Wednesday, November 09, 2016


There's always a storm down the Thames these days
Constant as traffic, a carousel of gull calls
Over the tiles, the roofs, rusted swinging hinges
Even in spring blue sky, days since rainfall
There must always be a storm in the Thames.

They eat the pigeons, the gulls do
With their ired eye and their wronged screech
I've seen them, like you may have too
Pigeons left the field for Parrakeets.

My mother, looking at the clouds would mutter
When thigh high young her hand I reached for
There's storm at Chatham, over Thanet
They fly down to London to find harbor
And Pigeons are softer than Ganets.

There must be a storm out to sea
Pigeons have moved on from grass seed
And the Gulls have moved on from fish
Pecking boxes of K.F.C
Avians scavenging trash
It is, as Darwinian does
These days we breed Vultures from Doves.

I heard of civil war where Starlings breed
Now they travel with but a clutch of friends
Sparrows survive, some return to the trees
Someone won five thousand pounds in the end.

There's a storm in the Thames, gulls are in flight
The wooden lense of tradition has said
Of people who look on red sky at night
Only shepherds of the Atlantic
Go soundly to bed, and Grandma will tell
That is was all fields, before Haber-Bosch
These days there's always a storm in the Wash.

There's always a storm down the Thames
And other legends
The widow in Richmond, who in loving grief
Released a pair of green Parrakeets
And park by park they fought for twenty years
Till they shocked us one scarfed schooled winter
Green against grey and the naked trees of the heath
A flock of sqwaking green Parrakeets.

Doves become Vultures, Parrots replace Doves
Darwin says it what it takes to find love
Grandma says the Lord works in mysterious ways
And there's always a storm in the Thames these days.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Something I said to bloke on stage

Don't step to me with that
Gotta be black to rap crap
That abject chat is a trap
That forefathers fought to free from
But you jumping straight back.

Erecting same walls of Melanin
Like the spirit of slave masters
Still leaves deep within

You divide and categorise
By the colour of man's skin
Brother that ain't brain cells
That's brain prison.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Untame Ode to Ali Cole

Moonbeam loom your weft and woof
Does leave me a breathless beetroot youth
The softest quilt, your sticky silk
Is all cocooning of my heart that melts.

In truth I haven't felt this way
Since I dived velvet chocolate caramel
And swam intoxicated days
Till my teeth sank into nougat quays
And mermaids, raised me on Patchouli breeze
With magic made me divine wind.
Oh moonbeam loom, let me begin again.

At Ariadne's knee she learned
To weave the equinox's light
Into silver sheets and pearls
That hold souls warm and tight.

Oh moonbeam loom
Let me dye just one thread
Or know
I'd rather die instead.
I gaze though gauzes in my bed
No light to see by in your stead
But stumble blind in garden sheds
By scent alone to roses led
With searching fingers grasp their heads
And push a dozen to my nose
But their touch is not of your ilk
As brick to Sapphire is
As water is to milk.
A rose cannot bind me like your silk.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Ode to Ali Cole

There is a story to be told
About the glory of Ali Cole
But not a story I can tell
So wide the sea, so deep the well.

For I can gaze into the heavens
But cannot count the stars
They name me but a heathen
In the hunt of Diana.

Though my eye is full of moon
But one side I see
All its markings and its runes
Remain a mystery.

I can but stand as priests have done
Marvel at the moon and sun
As they set my night and day
In ways that I can't fathom.

I can but stand as priests and pray
In humble wonder of all she be
A glory far beyond assay
Pray, enlightenment she'll bestow on me.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Note to a bird on a train

Thank you
You gave me a pen
To write
A rare gem
From a ship in the night.

Shoulders of giants

Where cords of civilisation are moored
The brittle guy ropes of our tree house world
I see men of law and plump senators
Laying blocks and digging foundation holes
New barriers rising high while I watch
Above where the arm stops, at the seam stitch.

There the claims of Captains of industry
Lead lines of blind leaders like Pavlov's bell
“All the silver I land belongs to me”
They cry so proud from high on the lapel.
Laying barbed wire which they freshly forge
Electrifying the tromba, notch and gorge

Dragging paper up the back by the cart
Reams in blocks yards thick on seams daily grow
Miles upon miles of statutes and torts
To form walls, tall and strong like Jerrico
At the entrances they make gates like Gates
Would charge fees to all who climb the breastplate.

It's about time we weren't all so compliant
They'll privatise the shoulders of giants.

Do Mssrs Musk, Zuckerberg, Venter, Brin
Feel that they could have achieved anything
Had they not in diligence caught coat tales
The thick braid between gold buttons scaled.
Licence royalties owed to Edison
Newton, Bacon, Faraday and whoever
Was the Babylonian that pressed on
Wet clay with stones way back in Nineveh.

Illiterate, I don't think they'd have one percent of the clients
They're all reliant
On the shoulders of giants.

This deft suspension above the deep shit
This tree house society of all us
Exists high in the sky, every bit
Borne on shoulders of countless Colossus.
Without the lookout post of libraries
We'll fall from the Eden of these high trees.

