Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Leaves like ears and tongues

I have been waiting for the Sage to flower
This village of grey green furred leaves like ears
In spring rooves spread curved about the compost
Now build cathedrals, articulates spires
Skyward, like furred radio towers.

I have been waiting for the Sage to flower.
How it has grown, grey-green furred leaves like tongues
That wag in wind, pregnant with utterance.
Rising like a snap of timelapsed helicopters
They stretch their soft cupped tips slowly upwards.

My mother says it is good husbandry
To snip back stem to base before it seeds
Or that lush Sage company grows chaos.
Sparse mess of wooden lines, withered ears
A mass of snakes at death. The roots expire.

I have been waiting for the Sage to flower
This tall copse of rushes, soft leaves like ears
Still in the morn, a landing patch for flies
Around the black bin a grey forest throngs
Steadily rising furred leaves like tongues.

Faeries make their home there, in purple cups
A bit like bluebells, with a summer outlook
A feast for bees now the rocket has passed
All the Daisies and Borrage, Thyme flowers.
Since retired my mother's Thyme is pruned
To perfectly round bowers, pres d'Agen.

I have been waiting for the Sage to flower
Its towers engulf the old compost bin
Slender grey green palms now stand two foot tall
Their bobbled leaves loll slow like thirsty tongues
Hanging silent in the July sun.

Thick trunked trees well mulched, strawberry patches
A thatch of dry grass, Ivy and Yew
And the faeries will stop, when they pass through
Sprites and pixies too will come
For the purple flower with veined leaves like tongues.

I have been waiting for the Sage to flower
From rising tongues it has built its empire
Elaborates joints like candelarbra
The old black compost bin in forest lost
A cloud of veined grey-green tongues that thrust.

I thought, clear in error, some dyslexic
Misfiled season that Sage when it strung
Its palisade in spring would purple bring
And faeries soon but many moons have sank
And still, my mother would have said the other
A, not April, how fell, my foolish mind
Does serve me ill.

At some august time, correct and proper
After purple sentinels have trumpeted their nectar
The grey-green tongues have fed the zenithed bells
When flies have drank and bees, the faeries swum
In purple cups and pixies played harp
Upon the petals; I will take scissors
Cut stalk to base afresh, tight bunch the stems
With Honeysuckle twine and hold bright flame
Carrying all about house and garden
As witches would have done
A censer make of silent grey green tongues.

For good faeries will come rushing to aid
And bad faeries will turn tail and run
When they smell the scent of a home burning
The purple cups and their soft ears aflame
Fig hollow, foxglove will house those that came.

And set ground afresh for spirits next year
I have been waiting for the Sage to flower.

Shrapnel 102

I put a pin into a fountain and it failed
What is one to do when there's no donkey for the tail?
What is one to do when you've an aeroplane to mail?
I put a pin into a fountain and it failed.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Shrapnel 31

The was I time I ran
Broken mooreland and glen
And clouds gathered like a temper
The clouds were not looking for me
I did not dance for them to come
Yet it rained
The gathering weight of water drops
Washing salt, sweet over my lips
I drank every breath.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Therapy Notes III

Spherical Mayan Vase c. 700AD. Huehueteotl. Old Fire God

I don't care

The frayed child's lie
You should not argue with those not there.
The washing machine will not clean
The churning of these waking dreams.

Pouring dirt in the powder slot
Push the button, pressing play
Turn the dial to boiling hot.
A grey matter, you cannot run away. 

Nor waste in anguish yet more days
For all the fearful love you share
You should not argue with those not there.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019



The cranes are pecking at the mudflats
Scarred ground and glass
Unresting spirits, in torment, the ghosts
Of terraces down west and east are lost
At night, great red eyed rats sit atop
The office blocks
Great red eyed rats, fat
They have evicted even ghosts
And busy making new ones from the young.


Cup aloft in flowing throng, young, tall and blonde he loudly calls “Can anybody help me”
Falters his voice through heaving halls, "Can anybody help me. I'm homeless" receding backs "Can anybody, anybody. Help. A hurry, hurry of hair and cloth stickles past the paper cup; stick to the path in forest, for many are lost; to the escalators “Get out, Get out” The bluecoats shout at she, traffic powdered pallid hurt, knees up, sunweathered spots and anger. Shouted "Get out" as the portly lady just put a KFC bucket at her feet. "Get out" when she got a mega bucket at her feet. She standing now clenched and shouting, silent; not her parents, the numbers, she, we, we've all seen the numbers, all of us, the figures; kid's gait, small storm, zephyr in an alleyway till the grey, bitten hand carved of frostbite says.
“Go get your food”.


“Les enfants danse sur la cupole" seulement
Without religion
They offer opiates and racism
Like the bones are no longer in our mouths
Like we miss a season when dead flowers bud.
The children are crying in the tunnels again.
Git, git, git

Glug, glug, glug.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Shrapnel No.88

The rarefied, most alive
There's no need to deify
It's the way I see it in true
And I justify it too
Tell it straight up
I'm gonna subjectify you.

They must have told ya
It's in the eye of the beholder.
At your shoulder, cold how call girls
Can't hold a candle to you
So I hold a brush to canvas
There's no rush, and there's no
It's yellowbricks and only us.

