At your shoulder, cold how call girls
Can't hold a candle to you
So I hold a brush to canvas
There's no rush, and there's no
It's yellowbricks and only us.
No need to mystify my intention for you
You can see it in my eye,
I'm gonna subjectify you.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Faraday might've kicked his cat
This but single tapestry stitch
That bares a thread untouched by blood
Monday, May 20, 2019
Ode to the shit they utter
The blue lights flash, sirens and engines
Expensively assembled teams years in training
Rush to the scene.
Pour on as much water, see no expense spared
Get a helicopter up, the cost is who cares?
In an emergency
You put everything to one side
It's not time to do dishes or watch the paint dry
It's not business as usual, take it all in your stride
With that emergency response
You find people died.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Or hand washing on river rocks
That is how.
A weave of loves like sail rope
Sunday, April 07, 2019
Santa-Claus doesn't wear a crown
By folk across nations
In horse and carts didn't start this.
Erasmus' letters were not the first
Jean-Claude Juncker, far from the worst.
Just as artists will make art
Scientists shine light
Powerful people muster swords and guns
And relate through fights.
But it's bedtime
Four seconds from midnight.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Kenwood at Christmas
And all the years whares
Laid in carpet on the floor.
The blue has gone and slowly
Yellow turns to brown and grey
Leaving lignen tributaries
Stretched in awe up to the rain.
This a time of furs and scoured grass
The rasping wind in lupine howl
It barely takes a gasp. They will fish carp
The flames are burning now
Monday, February 18, 2019
In honour of Theresa May's deal
Not since Troy tasked men
Auto-colonialism to rue and ponder
And facepalms for Cassandra.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Let me at this time lie
Just for today.
Tell tall and wild tales
All the while a rose
Between my teeth
Today at least
Let me lie.
Forget didaction and analysis
The mirage oasis objectivity so illusory
In all illusion, lie wildly
And with passion, my rose
Between my teeth and talk
Of buttercups, pillows and home returns
Of roses, spring, covers and pillows
And beaches, peacocks and cake and stars
And cake and, pillows and clouds
And let it all seem true.
So just this one day you may know
How much I always love you.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
The 12.51 to Preston
Talking to an umbrella plant
About zen philosophy,
Is this what the world expected.
On the phone to benefits
Poison fossilised in grey snakes
The mill's curse, scarring these hills,
Gap toothed half literate crack piping
Horror dawns over his jaw on the stair
To cut the ageing radiators out
And create something better
Wait, for the fruit fly to drink
Gas off the fresh ink
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Things I didn't hear at the meeting
For an eco-equitable, enabling eco-system
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
So often it would come to this
Some wide road, empty and orange
East of the known world and alone
This is like that.
Carrying the valuables
Fielding unsuitables
Adding another ladder rung
Nut to the scaffold
And then some unknown road
Not long from morning
Gone missing
So often it would come to this.
He was a sensitive child with his own mind
Even when he could crawl
He'd show boredom with coeing adults
Turn his long thick torso to the grass
The probation officer fell in love
That bored him
A love that needs the valuables carrying
Hands too small
For any oedipal shield
Or sword
The archetypes we learn
Are not our own. Formative
Chinese whispers and trauma.
So often it would come to this.
His grandmother said
"Welcome to Africa"
Opened the door on a whitewash room
Just large enough for the inch thick mattress
In the morning she drove me to Robben Island.
I never saw her happier
And then sent me on, out to Observatory.
They said his granddad jumped off a block
In Angola, when the revolution was won
After he had bitten tears,
Blessed improper funerals
Seen the fruit
That grew from high ideals.
So often it comes to this.
Teardrop haiku
Salt water is poison to soil
It sterilises.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Requiem for human flourishing
There's no way to count the cost
To the confused (spoken)
Y'all gangster, movers and shakers
The music that your chains make for your abusers
The crackers. Ya Babylon. Vampire Squid
Pickney tricked the road to nick is paved in riches
Reinstitute the slave trade in weak minded bitches.