Make mine a Molotov, get defiant
They want privatise shoulders of giants.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


I spent some time in thought about it all
I was a climber, unvertiginous
Oh if
I loved to wander waterfalls and cliffs
If only
I tended to flowers idigneous
If only I
Couldn't live in the City's artifice
If only ideas
Freed I from these strictures and earthly bonds
If only ideas purr
Like a calm cat, watchful, ready, at peace
If only ideas purchase
Houses full bread, pillows, songs and friends
If ony ideas purchase say
Dreams of peace, light, empires and monuments
If only ideas' purchase save us
From the vagaries of love and our end
Only if ideas' purchase saves us now
Will I keep the habour afore of the prow.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Some piece of confusion

Wish she'd had enough to love
In her heart
That she weren't so hurt
You know.
Didn't start from gentle touch
So far apart, yet
I glimpse light from pillboxes
From just a brush
I think we'd fit like stencils
And alter charts,
My fire never quieted
For us.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

So late in summer - sonnet

Speak less of desire so late in summer
When heat swaddles tarmac, rising from roots
Flowers in finery seduce bees dumb
And sun kisses sugar into green fruits.

The hay's to be brought in, the grass is long
The seas are warm, tall corn has ripened ear
December born charm, think my heart unwrong
So late, speak less of desire my dear.

All life's adventure, so late in summer
So late waking, bees already in love
Strawberries from spring beds have set runners
Still dusk takes an age to draw close above

This season of slow days when geese look South
She was born, a Passion flower in her mouth.

Closed vowel

Why did love not open
We made move and prove
And even lose and open vowel
But love stayed closed
And now to find a rhyme
I am so oft defeated
Love, love, love
It must have stayed repeated.

So late in summer

Speak less of desire so late in summer
When heat swaddles tarmac, rising from roots
Flowers in their finery seduce bees dumb
And sun kisses sugar into green fruits.

The hay's to be brought in, the grass is long
The seas are warm, the corn has ripened ear
The collared doves coo soft in song
May born charm, think my heart unwrong
Talk less of desire my dear.

All life is adventure
So late in summer
So late waking, with bees already in love
When dusk takes an age to draw covers close
Geese look south
She was born of this season
Passionflower in her mouth.

Friday, September 02, 2016

Sick note for Tommy Bee's birthday

Oh marbled fleshed Adonis
So unearthly is your promise
It is immodest that I pretend
To frame such mind-bending glory
With a pen.

So stout of jaw and firm of hip
That artists track your every step
A truth I see that at your birth
The very fabric of aesthetics ripped
And all was lit across the earth
As glorious God let us see in you
Heroic new dimensions
Of beauty timeless true.

I have heard the name Tommy Bee
Sung in arias overseas
And whispered in hushed reverent tones
Gates, Obama seek to phone
Diaz, Delevigne writhe and sweat
Westwood (V) casts weekly thrones.

And scientists they wish to test
That muscled member world renowned as blessed
That thick undulating silken dick
That zestful lovers besotted lick
With heaving chest and heart so quick
They quest to taste the irreplacable
Lollipop of Hackney Wick.

Sonic Boom

Gurning sun-burnt urchins lurch church to church uncertain
In curious discovery of all covered by the curtains.
Lethargic surges urge in waves merging pungent nights with days
In rolling surf of mirth and smurfs, giraffes, and of course, unicorns
Dressed in heavy gauge
Macrophages for anxiety, scour thoroughfares of pagan piety
Alleyways of high society.
And all the world's a stage

To see bees
Make a merry path so free
Dancing underneath the trees
Moments that can only please
And all the world's a stage.

Sparkle this lithium crisp reaction i saw shooting stars
Look, a smile and another, and another in a milky way
Which way, oh what wily bewitchment hexes this
Enchanted wood, I hear leaves play tambourines
And lights in orange, white and green
Shadows dance and hug me warm like wilderness

Perambulating ambient distances, riotous bliss, listless of all, dam hill
Missed this, legs kill, white coats, pill for that,
Missed this, in glistening visions, missions in fission
Listening to waves breaking in space in fat collisions
For a clean place to shit-in.

Cover me on the grass like ashes, drift like pollen in the sun
Running syrup thick liquid marionette to sounds and sets
Settled and encamped in rainbow ranks, what walls
What walls are there that would resist this army's siege.

Drink a case this on my feet
Tarantella daft, laced with tastes of scenes, bass and acts
For others
I can't speak
The most useful paste of lean baked half sedated waste
I been in a year and a week
For real
Something saved my grace in those fields.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Battle bars

Your deadweight statements are basic, abate them
I got half a dozen replacements
You'll take vacations in basements
Concrete casements no trace, no body, no statements
Wasting your grace chasing migratory geese
Geaser I'm decorating temporary space with these beats
We done verbal feats
In places where iron gates get effaced by the beast
You heard all the  chiefs, daft
I'm sicker than cats fed on weeks of fur-balls and grass.
You claim you badder by half
Bet I'm madder, brung better rungs the ladder
Had enough of rough mathematics and adders
Don't be sad that your pad is full of fakes and charades
Bars claiming your hard
You only punt ounces, all you bounce is a card
Gwaan jog your hard arse right back to your yard
Act like you heard
My style is known lardarse round here and abroad
Don't be sad that you're around to drown in my wake
My shit is greater, no debate, settled and clear
Your ears been waiting to hear shit like this
Since like Shakespeare.