No need to mystify my intention for you
You can see it in my eye,
I'm gonna subjectify you.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Faraday might've kicked his cat

This knowledge did not come from God
This but single tapestry stitch
Made by flawed hands that broke edicts
This knowledge was made by humans.

The system made human minds
Inhuman. Without need for God
For grace or piety.
This knowledge is stained with slavery
Torture, war and sin.

There is no stitch in this rich picture
That bares a thread untouched by blood
This knowledge did not come from God.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Ode to the shit they utter

In an emergency
The blue lights flash, sirens and engines
Expensively assembled teams years in training
Rush to the scene.
Pour on as much water, see no expense spared
Get a helicopter up, the cost is who cares?

In an emergency
You put everything to one side
It's not time to do dishes or watch the paint dry
It's not business as usual, take it all in your stride
With that emergency response
You find people died.

Saturday, May 11, 2019


If they gave swifts a sky trail
That is how i'd like to write
Or hand washing on river rocks
That is how.

And if I've been unfair
To you, to me, to pages
It is in naming this infatuation.

When to give its due
The muse is one type of love
It's true.

And if I've been unfair to love
It is to say
This is not the type
One needs. One needs

A weave of loves like sail rope
A chord, made from chords
Made from threads.

This ink is just one thread
And I would write like swifts instead.

Sunday, April 07, 2019

Santa-Claus doesn't wear a crown

There's always been relations
By folk across nations

Scientists and artists
In horse and carts didn't start this.
Erasmus' letters were not the first
Jean-Claude Juncker, far from the worst.

Just as artists will make art
Scientists shine light
Troubadors come with music and fun
Powerful people muster swords and guns
And relate through fights.

But it's bedtime
Four seconds from midnight.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Kenwood at Christmas

Out from repeated fractal grey
The falling licks of yellow flame
Burn brown the fronds of earthen brains
And all the years whares
Laid in carpet on the floor.
The blue has gone and slowly
Yellow turns to brown and grey
Leaving lignen tributaries
Stretched in awe up to the rain.

This a time of furs and scoured grass
The rasping wind in lupine howl
It barely takes a gasp. They will fish carp
Carve turkey and the year's fat from goose
The flames are burning now
These named benches of no use.

Monday, February 18, 2019

In honour of Theresa May's deal

And where Cassandra?
Not since Troy tasked men
To pull the wooden horse
Within its gates
Has such statecraft taken place.
Auto-colonialism to rue and ponder
And facepalms for Cassandra.

Thursday, February 14, 2019


Let me at this time lie
Just for today.
Tell tall and wild tales
All the while a rose
Between my teeth
Today at least
Let me lie.

Forget didaction and analysis
The mirage oasis objectivity so illusory
In all illusion, lie wildly
And with passion, my rose
Between my teeth and talk
Of buttercups, pillows and home returns
Of roses, spring, covers and pillows
And beaches, peacocks and cake and stars
And cake and, pillows and clouds
And let it all seem true.

So just this one day you may know
How much I always love you.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The 12.51 to Preston

Sitting in a rickety
White conservatory in Leeds
Talking to an umbrella plant
About zen philosophy,
The twelve fifty one to Preston
Is this what the world expected.

The recovering man sits
On the phone to benefits
Poison fossilised in grey snakes
The mill's curse, scarring these hills,
Gap toothed half literate crack piping
Meat packer stamps his feet in threat
Stowed crow bar in the back pack
For opening doors, the politic
Is this what the world expected.

Make a bare room a seminar
Who's doing the throttling and how
The proper method of crop rotation
Palid, with a handsome visage
Rarely visited by smiles
One of his eyes wanders, the son
Oh him, with the racist Staf.
There are no songs
Of how the steam milled killed
This wet aired town.
Is this what the world expected.

After two shifts the soldier will return
From taking all of the five kids to Mosque
Ferry the recovering man for cash
Like basket weavers who borrow cane
Horror dawns over his jaw on the stair
Witness now to the impotence of serfs
Alone with the pots
Is this what the world expected.

Crack concrete to fit fresh pipe
Shift grit in sacks and back
For aggregates till the clock matches
All of that sweat
To cut the ageing radiators out
And create something better
Wait, for the fruit fly to drink
Gas off the fresh ink
Is this what the world expected.

Sitting in a rickety
White conservatory in Leeds
Talking to an umbrella plant
About zen philosophy
Is this what the world expected of me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

I tell you they're coming
They're coming they are
With bulldozers like tidal waves
Voracious steel jawed monsters
That crave to encase our community
In concrete, feast
And block out the sun.

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

I've been here for ten years.
Me twenty.
Me since sixty four.
I was here afore all yee in misty days of yore.

I was here when the shops were nice
Before people came to score.
I was here afore all yee in misty days of yore.

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

We intend to build a series of skyscrapers
That will blot out the sun,
Saddle the council with debt
Take the money and run.

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

The alternative to a festering turmite mound
That will devour the suffocated heart of our community,
An army of atomised worker cells
Shedding anonymity to lubricate the path
Of thieves and men of bad affections;
Is a collectively constructed
Constructively created, all purpose
Purpose built Shangrila.

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

I am diverse, I
Represent diverse people
We speak with one voice.

We are diverse here
And they want to build the same
On diverse people.