Man tell me they need crime to write a bar
I'm like ra-ra-ra, go bath in tar
Roll your self in feathers
Lock your own hands in chains
Since the sixties and Nixon J.Edgar Hoover had your brain.
Why you think they shot King
Black fame?
Or because he was a messiah preaching peace
In rhythms of the King James.
Call it all jive
Farrakahns a racist and he's still alive.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Drowning horses
Washed hollow and prone
On lake shore where clouds of pennies float
I'll take a pale and douse it down
How we thrash and flail like alligators
And draw a crowd of awed spectators
And you can lead a horse to water
Washed hollow and prone
On lakeshore where clouds of pennies float.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
The critical question
Over the referendum, EU withdrawal
Schengen schenanigans
Other addendums
The proper question for the body politic
These are not.
The proper question is
Wax, Petrol, Bottles and Rags
My doubt in dhotis doubles
Trouble. Cartier cartels like Bolsheviks
Parasite this Empire's sunset
Sunset on the senate, quarterised Agora
Centuries since Tom Paine's tree transplanted
Tankers and satellites bring Ash Die Back
The Old Lady knocked the rafters from the house
This shack a sty,
Pigs plastering edits on the walls
Deifying myths of our perfection
This church takes more than Tithe
Thrives on human sacrifice
Wax, petrol, bottles and rags
Turkeys balloted on Christmas or Thanksgiving
A needle in the neck
To paralyse the body politic, ancient medicine
Till giants corner the ring,
Regulation as usual, business in digital.
A stitch in time saves nine
So they stitch and they stitch
Alibis over the crimes, wool over the House
A douse of paraffin is a sure cure for louse
Stockpile in case of
Disaster capitalist frags
Wax, petrol, bottles an rags.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
I used to gaze at castles
Sit in the harbour's stead
I dreamt how ships came into port
With mutton and with mead
Just thirty men to hold the fort
Was all that they did need.
There is no call for castles now
Walls just well built memories
That make this tourist town
There for all to see.
Caricatured in knights and wars
Moores of legend and of magic
I used to gaze at castle walls
Never knew a siege so tragic.
Friday, November 09, 2018
Things not to say on Tinder 42.
Arc bright lamp so luminous
I've been off a-foraging
Through this landscape so voluminous
This landscape where
Your message raised me
So high above the penguin crowds
With butterfly net and razor
I have been picking clouds.
Searching only for the sweetest
Not the over-ripe and weepy grey
Those fluffy white with crispy tops
Not whispy ones that float away.
I picked vanilla cirrus, apple stratus
All the Cherry cumulus I'm able
Even Wasabi alto-stratus
To lay upon your table.
I cup them all in ramikins
Juggle the crop for all I'm worth
Until your thought evaporates
And I return to earth.
Thursday, November 01, 2018
More must die
This battle not enough
My lord in wrath unquenched
More must die.
Though on these acres souls
Like stubbled fields of straw have fallen
Those callow tender sprouts misguided blow
Like flakes of ash upon the wind
More must die.
Though my footprints inked in blood
Ankles lapped in crimson tide of sacrifice
Breeches soaked in spleen and fluids as I wade
More must die.
A legion will not quench
Like starved hounds bays ire unsheathed
Though lit pyres sicken the morning sky
More must die.
Till artisans replace the forest with bones
And build cathedrals of skulls to placate my Lord
More must die.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
The world's fracked
Grilled world seconds from midnight
Eichmann in Houston
Short sighted pollution
Turkeys vote from one night of maddness
Before they ring in Christmas
Liquidate the forest, desecrate empty cradles
Civilisations and small business fail
When they don't price time.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Poison Ivy
Strivers, connivers, the safe
Those at the top are oft for the chop
Those at the bottom can see what is rotten
The conformist, uniformists that hate
They agree to the fiddle
Facist apologists tend to come from the middle.
Monday, September 24, 2018
Romantic advice
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
As she passes
Thursday, August 30, 2018
There's a pill.
And if that makes you unwell
There's a pill for the pill
And should you find yourself still unwell
Well there's a pill for the pill for the pill
Till your killed.
And if you should wonder why you never got well
Well, where there's a pill there's a bill.