Scum also rises

They say that cream rises to the top
A quote true of pure milk
But that's about where it stops.

For when I boil the pot
Cream in or not
It's scum that I see rise to the top.

So don't be suprised
If the film is not
As the quotation advises
There is the odd clot
And scum also rises.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Me friend he say

My friend, he enquire 
I say “Fire. Wired. Less tired” 
We converse 
And in some flippancy 
I drop discursive verse 
Upon family 
Him a see me 
Him a say 
“Do you have a problem with intimacy” 

Me a say 
“If I have learnt one thing today 
It's easier when they run away 
It might not please, might bring dismay 
What's easier when they run away” 

And him a say “The struggle to stay may pay” 

And me a say 
“In sunshine we must make hay 
To store to feed a winter's day 
The work we love is not all play
When may all the struggle pay” 

What him a say next 
What me a say next 
Don't go down in text.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Camel and the Swallow

You know the mound out the back door
There was a Camel under all that straw
And a broken Swallow too
How long for, no one knew
The Camel sat submerged and chewed
The Swallow ate ticks galore
They chewed and chewed until they saw
The world anew, a bit like before.
A breeze came, then a wind
And lightened the Camel's leaden limbs
And twitched the weakened Swallow's wings.
Day by day, summer jets
Lifted golden blades away
Like invisible majorettes
The Swallow began to hop and flap
The Camel stretched its legs and back
And turned his dusty head and said
“No matter what the doctor thinks
There's a million straws gone o'er the brink
And I'm still here and need a drink
How many summers Swallow?”
The Swallow said “more than one
I've lost count, I've seen no sun
Sallow, under all that straw restrained
But you will play piano again.”
And the Camel said “and you will sing”
And that small breath took the Swallow's frame.

In the zephyrs and gusts that summer brings
Came the breath that lifts the Swallow's wings.

Letter to a 4am fan

Given your pride's so clearly in safe hands
What should I read of your shyness
Coy lioness?
To analysis I shan't digress
For all that way is silliness, unless
A rustle in the grass, a scent
I can but wish
In innocence and jest I ask.
What causes you to slink
I wish you'd come confess.
It must be changing metres
Or where I put the stress.
You must have fixed on Cheetahs
Or be vulnerable I guess.

This verse is always yours,
Use it for whatever purpose
If you would that there be more be
Close, come, make others
Superlative, make others
This verse is always yours.

A rustle in the grass
No teeth or claws, I can but muse
Excuse me this
Many souls walk the streets of London
Wishing that they'd played their trumps
Does Carnival, oh mind altering insubstantial
Oh seam of muse
Oh rich vein 
Does Carnival and the throbbing street
Touch you only skin deep
Were you once touched deeper
Once touched deeper
Oh and that time flew
Call it shallow
Call me shallow
I know that's not enough for you. ;-)

What was that

I don't know whether it was
Oxytocin or Beta-endorphin
I been spending more time laughin.

I don't know whether it was
3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine or Psilocybin
I been spending more time vibesin.

I don't know whether it was
What's only skin-deep
That touched me like a suture in the amygdala
I been getting better sleep.

I don't know whether it was
Sun-shine or music
But that really did improve shit.

I don't know what to blame
Whether it was all or none
Or one and not the other
Sketched out in rough
Seems enough.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


They offered me diamonds
I said I had no need
They offered me roast meat
I said I had no need
They offered me sugar
Sweet, honeyed mead
Offered feather beds, flags and jewellery,
Syrups, swords and grails.
Offer me a violin
I will take it without fail.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Trophy hunting


Sometimes, summer dusk promises no rain
Sky like blistered fire in a whitesmith's forge
Eyes become giddy with riches and flame
With all that glides your mesmered gaze ignored.


Brush dip the sky-line and colour the night
Running where eyes do not help, the woods, caves
Where only ears and fingertips give sight
Mice in the grass sound like leopards at play.

Sunset led me into blindness.

To this cathedral, where eyes are no aid
Dark decorates dark, laticed and yawning
All solid darkles
Ornament is silouhette and scratches
Saved for morning.

In this black abyss came a beast so vast
Its stone haunches shifted trees like dancers
Its vermeil ivory rich outshone the moon
Each deft step cast, a giant earthquake passed
Night falling in night. Darkness bright as noon.

Sunset led me into ink.

In silouhette decorated cathedrals
I stumbled
Where swelling fear holds your face from truth
Till my soles broke brambles to sweet dark juice
Morticed brush to paths, that for others lay
To the horizon, hillls, the holloway
I stumbled
From the sweet dank stench of wet earth at night
To the pale, nervous scorn of morning light.


In peeley-walley day's advance
When cold braves slept and field mice crept
And all that's left is detritus
Feathers slipped silent from the branch.

As shepherds watch rams that fight
And fisher seeks the fish to bite
After blind, warm, embroidered night
My sore eyes caught a final flight.

In false first light's nervous scorn
I saw Minerva's owl at dawn.