We diverse people
Need space to be
More diverse within
This community.
If we do not have space to be diverse
We cannot remain the same.

We hope that other
Diverse people will join us
And be diverse too.

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

Hello, I'd like to declare my interest
In a collection of ideas, ideals
That everyone thinks they'd like to believe
And feel quite good with tea and soft focus.

Hello, I'd like to declare that I'm drunk
And the chair of the club
That wouldn't rub shoulders
With you, the community.

Hello, I'd like to declare that I'm sent
From the infamous armies of Satan
We've got pictures and papers
On you and your offspring
And we're waiting,
To integrate input from you,
The community.

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

The picture you see before you
Has no sharp edges,
The colours represent
A very fashionable choice by Arturo
Who did the Auto CAD.

As you can see from the map
There are many spaces
That could be filled with a diverse range
Of hope and energy

Please all imagine
Something that you would like to see
Say “mmmmmm”
And forget the desperation on the doorstep.

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

Please disperse with military efficiency
Into groups of relevant proficiency and expertise.
Assemble your blueprints in two blinks on post its,
Please keep the yellow and green ones separate from pink.

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

Wouldn't it be nice to have some nice things.
Other places have nice things, it could be nice.
This is nicer than the other place I was.

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

I mean where they going to put it all ?
Where you going put all of them ?
If you put them there,
Where you going to put
All things you have to put
When you put things places?
Where they going to put it all?
It won't fit.
And who put em up to it?

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

I need something for what I do
People like me, they do too
We could do something for what I do
I like doing what I do.

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

You call this business,
Strung out hairdressers, beauticians and fried chicken
I'll buy a flat and you'll feel me pissing
From a great height.
I'm drunk and I don't give a...

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

Space is love
The love of this community
Concious of its beating heart
Seizing this transformational opportunity
To reaffirm tradition with a new start.

We can build something beautiful
With all the voices at the table
Open up the arena
For an eco-equitable, enabling eco-system
Of interactions symbiotically structured
To be systemically symmetrical celebrations
Of space as love.

Things I didn't hear at the meeting

Why don't we just chip in and buy them out.
Pass round the hat, get busy
Will have a few hundred mil in a couple of minutes.

If there's any left in the pot
We can give it to married, mortgaged middle-aged
White men because they don't seem to get a lot.

But we could build a tower block.

Yes, we could build a tower block
That's exactly what Tottenham needs
Another tower block.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

So often it would come to this

And then it would come to this
Some wide road, empty and orange
East of the known world and alone
This is like that.
Carrying the valuables
Fielding unsuitables
Adding another ladder rung
Nut to the scaffold
And then some unknown road
Not long from morning
Gone missing
So often it would come to this.

He was a sensitive child with his own mind
Even when he could crawl
He'd show boredom with coeing adults
Turn his long thick torso to the grass
The probation officer fell in love
That bored him
A love that needs the valuables carrying
Hands too small
For any oedipal shield
Or sword
The archetypes we learn
Are not our own. Formative
Chinese whispers and trauma.
So often it would come to this.

His grandmother said
"Welcome to Africa"
Opened the door on a whitewash room
Just large enough for the inch thick mattress
In the morning she drove me to Robben Island.
I never saw her happier
And then sent me on, out to Observatory.
They said his granddad jumped off a block
In Angola, when the revolution was won
After he had bitten tears,
Blessed improper funerals
Seen the fruit
That grew from high ideals.
So often it comes to this.

Teardrop haiku

All teardrops are salt
Salt water is poison to soil
It sterilises.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Requiem for human flourishing

You can't tell what we've lost
Her, drowned in the Med
With all the secrets that she held in her head
All of those things she could have said
The machines that could've come from her fingers.

There's no way to count the cost
He could have been writing like Rowling
But belt tightening and frightened of howling wolves
He goes begging
While Dem Belly Full.

There's no way of knowing.
That kid growing without folic acid
And he sits his SATS but behaviour erratic
Cos his mum is attacked by the panic
In sweeping up bread crumbs.
Attachment deficit. Label him, dumb.

We lost an Einstein illiterate
We lost another itinerant
We lost another at the border with no visa
Because his skin didn't fit
There's a cost to us all
No way of counting it.

To the confused (spoken)

They been confused by J.Edgar Hoover
Y'all gangster, movers and shakers
The music that your chains make for your abusers
The crackers. Ya Babylon. Vampire Squid
Pickney tricked the road to nick is paved in riches
Reinstitute the slave trade in weak minded bitches.

Man tell me they need crime to write a bar
I'm like ra-ra-ra, go bath in tar
Roll your self in feathers
Lock your own hands in chains
Since the sixties and Nixon J.Edgar Hoover had your brain.


Why you think they shot King
Black fame?
Or because he was a messiah preaching peace
In rhythms of the King James.

Call it all jive
Farrakahns a racist and he's still alive.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Drowning horses

Vase. Mycenae. 13-14th century BC

Washed hollow and prone
Frayed bridle cut through palm to bone
Beside this bedraggled, exhausted nag
Our breasts both rise like hills and sag
Its tongue lolls from sandpaper throat
On lake shore where clouds of pennies float
With heavy heart I exert these forces
I have been drowning horses.

