Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Fish and refugees. III

The driver made the ride scream all the way
Down the road from Bangkok, professional
Past low foundries, platoons of effigies
Blurring like change, green and sweat, square shacks
Body shops each block like the vehicles here
Are broken.

The green Island rises above grey sea
Like a well sung myth. Roof gone high and wide
Above the shrubs, pale sand, dark palm fronds splay
Like torn Venetian blinds against the sky
Pennants of a paradisal army
And some, beetle eaten their headdress slipped
Make littoral a harbour of stalled ships
The tropic thick air presses like a dilute sea
Seasoned by butterflies, blooms, these foreign
To my eye the lizards, bugs, the plants here
Flower until they die.

From the shore at night you'd be forgiven
For thinking the fishing boats far cities
Lost Atlantis and its suburbs risen
From the sea. What chance do squid have, what pity
Soft flourescence the most delightful spell
Of all sweet dances in staged Darwin's hall
What chance do they stand against the blazing lure
The Venusian halogens
To see such beauty so immense and pure
That we could not know, but to call it awe
So they rush to the net, the plate, their end.

There are young teak stands, seas of cane acreage
And the jungle brush fires reak like temples.
Throughout the year, when the cane stands tall
After sundown men go from the village
Set flaming torches to ripe sugar
And it lights the countryside like pillage.

The saddest part is to see elephants
Balding pink patches, hunched, dropped ears, limp trunks
Chained waiting for riders they cannot want
Far from home jungles and most often drunk.

A couple, young and bronzed track the water
Footprints snakewise though the sand and flotsam
Their hands are not together, heads are down
This dream they both dreamt in another town
Seems dreamt now in separate minds today
Like they woke in a brochure and full of reproach
The saltwater washes their tracks away.

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