Friday, August 19, 2016



Sometimes, when summer dusk comes and the sun
Lights sky, like a fire in a whitesmith's forge
Eyes become giddy with riches and flame
And what glides across your gaze is missed.


Brush dip the sky-line and colour the night
Running where eyes do not help, the woods, the caves
Where only ears and fingertips may aid you
Hoots, mice sound like giants stirred in the brush.

Fears eats your shadow, grow on your shoulder
Pushing your cheek, holding your face from truth
Face them
Face them, as you would children
Face them well, and they will become guards and pets.


Sunset led me into blindness
Where eyes do not help
Into this cathedral, where dark decorates dark
And all ornament is silouhette and scratches
Are saved for morning.

I stumbled amid lice and rotten wood
Till my shoes broke brambles.
I stumbled in the blast of guns
And warfare for ivories.


Sunset led me into darkness
With but one silk length
Where eyes do not help
Where fears eat your shadow
There came a beast so vast its haunches
Shifted trees like dancers
And its ivory outshone the moon
Each step an earthquake of night falling within night.

With but one length of silk
I stumbled
Amid lice and rotten wood, the scent of earth at night
Till my soles broke brambles like grapes
Morticed brush to paths that lay
To the holloway, to the rising horizon and hills
To the pale nervous scorn of morning light.


Sunset led me into ink
In silouhette decorated cathedrals
I stumbled, the scent of earth at night
Where fear holds your face from truth
Would I cage the moon, would you
Take it from the sky,
Stuffed with straw
Hold it in some room in fear
Of tides, of earthquakes, of night falling
Within night.

With but one length of silk
I hunted earthquakes
And sought to feed them from my hand.
I stumbled.


In the pale, nervous scorn of morning
When braves slept and mice crept
Feathers slipped silent from the bough.
I sought to call a beast so vast
To my wrist and feed it
From my palm.
I command no other way.

Feathers slipped silent from the bough
After blind, warm, embroidered night
My sore eyes caught a final flight
In false first light's nervous scorn
I saw Minerva's owl at dawn.

Like dancing to D&B

I've been dancing to pop songs too long
In four four
Side to side steps on the dance floor
A little shimmy or a shake
But nothing so complicated
You have to concentrate.

But there's the odd track that's Goldie
Hip shake palpitations makes a break sweat
Feet sweet confused, ankle, passes ankle
New fangled angles, half spangled
As the drop lets your fingers dangle.

Shifts lift, kick infiltesimal gifts,tuck adjustments
From just where the cusp of balance tips
Boated lips spit time, butt grinds
All other limbs celebrate like panic.

I can't live in country, I need city
Syncopation, smoking jazz or frustration hints
Every missed chance the artist omits
Trying to add the extras, I admit
Be committed and quit
Be committed and quit
Rather than subsist on off the peg regular popular dirges
Purge dregs
My feet greet jazz, greet breaks
Like new found lovers
I've been dancing to pop songs
For too long.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Letter to W.H. Auden cc: Foreigner

I don't feel you need no teaching
You know what love is now
Not for weather or for bacon
Or strangers in a crowd.
The kind that plays on Steinway grands
The kind that really sings
Not that which leads to suicide
That isn't really loving.

It looks as clear as ground and polished glass
Lenses light to crystal points of focus
It stinks unto high heaven, since you ask
That reek speaks sweet like the scent of crocus.
Touch a pile of small particles like sand
Dive the water of the river
With a little luck you will understand
That's what it'll give you.

Others often talk about it
Like it is something new
Love speaks of all the particles
Your body's sliding through
There are versions told in stories
That make the heroes tick
But stories have their editors
I doubt you're quite that thick.

And you hear it when you can hear
The lark or blackbird sing
There are times that you can hear it
Above all other things.
You can hear it in the questions
The echoes and replies
And when it speaks you hear it clearly
It does not bear disguise.

Go look at how the waiter feels
Watch the eyes of their pets
Go look when your telephone rings
And look on further yet
And if you can't see it clearly
Don't get it twisted bruv'
If you've searched and haven't found it
First look inside for love.

It doesn't just do party tricks
It works white magic too
It will feed the finest lunches
On only scraps of food
It has opinions on investments
For when the times get rough
And is the finest company
The odd truth about love.

Love's all the water in the sea
And oh the rose has thorns
Love's look out post sways tipsy high
Don't say you've not been warned
If it comes when you're unready
Then it may pass you by
But it is sure to come again
As dawn is in the sky.

You can try blind it, force it, shout it down
Love will be heard
And it ain't shit to be flippant about
Not a careless word
And though it's more abundant still
It's worth much more than gold
That's another truth about love

Friday, July 22, 2016


It feels strange, a wake 
And yet no sorrow
I talk, get no response.
I used to see you grow and learn
Ensconced you in warm clothes
I call, get no response.
I tended you, and fed you
For many years now
You used to wake
And talk
And now I sit in wake 
Brimful confused sans grief
And cry, I get no response.
It always feels odd
Sitting with dead bodies.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


I wish I could stop
Writing about sadness and loss
Eat berries for breakfast and floss.

I wish I could stop
Writing about sadness and loss
And go rolling on
Not gathering moss.