Sure enough, in comfort lead
It whinnied not in those first treads
With husband hand I grasped the tack
We strolled in peace along the track
For sure this beast does have a thirst
With eyes to sky I ask what curse
For when I lead it to the lake
It just stands and stares and waits.
And though some may find other courses
I have been drowning horses.

Sticky eyed with foam flecked lips
It will not stoop to take a sip
Despite running sweat in beating sun
Ne'er spoons its tongue in proffered tun
I'll take a pale and douse it down
Careworn, it just stamps and frowns
So I wrest the bridle with all my thunder
And pull the damn fool's head right under
It is not without a grave remorse
I have to drown this horse.

How we thrash and flail like alligators
And draw a crowd of awed spectators
As in struggle we rise and fall
Making fountains and waterfalls.
I heard you can lead a horticulture
But can't make vegetables think
And you can lead a horse to water
But you can't make it drink.
I will apply my unconventional resources
I have been drowning horses.

Washed hollow and prone
Frayed bridle cut through palm to bone
Beside this bedraggled, exhausted nag
Our breasts both rise like hills and sag
It's tongue lolls from sandpaper throat
On lakeshore where clouds of pennies float.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

The critical question

There has been some fuss
Over the referendum, EU withdrawal
Schengen schenanigans
Other addendums
The proper question for the body politic
These are not.
The proper question is

Wax, Petrol, Bottles and Rags

Wax, petrol, bottles and rags
My doubt in dhotis doubles
Trouble. Cartier cartels like Bolsheviks
Parasite this Empire's sunset
Sunset on the senate, quarterised Agora
Centuries since Tom Paine's tree transplanted
Tankers and satellites bring Ash Die Back
The Old Lady knocked the rafters from the house
This shack a sty,
Pigs plastering edits on the walls
Deifying myths of our perfection
This church takes more than Tithe
Thrives on human sacrifice
The pragmatic response?
Wax, petrol, bottles and rags

Turkeys balloted on Christmas or Thanksgiving
A needle in the neck
To paralyse the body politic, ancient medicine
Pump oil to the furnace planet
Till giants corner the ring,
Regulation as usual, business in digital.
A stitch in time saves nine
So they stitch and they stitch
Alibis over the crimes, wool over the House
A douse of paraffin is a sure cure for louse
Stockpile in case of
Disaster capitalist frags
Wax, petrol, bottles an rags.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

I used to gaze at castles

I used to gaze at castles
And dream you'll understand
Their high stone walls
Pennants and armies at command.

My battle voice so rarely used
On illustrated plates
I used to gaze at castles
Think of all within their gates.

At Harlech, where the castle stands
The sea has fled
A golf course and a camp site
Sit in the harbour's stead

I dreamt how ships came into port
With mutton and with mead
Just thirty men to hold the fort
Was all that they did need.

There is no call for castles now
Walls just well built memories
That make this tourist town
There for all to see.

Caricatured in knights and wars
Moores of legend and of magic
I used to gaze at castle walls
Never knew a siege so tragic.

Friday, November 09, 2018

Things not to say on Tinder 42.

Oh sweetest Seraphim
Arc bright lamp so luminous
I've been off a-foraging
Through this landscape so voluminous

This landscape where
Your message raised me
So high above the penguin crowds
With butterfly net and razor
I have been picking clouds.

Searching only for the sweetest
Not the over-ripe and weepy grey
Those fluffy white with crispy tops
Not whispy ones that float away.

I picked vanilla cirrus, apple stratus
All the Cherry cumulus I'm able
Even Wasabi alto-stratus
To lay upon your table.

I cup them all in ramikins
Juggle the crop for all I'm worth
Until your thought evaporates
And I return to earth.

Thursday, November 01, 2018

More must die

More must die
This battle not enough
My lord in wrath unquenched
More must die.

Though on these acres souls
Like stubbled fields of straw have fallen
Those callow tender sprouts misguided blow
Like flakes of ash upon the wind
More must die.

Though my footprints inked in blood
Ankles lapped in crimson tide of sacrifice
Breeches soaked in spleen and fluids as I wade
More must die.

A legion will not quench
Like starved hounds bays ire unsheathed
Though lit pyres sicken the morning sky
More must die.

Till artisans replace the forest with bones
And build cathedrals of skulls to placate my Lord
More must die.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

The world's fracked

Gas, for gaslighting
Grilled world seconds from midnight
Eichmann in Houston
Short sighted pollution
Turkeys vote from one night of maddness
Before they ring in Christmas
Liquidate the forest, desecrate empty cradles
Civilisations and small business fail
When they don't price time.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Poison Ivy

The fascist apologists tend to come from the middle
Strivers, connivers, the safe
Those at the top are oft for the chop
Those at the bottom can see what is rotten
The conformist, uniformists that hate
They agree to the fiddle
Facist apologists tend to come from the middle.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Romantic advice

If he asked me, I'd say reoffend
For this love would not leave
And even if she's not that fond
Of you, in faith believe
This love would not leave.

In all sympathy abandon
To forsook incarceration
This is not how love is done
In any situation.
So there may be some frustration.

A love to set you free of course
Cannot leave you locked
To be the cause of such remorse
Is not the conduct of a rock
So go back to the dock.

Shoplift, or insurance fraud
Or barring that a fight
Such priceless love man can't afford
To let away in flight
For every sleepless night.