Friday, August 24, 2018
And other mistakes
And revenge, caught in somebody else's war
That lacked a sherpa's barefoot intimacy
Each hillock, stone and rock, how imperfect we all are.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Picnic short of a muse - Things not to say on tinder 86
Then I'm a picnic short of a muse
Fruity, cheesy with some breadsticks
I've got something you might use
We'll go country, find a hayrick
Pass the offy get some booze
If you're a sandwich short of a picnic
I'm a picnic short of a muse.
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Blueprint - Ghosts
Sunday, August 05, 2018
The belief in fear
And you will be made very, very, afraid
What was it last sent a love to the grave?
Terrorism is the belief in fear.
Life's a short surf on this thunderous wave
A wet board under foot all in balance
Accidents, incidents, timing and chance
And what was it last sent a love to the grave?
There's a war on, and foreign invaders
Blast bombs everyday,
but not over here
Terrorism is the belief in fear
We're worried yes, that's how they made us.
Painting a picture on bright coloured screens
Truth's got shoes, there's fibre optics for hoax
They'll teach you hate like they taught you to smoke
A hollowed out husk in the spider's machine.
Do you wear raincoats when the weather is clear
Need protection, rally round and obey
What was it last sent a love to the grave?
Terrorism is the belief in fear.
They've mapped new Asian pipelines on a plan
Because they fell in love with LPG;
And Russia's gas transmission monopoly
So, well, they taught us to hate all Islam.
Two men stabbed a soldier in Woolwich and stood
They were nicked, arrested and sectioned
Flew a kid back from Libya,
to Manchester
in the election
A Home Office assett, he ended up dead.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
May grow
We never sat that lesson.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Field of Hay
Is featureless
The sun lost
In late day haze
Cans and empties
Which way is home?
Is it fair to ask
The field is featureless.
Friday, July 20, 2018
White satin
For what judge
Are eyes of souls and love?
Sunday, July 15, 2018
To the editor
I often write poetry
Do you read haiku?
Trying for Sticky Toffee
But it's a delicate trick.
If it's too hard
A British tradition,
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Shrapnel no.7
Black coffee and acid for breakfast.
Tai Chi.
False spring starts me like a childhood memory.
You should stay one day
For coffee.
We could discover a whole new city.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Thing 2
Thursday, June 28, 2018
I cried the whole night through
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Crisp Packets on the Avenell Rd and A letter to Arsene Wenger II
An edited double page spread
Beyond Michels and Paisley
Saturday, June 09, 2018
Not for the rhyme
Swear they won't leave
Long after three
Holding cold cups of tea.
It ain't the rhyme
That makes them bang on the door
Call at the window
Wanting what came before.
I can't put my finger on it
It's on the tip of my tongue
It's not for the rhyme that they come.
Friday, June 08, 2018
Fish and refugees I,II,III
This I didn't share, lean in, intervene
From my chair, given that obviously,
Small changes can cause chaos
With no mention of the City, or pensions, tax
Empire, sunset havens, their asylum.
What have they done to Greece?
The myths don't tell you
That we dismantled the cotton industry of India
For the mills of Manchester
Fought the Chinese for right to sell them smack
Fought them again to sell them more.
Murdered the Irish for nine hundred years,
Armed Benin to enslave the Gold Coast, Guinea
Then broke them in debt
But the Irish, Chinese, Ghanaians, the Indians
Our myths speak of a heroic past
Showed us gleaming treasures which we took.
Expected garlands back.
And so we go
Cap proudly on our head
Who we fought for five hundred years
And sneered at.
And Germans, who we fought and humiliated
Concentration camps.
And the Spanish where we've got a rock
Thursday, June 07, 2018
Shrapnel 32
Wednesday, June 06, 2018
Ask me this
In magnesium flares
That which you wish
If you've will to dare.
And I would grow flowers
Cut flowers like the heads of heathens
Like harvest corn.
What colours would we make
Kaleidoscope and follow fate
Through fractal days,
Reinventions, iron filings
In the fireworks
Cream in the puddings
All this patience in the dark
Ask me this
At the end of a touch paper
Full of spark.