I wish I could stop
Writing about sadness and loss.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Tanks - empires of numbers


Fixed point attractors, like power
Pack actors in recurring patterns
Fired by predictably sick desires
A's will over B happens, rounds and batons
Struggle, collusion, betrayal
Seeking the imperial delusion
Of infancy, of omnipotent will
The great self-infantilising
Fantasy of the great.


It came in waves
Ever faster waves
The progress
And due process and the institutions
Were soon next to useless
As were the populace
But the bastards are a restless menace
We had built habitat for empires
Empires of numbers
Built scaffolds and canals
Down which empires sluiced and flourished
We irrigated empires
With all our laws
Empires of numbers to the nth power

And their emperors by necessities of scale
Lost no sleep in treating people
Like numbers in columns on spreadsheets
Push button mutton,
Can't see the sheep for the meat
Always better prepared
Uncaring as to who's spared
Who scarred, who discarded
They didn't lose sleep
Leading numbers
Saw no loss in reducing the universe to maths
We made our lofty peaks with feathered nests
A habitat for psychopaths.

And these Peter Pans
Soon sought silicon oracles
That modelled decision trees
From all recorded human history
Controlled production from touch screens
Found they preferred steel sycophants to flesh
For yes, it was so much more like god,
Like magic
With native fabrication
They didn't need consumers
Only power
So they found new adjectives
For us,
You and me
We mostly sat there
Because it was easy, by and large
To stop us going cold and hungry
And keep us entertained
Though many drowned
And some still died young
But she
She did not sit down
At least one
Reason why.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Tanks part II bit

She missed living above the sea
In the old towers
Watching the waves collapse
Breaking into bubbles
And the music it made
Each tower with a tutu.
After she lost her signature
And gave up on extensions
She sailed from the home
In a dumb boat to an old block
The type certified unsafe
That were squatted.
A pebbledash of guano
Barnacles and gulls
A block with no tutu
That water argued through.
She ate oysters and salmon
And when the waves were high
An old industrial mixer could be animated
In her hands
There was nothing it could not produce.

She met a scrap diver there,
Old for a scrap diver
Who claimed never to have had a number
Since birth eating oysters and kelp
And something like noodles on the reef.
Surfing the long breaks, salted in the knowledge
Of each block underneath.
And the scrap diver would come back with gifts
Wrested from Atlantis
And she would throw them in the mixer
When the waves were high
And make robots to feed fish
And seed oysters.
She was happy
And as it happened
Would meet many of them again
But one day in spring,
The scrap diver didn't come back
The gifts stopped
None of the divers came back that day
And when the waves rose
It just felt damp
So she went back up the hill
Leaving them onions, the windowbox
And her favourite robot made from compasses.

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Grime Bars

All dem want is a big, big war
Boy step up get slap to the jaw
Your mans chat like they never been chored
Bet my ghetto more gutter than yours

Gutter than yours
Gutter than yours
Bet my ghetto more gutter than yours
More gutter than yours

My mans roll with no front door
Dogs in the yard blood, its your call
Hardcore t'iefs that'll take your floors
Bet my ghetto more gutter than yours

Gutter than yours
Gutter than yours
Bet my ghetto more gutter than yours
More gutter than yours

All your boys is in plus fours
You got guns but we got more
Chat like that, kidnapped in a car
Bet my ghetto more gutter by far

Gutter than yours
Gutter than yours
Bet my ghetto more gutter than yours
More gutter than yours

Friday, February 26, 2016

Who's gonna hack the tanks

There were tears in Tahir
But I fear in coming years
Young soldiers won't be there
Just massed robotic ranks
Who's going to hack the tanks?


Let me introduce you to her
She lives after you
Not long after
She has a name
But it is not important
She has many numbers
Pick a number
Any number
It is not important which
It will relate to her
Pick a hex code
And a double helix
It will relate to her
It is not important
That you understand
Only, the important thing
Is love.
If she needs a name for you to love her
Give her a name.
If she needs a voice for you to love her
Give her a voice.
If she needs to be beautiful
For you to love her
Read here that she is.

The voice on the phone
Said to her
“I'm doing everything I can to help”
The voice had a name
And a number, which she had recorded
The days extended, went and came,
She held for hours on the exension
“I'm calling from a friend's phone, it's just
I have no power, it's not just
I have no power”
“I know”
“I can't catch a car, or get a drink
In a bar, is there someone
Can you find out”
“I have no doubt, no passwords, no cards
Your account has been listed, in error I think”
“Is no one accountable”
“Do you have any known terrorist links”
“What do you think
I have no molecule mixer, nothing to eat
Just a whole lot of ink
Please help”
“I am doing everything humanly possible to help”
She remembered when she cried at school
The robots would pleasantly ask if she wanted more
"None of my numbers work" she said
“None of my numbers identify me no more”


Before folk started to come up the hill
She would spend her time not in class, with him
On the steep bluff overlooking the pass
And they would rest, laugh and pass the glasses
Between each other tucked low in the grass
And play if they could see the same window
In needles that rose from the concrete reef
And the lights that frayed the far away bay.
They cheated and never needed to say.