So reoffend my friend
The surest way to keep her
Give all the water in the Thames
For rare sips from that beaker
And absence make love deeper.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

As she passes

Softly goes my sweet
In notes like snowdrops
A symphony of whispers
And gentle as a rose.

Thursday, August 30, 2018


If you feel unwell
There's a pill.
And if that makes you unwell
There's a pill for the pill
And should you find yourself still unwell
Well there's a pill for the pill for the pill
Till your killed.
And if you should wonder why you never got well
Well, where there's a pill there's a bill.

Friday, August 24, 2018

And other mistakes

Some I pushed away
Some I just let go.
Uncertain on a foreign street
Amber catching the beach highlights
Awed my virginal eyes
After years, the airport, when you cried
A phone call over oceans
When I said there was no one else to turn to
And cried.
The grey air in that manhandled flat
Grills on the windows
When you returned
Charged the air like coming thunder and said
“He said don't cheat on me”
The door, an invisible valve
The candles you lit, if I stayed
Till they dripped together into their plates and shook
So wise, gentlemanly, I thought
To leave unknowing for the next party's entanglement
And revenge, caught in somebody else's war
The door was like a valve. I recall
A mind full of abstracts, taught ideals,
That lacked a sherpa's barefoot intimacy
With the undulating track, details
Each hillock, stone and rock, how imperfect we all are.
The wintered Hackney streets
Through greyed snow, when spring was within
And concrete felt like rubber underfoot.
Some I just let go.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Picnic short of a muse - Things not to say on tinder 86

If you're a sandwich short of a picnic
Then I'm a picnic short of a muse
Fruity, cheesy with some breadsticks
I've got something you might use
We'll go country, find a hayrick
Pass the offy get some booze
If you're a sandwich short of a picnic
I'm a picnic short of a muse.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Blueprint - Ghosts

Those that pass through walls, the halls, courts unseen
That raise the terrified from their sleep
The rustling papers, the forms of dead
In screens, smiling, seductive, that lurk
The fridge, dark shadows, the laundry machine
That haunt the story high fonts of our streets.
Do you dress in my mind of them?
Do you believe in them?

Do you wake, dress and wash at ghost's behest
You, of solid flesh, by borders bound
And steel word of law. They pass through walls.
Your desk they pace and press the circled clock
Between your blades, to find a spine
Pushing honey up the twine, 
String lines to marionettes.
Putting money in your pocket.
Do you buy old rope from ghosts?

Do you sacrifice
The pennies, hours, sensibilities and principal
For the invisible
Look your brother in the eye and lie
Steal, turn people from the door
Over to the law for the undead unseen
For the rustling papers
Would you operate ovens
For ghosts?

Crates and paper travel like the poltergeists are puppeteers
The chill hand inhuman
A morality of Gyges, picking the pumphouse lock
Come by, and whistles. The crook.
The dead with unfinished business
Some functionary faked the paper for a cheque
Fiddled while the world burnt. Banal concerns.
The furniture is gone, the railroad and pipes
The miracles of yestyear's endeavour
In flames devoured. They gather
In a semi-circle and rub their hands
Stretch their formless palms towards the flames
Solid flesh blisters, yet ghosts cannot get warm.

Uniformed armies at their beck
Daily ford the river, daily scale walls
Battle blind and raging at their foe
Soldiers cannot see the war
Yet blood let, pillage and enfief their fellow ape 
The corn we tend, the nightingale. What if from far, far off
With a bottle top taken as a token to a wraith
You choked the albatross.
Do you believe in ghosts?

Sunday, August 05, 2018

The belief in fear

Listen, casually. Believe what you hear
And you will be made very, very, afraid
What was it last sent a love to the grave?
Terrorism is the belief in fear.

Life's a short surf on this thunderous wave
A wet board under foot all in balance
Accidents, incidents, timing and chance
And what was it last sent a love to the grave?

There's a war on, and foreign invaders
Blast bombs everyday,
                                      but not over here
Terrorism is the belief in fear
We're worried yes, that's how they made us.

Painting a picture on bright coloured screens
Truth's got shoes, there's fibre optics for hoax
They'll teach you hate like they taught you to smoke
A hollowed out husk in the spider's machine.

Do you wear raincoats when the weather is clear
Need protection, rally round and obey
What was it last sent a love to the grave?
Terrorism is the belief in fear.


They've mapped new Asian pipelines on a plan
Because they fell in love with LPG;
And Russia's gas transmission monopoly
So, well, they taught us to hate all Islam.

Two men stabbed a soldier in Woolwich and stood
They were nicked, arrested and sectioned
Flew a kid back from Libya,
                                   to Manchester
                                             in the election
A Home Office assett, he ended up dead.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


These loves of different shapes
They do not always tessellate
Naturally slip to fit, embraced
Like fate cast each for other's sake.

In an instant stick, attach
Some may not stretch, to depth
To fill that hole, some gap
Or knot that stops the closest breath.

But oh, those fine balancing acts
Dynamic, each in flux and pivot
Like champagne, upon a plaque
Upon a hand, upon a ship.

With time some loves may mould
Flow to sediment depressions
May shave or carve, swell to holes
May grow
We never sat that lesson.