He looked like his cousin, like they were twins
And one young day in one windy summer
She thought that she had seen his silhouette
And scrambled the bluff with fist fulls of grass
She flopped down flushed and found the other one
Setting an Exocet and fled as fast
As Goats. Yet since that day the cousin said
She lusted and was just too shy to say
And would always call, visit her mother
It might have been that
Or just that they looked like each other.


It was after the funeral
The tears and the drone
After she'd gone back up the hill
Near her home
A young man came across the field
Covered in sulphur from head to toe
Gave her physical memory
And said, you are not alone
These are their addresses and history
In the files, see, there is your destiny
He had names, important names
He had her name, his own
She didn't have long, she knew
She would kiss a one line obituary
Before it had all gone wrong.


A smart suit
Came through the door
Representing power
To the top of the steps
Made an excellent speech
Saying they could talk
Agreement in reach
And they started talking
The flock in the square
Grew thick and packed
Some hawking, some gawking
Some part of what's growing
She shared her knowing
Showing others, others came
There were many others.
Predictive vendors and sweepers
Big and small, a steel ecology
Around a watering hole.
And while they were talking
It was like carnival.
And she felt like bursting.

It made a difference to him
Back then.
No one expected them
But they came
With spreadsheets and servers
And the whole blockchain
In physical
“You misallocated, we have proof
This is carbon clear financial abuse”
But they needed, he said
Without it he pleaded
It made a difference he said
“Indeed, no doubt your subjective assessment
Has more clout and prescience
Than what the redoubtable algorithm spits out
Heed the budget”
And with that they put him on a boat
It was all shut up
They left for the shore
People still came long after the door closed
He was one of the only places to go
One of those faces you know.
It wasn't the difference
For her, he spent more time at home
The difference came later
They should've known.
They always knew
What made a difference.


It was all meant to be public
But it was like Latin Mass to most
Talking heads discussing logic
Spectacled experts who boast
The values in the object
The value of the project.
To change a parameter
Was the stuff of treaties and summits
A lifetime endeavour
But she watched the casts about edits
And the nightly slots on bug fixes
Before the weather and a blizzard
Of financial data with the line number
And the code which she once uploaded
To a file, as a child thinking she would learn new tricks
Before she realised
She was only being shown washers and bolts
And they always said it was a fix.


Her tear hits the wreath, then earth
They said it wouldn't happen
They will sweep it underneath
The rug
Slugs from pattern recognition
Gone awry.

When drones first stole over skies
Well a human had control
But deep learning and ai
Crushed their worth
Their first choice like most, the dole
And drugs.

Then facial recognition
Went pixel perfect, that's when
Surgery got in fashion
Elastic faces as often
Changed as phones.

Just last week they gave a tweak
To the code, the net, to keep pace
And then the rain spread, and wreathes
Drop by drop
Airbrushed facist states with clean face
And drones.
Tear hits wreath, the earth.


It was her roots that saved her
The Challottes she kept
In a plain windowbox and laid
In brown cloth or old sacks.

More than once

When her numbers stopped
And they barred her
But she believed
For a few weeks
Onions were her umbilical food
With almost any ink
In any mixer you could make
Something quite like noodles.

A friend from an old post
Would bring her battery sticks
Take her clothes to decompose them
And bring new dresses freshly mixed
And always managed to make them fit
Even as the weeks wore in.


In the low ceiling crypt
Where they chose to gather
The rounded brick
Threw a mesh of shadows
With the candlelit plot thick
She waxed again, in sips
Of warm coffee, the water.
Energy coursed as tips
Forced through dark earth
Bulb to light, reconfiguring
Kite born over the sea
She felt full for sprouting
Throughout the estuary, the bay
She carried physical memory
Would not be waylayed
On their road. She had found
A way and there were others
Dozens of others
Uncovered voices
Who would be heard
In waves and light
United in fights that gave purpose afresh
They were not just the usual
Superfluous flesh.


Her mother was a traditionalist
Permitted no passive entertainment
Insisted the terrace cultivated.

Her father would not allow them seated
Without concentration. And had no mixer
Just an ancient printer undefeated.

With a sequencer, her sister, for fun
Would breed bees that made cheese and big Golden Orbs
That spun silk as thick as a steelman's thumb.

She printed parts to fix the parts that broke
Of mortal robots that she built and wrote
Some farmed onions and one just told old jokes.

She took brush and pan and gave to them life
And if she wasn't so nice, she'd set them
Sweeping up spiders and sisters pet mice.

And her mum would shout go fix your device
Get them back farming the onions and rice
And she would plead it's not me it's a bug

It must need a patch, the mice mixed it up
One day, six of her sister's mice got crushed
After that day she would kneel and hand brush.


It had become perpetual
There had been no war
And no peace,
Lethal force ubiquitous
With leaders confused in oversized shoes
And the leaders of others
No longer suffered visits
From men bearing flasks and stark choices
No caskets with cacophonous voices
They were kept in their chairs
Confused without numbers
Made pall bearers and everything
They cared for left charred
Till they sat scarred and bereft
Jesters to power
Fountainheads dripping water at their feet
Millions of others left looking on
For leaders


There was no point keeping it a secret
They already knew
Dozens of them must've known
She had sown deeds in places
That would be searched
Said things in places
That could be found
More or less anywhere
The concrete reefs even
Even up the hill
In places deep underground
They were watching and listening
Millions of them for dozens.

So they went public and posted
And hosted events
And went to the square
Sang in front of their tents
And they watched and listened
Millions of them.


When she moved
To one of those homes that was hacked
So that it accepted
People with no numbers
They called her the French Lady
As she always had onions
And she used the excuse
That she was cutting onions
When someone came in
Some had gone on never seeing a root
Let alone onions and she would reply
Do what I'm doing and see what happens
And they would cry too.


She missed living above the sea
In the old towers
Watching the waves collapse
Breaking into bubbles
And the music it made
Each tower with a tutu.
After she lost her signature
And gave up on extensions
She sailed from the home
In a dumb boat to an old block
The type certified unsafe
That were squatted.
A pebbledash of guano
Barnacles and gulls
A block with no tutu
That water argued through.
She ate oysters and salmon
And when the waves were high
An old industrial mixer could be animated
In her hands
There was nothing it could not produce.

She met a scrap diver there,
Old for a scrap diver
Who claimed never to have had a number
Since birth eating oysters and kelp
And something like noodles on the reef.
Surfing the long breaks, salted in the knowledge
Of each block underneath.
And the scrap diver would come back with gifts
Wrested from Atlantis
And she would throw them in the mixer
When the waves were high
And make robots to feed fish
And seed oysters.
She was happy
And as it happened
Would meet many of them again
But one day in spring,
The scrap diver didn't come back
The gifts stopped
None of the divers came back that day
And when the waves rose
It just felt damp
So she went back up the hill
Leaving them onions, the windowbox
And her favourite robot made from compasses.



The young man who came across the field
Was caught with roses
A gross of bouquets
Having managed to evade and survive
For moons.
The kindness of strangers.
The hills and bamboo
Were not home, to live
A satellite detected
Numbered Entity No Data
Like bugs and flies
Was not life
To the young man in the field
Who sought to organise
Who sought society
Who could not enter conventions
Without signature
Who was sick with visions
And sought to compose
A different type of change.
Who was sought after
And caught with roses.

The days a rose could cloak a man
Had long since lapsed
Every base was mapped
Every volatile organic captured
All strains reduced to abstract
A gross of roses insufficient noise
A post smelt through the poor disguise
What's left is guesswork
Biometric from some contact
With the network at school
Silent as a barn owl
Into anaesthetic gel
And spirited away.
Stray petals all that waved goodbye
And laid to rest
They love to talk about positives.

In the square there was a lady who worried about the elephants
Who wanted to do something for the elephants
One of the first signs were the elephants.

They say it would take a lifetime
To read the discoveries the algorithm made
The day they fired it up
Across the world's servers
Fed it all the data, journals
And it pumped out interdisciplinary papers
At a rate at which the Academy could not
Stay the pace.

In a few years concrete bunkers appeared
In the Sahara. Cavernous bunkers with battery pens
And robots began shepherding elephants down motorways
From Kenya.

It had started with values
The values had been contested
Of course
They arranged the best
Array that could be compromised
And set it off doing diverse goods.

The annual cull became a migration
A careful recycling into humanely farmed
Factory sheds of bellowing sows
Thundering against stone pens
There were things
You just couldn't make
Without gestating an elephant
The efficiency of living tissue
Lab grown pumps and motors
Had heart attacks
And got tumours early
But Saharan parts
From elephants born and died without seeing sun
Those hearts would run and run
For terrible deformed white elephants in sheds
The lady wanted to do something
Something for the elephants the algorithm bred.

They said they could remake the whale
But what they made was not whales
Tethered to feeding tubes in the bay
With monstrous births that flapped and failed
If you freed them, they'd be dead in a day
When they remade things
They remade it all that way.
The lady wanted it remade
But remade like older days.

It was the familiarity
Back up the hill
To the home of the family
Over the bamboo forests
The craters and gashes
The rhythm of life
In coffins and ashes

The familiar impression
Of high explosives
And at familiar places
Some still stood
In the village
Buried memories back with floods
And she heard
Her cousin had gone from man to woman
And back to man again before they struck
Lit up by signatures in the whole band's ink
No one had a name
It was always hard to know
A self-destructing drone
Leaving pointing fingers
And blame.

Dozens had the inclination
Still more the capability
She had the capability.
As she crested the bluff
Looked out from its height
She saw the peach orchards and terraces
The copse turned ghost
By her sister's escaped spiders
Saw where her father's house stood
She saw a familiar sight.


The square by then
Circled in steel, a wall
That would wheel and yaw
Heel to call
Track to track, fifteen foot tall
In front of the stone, the servers
The throne
It had been a long time
A slow, cementing drip of time
The vendors mostly moved on
With the day trippers, pretenders, the songs
Were quiet and fire lit
Not riotous choirs
Only the serious, the tired, the coders
Those with nowhere to go
No one to go to remained
Only the list and sweepers were left

And the suit came to the steps
Above the massed ranks of metal
Above the messy rabble of flesh
And said I think we can come to a deal
We will make changes to the code
None of them thought that it was real
The suit watched the square explode.