And you, you loved me
Like I was a leak in the gutter over your pot
And I, like you were a lost
Lego technic toy from the attic.
But the shapes didn't fit.
I knew it. Did you
Did you make that mistake?
The shapes don't always tessellate.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Field of Hay

This field of hay
Is featureless
The sun lost
In late day haze
Cans and empties
Which way is home?
Is it fair to ask
The field is featureless.

Friday, July 20, 2018

White satin

Seraphim, guardian of hope
Culmination of nature's art
Jet flame high, remote
Open up, let flow you heart
Your lips
Close enough for blood to bind
All before, pay no mind
Other lovers, yours and mine
Pay no mind
Gossip and judging eyes
Pay no mind
For what judge
Are eyes of souls and love?
Call, tell me are your hands empty
Holding soap bubbles
And where do you remember me?
Do you pinch yourself sometimes
Troubled that I can't be true.
Those actors that you know
Could they dig this deep?
Could you?

Sunday, July 15, 2018

To the editor

To the editor
I often write poetry
Do you read haiku?

Trying for Sticky Toffee

They promised sweets of our heritage
And pink cheeked childhood
Cooking sticky toffee
It's not looking good.

That sweet sticky toffee
That you chew and chew and chew
Till you're sick
Seems simple enough
But it's a delicate trick.

If it's too hard
We'll break our teeth in a bite.
If it's too soft
We'll swallow all overnight.

Stir butter and sugar
But the heat's hard to judge
I've always preferred the imported chocolate
A British tradition,
They'll serve us a fudge.

(Diabetes is the only outcome of this shower
There's a mountain of butter, start over
The pan's a hard scour.)

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Shrapnel no.7

Chavin Ceramic. 1st Millenium BC

Black coffee and acid for breakfast.
Tai Chi.
False spring starts me like a childhood memory.
You should stay one day
For coffee.
We could discover a whole new city.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Thing 2

Haul upon these mooring lines
Till separate gravities meld
He told me hard across formica tables
And I laughed
So far from Delphi
How would it be different.

The harlequin and bells
Against pavement teeth, stacked dice
With lights on on some floor
Adequate camouflage
Concrete, at least temporarily.

They changed hands
The cafe that made the churros
Watered down the chowder
And soon there will be funerals
Crush buckets like pallbearers

Traditions, like guards
Will change
Like water through a lock
So soon forgot we'll say here's level
Even if it's the 27th floor
And they still call the children African
Eating bacon, stale churros
And shaking shrapnel at their elders
To buy beer.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

I cried the whole night through

You did not come
I cried the whole night through
Such that my soaked mattress
Became a marsh
Sinking in the thought of you
Submerged and all surrounding
Body riven through with flame in drowning
In the brackish, black undertow
Like a hot wash spinning
Sweat drops on my spine
Mustard tears on my cheeks
The thought of you sawing
On my stretched gut string.

You did not come
I cried the whole night through
Such that my soaked mattress
Became a marsh and I awoke
Surrounded by wading birds and heron.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Crisp Packets on the Avenell Rd and A letter to Arsene Wenger II

Vase. Final Jomon Period. Japan

I. Crisp Packets on the Avenell Rd.

Crisp packets on the Avenell Rd
Under the clouding Sky.
What once was diamond, marble, bronze
Is plastic now, light and glass
Where was once was grass.

Hashtag protests staffed by ghosts
Journalists and empty crisp
Packets blowing down the Avenell Rd.

Felt-tip scrawl on A4
Out of all proportions lensed
Broadcast reproduction
Global distribution, trends
It's Freudian. The trapped at home
And fatherless grasp manhood
Through patricide. With Oedipal leverage
An edited double page spread
By buttered bread mercenaries
Goes blowing down the Avenell Rd.
Under the clouding sky.

Lesbian bloggers on the Avenell Rd.
Crisp packets in Damascus
The tactics of birth certificates
A war of pipes, fox holes and pockets
Non-linear dynamics, google mapped
OCEANs, fingertip cracks
Fissure outliers in the system
Literate multi-lingual sophistication
Went out of fashion.
And enlightenment so yesterday.

II. A letter to Arsene Wenger

A guess the cock if oft the weather vein
A shot at the big cup covers a couple
Of crying actors, tickets and twitter-bots
Same shit. I blame brexit.

After the game is done
Blinded by the Sun
They'll blame some crazy bastard from the A-team
Claim he didn't work his share.

After the game is done
In light of the sky and the sun
If we look around for those to whom comparison seems fair
What colour was your revolution?

Beyond Michels and Paisley
Like none since Ali
Alongside Gaddaffi, Assad, dare I say
A leader worthy of hyper reality psychodrama.

Transcendent in the end
As Kings are ever known as Cesar
The Gunners head will be Arsene.

Saturday, June 09, 2018

Not for the rhyme

It ain't poetry that makes them fly from overseas
Swear they won't leave
Long after three
Holding cold cups of tea.

It ain't the rhyme
That makes them bang on the door
Call at the window
Wanting what came before.

I can't put my finger on it
It's on the tip of my tongue
It's not for the rhyme that they come.

Friday, June 08, 2018

Fish and refugees I,II,III

The bald heads bobbed above the standard seats
Like toffee apples in a bowl on Halloween
“I'm shipping the chest freezer all the way over”
“All the way over!”
“All the way over. Shipping's cheap.”