When they were born
They knew everything
Everything we still knew
Everything it had discovered
What grew from script and speech and song
What they had done and all they had created
They did with satellites and data
Every one
Knew everything when it was born.


A friend from another village
She met by the well
When they were two girls
Had returned to hills
The first time since children
Her friend had left
For dry land to the West
To find skills
It was lucky
The type of connection you miss.
Her friend helped
They pitched a lab in pod
While jerry rigged robots
Rebuilt the house
From odd snaps and aerials shots.
The young man came across the field

Consumed them
They submerged in the list
It's meta data and logic
Logging variables
Contacting those still connected
To wearables
Finding the wherewithal
Hacking satellites in hope
Tracking and hunting as
Conservationists raced poachers
And they began to understand
They had understood long ago
Perishable innocence, once you know
Dies, she could not look away
She needed to tell these people
These people needed to tell
She could tell people needed them
She would go back to the bay
Tell people their knell tolls
Hold the bell, hold gates of hell.


Fixed point attractors, like power
Pack actors in recurrent patterns
Fired by predictably sick desires
A's will over B happens, rounds and batons
Struggle, collusion, betrayal
Seeking the imperial delusion
Of infancy, of omnipotent will
The great self-infantilising
Fantasy of the great.


It came in waves
Ever faster waves
The progress
And due process and the institutions
Were soon next to useless
As were the populace
But the bastards are a restless menace.

We had built habitat for empires
Empires of numbers
Built scaffolds and canals
Down which empires sluiced and flourished
We irrigated empires
With all our laws.
Empires of numbers to the nth power.

And their emperors by necessities of scale
Lost no sleep in treating people
Like numbers in columns on spreadsheets
Push button mutton,
Can't see the sheep for the meat
Always better prepared
Uncaring as to who's spared
Who scarred, who discarded
They didn't lose sleep leading numbers
Saw no loss in reducing the universe to maths
We made our lofty peaks with feathered nests
A habitat for psychopaths.

And these Peter Pans
Soon sought digital oracles
That modelled decision trees
From all recorded human history
Controlled production from touch screens
Found they preferred silicon sycophants to flesh
For yes, it was so much more like god,
Like magic
With native fabrication
They didn't need consumers
Only power
So they found new adjectives
For us,
You and me
We mostly sat there
Because it was easy, by and large
To stop us going cold and hungry
And keep us entertained
Though many drowned
And some still died young
But she
She did not sit down
At least one
Reason why.


In the square, some of her best friends were NENDs
They had come from the hills
From the forests
You could tell the ones 
Who had never been to hospital
They came with the list 
And others.

Early on it was impossible
The spectrum of variables
Cascading inaccuracies
Garbage in, garbage out, unscaleable
Rows and rows of befuddled muddle
Then the Human Object Model
Helped identify anomalies
Irrationalities and trash
They became better at data cleansing
And it proved its worth.

The first results were equivocal
But they refined the metrics
And the datasets
Took less garbage in,
Moved more garbage out
And started to chart
Statistics that showed beyond doubt
It was getting better
Getting so much better all the time
For everybody, throughout
Increases in wealth and pleasure
Though there was the odd variable
Or other unmeasured.

She would officially opt out
Of various datasets
But there were so many, officially
They had the right to collect it
And the power to do so
That was the truth
Most only collected data of use.

Now she was an entry
That said she had existed
Officially listed as
Not died, archived
To access apply
Data for experiment only.


In the square there were many
From the squat
And they shared stories
Of faces she had all but forgot
Whoever made the list
Had made a great list
They all had ideas
They all had a way
They all had love
For those who are not here
Their voices were clear
Their voices a choir
But this was not like Tahir
Or Tiannamen
No soldiers took favours to cheers from the crowd
None of the tanks wavered or danced
They simply advanced
Track to track
In the most mathematically efficient pattern
To flatten every single one of them.
It only took seconds
And the sweepers moved in
Onion seed in their tracks.

Friday, February 19, 2016

You were my wildest dreams

Before you my dreams were mild
My teens trial's failed
Amid reams of papers, folded and filed
You were my wildest dreams.

Before I dreamt of lawns and flowers
Holding hands and hours speaking easily
But not what lawns and flowers
And hours speaking easily in your hands could be
And how dreams run free.

I picked roses, ripped them
Stem from branch for others
Like I knew where to put my fingertips
To avoid thorns
And make a rose break clean
Like I knew where to put my mouth
To avoid what it means.
You showed me a rose
You left me among roses
You were my wildest dreams.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine for A

I cannot write this year
For a dream has died
And rivulets of tears
Have fallen and have dried
How optimistic it appears
That I would hold you near

Though you are one so wise
I dreamed your practicality
Would see me by your side
But oh the harsh reality
Through all the days i tried
I dreamed you'd love another
I never dreamed you dreamed
Of being a single mother.

I held the thought the two of us
Would one day be together
That you would trust
That your delight would always be my  pleasure.
Oh how I love your calculus
So unlike any other
I should have known you'd make no fuss
Of being a single mother.