“I was a child in the Isle of Mann
It's their fault for having open borders
All the way to over there.”
“I know about the EU” he said
“We have an agreement with the French”
37,000ft in the air.

“Do you know how many people died on Thailand's roads this month?”
He asked, almost accusatory.
“How old is yours?”
“You don't smoke”
“Not anymore”
“And how old are you now?”

“We can have the fish”
“You can't just fish more fish there are scientists”
“Scientists give our fish to the Spanish.”

Fish is 0.5% of GDP
97% of migrants are not refugees
This I didn't share, lean in, intervene
From my chair, given that obviously,
Small changes can cause chaos
In a complex system
And at the time we were all 37,000ft in the air.

“I haven't done as well as some of my friends
From the Grammar. Secondary Modern?”
The other nods
And I don't blame my father” to strangers
37,000ft in the air
With no mention of the City, or pensions, tax
Empire, sunset havens, their asylum.
“but you want to know what went wrong of course”
The man from the Isle of Mann agreed.
And they talked fish and refugees.


Because the commonwealth will come and help us
Because we were raised on these myths
That Johnny Foreigner loved the way we give it to em
Because coal black, white tooth sambo
Will offer up his bowl
In exchange for a touch of British class.
Because they were lucky to have us
We were raised on these myths.

What have they done to Greece?
To Sumeria?
Ruins now and aped in architecture
The house that power built and myths
Stripped and shipped and worn
Like ermines of our time.

Do they build like Christchurch in Korea?
Will we who first burnt coal be remembered in our forms
Will they read Shakespeare and Newton any more
Like Pythagoras and Homer
Will these stories fur our descendants shoulders
Even as their great arc breaks on this new era's shore?

The myths don't tell you
That we dismantled the cotton industry of India
For the mills of Manchester
Dismembered the Ottoman Umma when oil was new and cool.
Fought the Chinese for right to sell them smack
Fought them again to sell them more.
Murdered the Irish for nine hundred years,
James, Henry, Cromwell, the blight,
Filler on the Western Front.
Armed Benin to enslave the Gold Coast, Guinea
Then broke them in debt
Our myths don't record this
But the Irish, Chinese, Ghanaians, the Indians
They all have their own myths.

Our myths speak of a heroic past
When pith helmets paved the way for God
And God spoke in English
When we bought trade to backwaters
And illiterates ululated, encircled, enthralled
Crowned us with garlands and feathers
Showed us gleaming treasures which we took.
Our myths never say that maybe they
Expected garlands back.

And so we go
Cap proudly on our head
And offer up these myths to the French
Who we fought for five hundred years
And sneered at.
And Germans, who we fought and humiliated
The Italians who we fought, the Austrians and Hungarians
Who we defeated. The Dutch for whom we invented
Concentration camps.
And the Spanish where we've got a rock
Stuck like a pile in their butt
And say give us this, for these myths
But they have their own.


The driver made the ride scream all the way
Down the road from Bangkok, professional
Past low foundries, platoons of effigies
Blurring like change, green and sweat, square shacks
Body shops each block like the vehicles here
Are broken.

The green Island rises above grey sea
Like a well sung myth. Roof gone high and wide
Above the shrubs, pale sand, dark palm fronds splay
Like torn Venetian blinds against the sky
Pennants of a paradisal army
And some, beetle eaten their headdress slipped
Make littoral a harbour of stalled ships
The tropic thick air presses like a dilute sea
Seasoned by butterflies, blooms, these foreign
To my eye the lizards, bugs, the plants here
Flower until they die.

From the shore at night you'd be forgiven
For thinking the fishing boats far cities
Lost Atlantis and its suburbs risen
From the sea. What chance do squid have, what pity
Soft flourescence the most delightful spell
Of all sweet dances in staged Darwin's hall
What chance do they stand against the blazing lure
Appolline, Venusian halogens
To see such beauty so immense and pure
That we could not know, but to call it awe
So they rush to the net, the plate, their end.

There are young teak stands, seas of cane acreage
And the jungle brush fires reak like temples.
Throughout the year, when the cane stands tall
After sundown men go from the village
Set flaming torches to ripe sugar
And it lights the countryside like pillage.

The saddest part is to see elephants
Balding pink patches, hunched, dropped ears, limp trunks
Chained waiting for riders they cannot want
Far from home jungles and most often drunk.

A couple, young and bronzed track the water
Footprints snakewise though the sand and jetsam
Their hands are not together, heads are down
This dream they both dreamt in another town
Seems dreamt now in separate minds today
Like they woke in a brochure and full of reproach
The saltwater washes their tracks away.

Thursday, June 07, 2018

Shrapnel 32

Damn fools got trolled, sell the crown jewels for roubles
Posh trash and screwballs, wash cash with new rules
The carve up, of the imperial cigar butt
Ash for the hard up, putting robots in Starbucks.
Penny pinching cos your pockets is picked
Taking in inches cos you swallowed the shit.
Since the voyage of the Begal
Stitched by thread-needle, the spread eagle
Easier to rob oil when the country is feeble.
It's like banks leak to barbados
Played us like guitars and invades us.
Treat the whole world like Vegas
The shit's worn old
Rachet strap attachment for fascists
Get the scaffold.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Ask me this

Ask me this
In magnesium flares
That which you wish
If you've will to dare.

And I would grow flowers
Cut flowers like the heads of heathens
Like harvest corn.
What colours would we make
Kaleidoscope and follow fate
Through fractal days,
Reinventions, iron filings
In the fireworks
Cream in the puddings
All this patience in the dark
Ask me this
At the end of a touch paper
Full of spark.

Fish and refugees. III

The driver made the ride scream all the way
Down the road from Bangkok, professional
Past low foundries, platoons of effigies
Blurring like change, green and sweat, square shacks
Body shops each block like the vehicles here
Are broken.

The green Island rises above grey sea
Like a well sung myth. Roof gone high and wide
Above the shrubs, pale sand, dark palm fronds splay
Like torn Venetian blinds against the sky
Pennants of a paradisal army
And some, beetle eaten their headdress slipped
Make littoral a harbour of stalled ships
The tropic thick air presses like a dilute sea
Seasoned by butterflies, blooms, these foreign
To my eye the lizards, bugs, the plants here
Flower until they die.

From the shore at night you'd be forgiven
For thinking the fishing boats far cities
Lost Atlantis and its suburbs risen
From the sea. What chance do squid have, what pity
Soft flourescence the most delightful spell
Of all sweet dances in staged Darwin's hall
What chance do they stand against the blazing lure
The Venusian halogens
To see such beauty so immense and pure
That we could not know, but to call it awe
So they rush to the net, the plate, their end.

There are young teak stands, seas of cane acreage
And the jungle brush fires reak like temples.
Throughout the year, when the cane stands tall
After sundown men go from the village
Set flaming torches to ripe sugar
And it lights the countryside like pillage.

The saddest part is to see elephants
Balding pink patches, hunched, dropped ears, limp trunks
Chained waiting for riders they cannot want
Far from home jungles and most often drunk.

A couple, young and bronzed track the water
Footprints snakewise though the sand and flotsam
Their hands are not together, heads are down
This dream they both dreamt in another town
Seems dreamt now in separate minds today
Like they woke in a brochure and full of reproach
The saltwater washes their tracks away.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Fish and refugees, postscript

Because the commonwealth will come and help us
Because we were raised on these myths
That Johnny Foreigner loved the way we give it to em
Because coal black, white tooth sambo
Will offer up his bowl
In exchange for a touch of British class.
Because they were lucky to have us
We were raised on these myths.

What have they done to Greece?
To Sumeria?
Ruins now and aped in architecture
The house that power built and myths
Stripped and shipped and worn
Like ermines of our time.

Do they build like Christchurch in Korea?
Will we who first burnt coal be remembered in our forms
Will they read Shakespeare and Newton any more
Like Pythagoras and Homer
Will these stories fur our descendants shoulders
Even as their great arc breaks on this new era's shore?

The myths don't tell you
That we dismantled the cotton industry of India
For the mills of Manchester
Dismembered the Ottoman Umma when oil was new and cool.
Fought the Chinese for right to sell them smack
Fought them again to sell them more.
Murdered the Irish for nine hundred years,
James, Henry, Cromwell, the blight,
Filler on the Western Front.
Armed Benin to enslave the Gold Coast, Guinea
Then broke them in debt
Our myths don't record this
But the Irish, Chinese, Ghanaians, the Indians
They all have their own myths.

Our myths speak of a heroic past
When pith helmets paved the way for God
And God spoke in English
When we bought trade to backwaters
And illiterates ululated, encircled, enthralled
Crowned us with garlands and feathers
Showed us gleaming treasures which we took.
Our myths never say that maybe they
Expected garlands back.

And so we go
Cap proudly on our head
And offer up these myths to the French
Who we fought for five hundred years
And sneered at.
And Germans, who we fought and humiliated
The Italians who we fought, the Austrians and Hungarians
Who we defeated. The Dutch for whom we invented
Concentration camps.
And the Spanish where we've got a rock
Stuck like a pile in their butt
And say give us this, for these myths
But they have their own.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Fish and refugees

The bald heads bobbed above the standard seats
Like toffee apples in a bowl on Halloween
“I'm shipping the chest freezer all the way over”
“All the way over!”
“All the way over. Shipping's cheap.”

“I was a child in the Isle of Mann
It's their fault for having open borders
All the way to over there.”
“I know about the EU” he said
“We have an agreement with the French”
37,000ft in the air.

“Do you know how many people died on Thailand's roads this month?”
He asked, almost accusatory.
“How old is yours?”
“You don't smoke”
“Not anymore”
“And how old are you now?”

“We can have the fish”
“You can't just fish more fish there are scientists”
“Scientists give our fish to the Spanish.”

Fish is 0.5% of GDP
97% of migrants are not refugees
This I didn't share, lean in, intervene
From my chair, given that obviously,
Small changes can cause chaos
In a complex system
And at the time we were all 37,000ft in the air.

“I haven't done as well as some of my friends
From the Grammar. Secondary Modern?”
The other nods
And I don't blame my father” to strangers
37,000ft in the air
With no mention of the City, or pensions, tax
Empire, sunset havens, their asylum.
“but you want to know what went wrong of course”
The man from the Isle of Mann agreed.
And they talked fish and refugees.