Saturday, June 29, 2024

Phiminitto's emergence - Waste man dem [draft]

 A twinkle
A star spot flicked on
A single ray shone
On Phiminitto
A source of life was home.


Into Phiminitto's starry spot dropped
A crimped metal circle
There were colours painted on the metal
A crown? A fairground ride? A bottletop?


In the starry spot, the sharp shine
Of plastic and a wooden sole appeared
The metal circle's angle rang a chime
To Phiminitto a sweet orchestra to hear


Sometimes the ray from where the wind blew
Would transfix Phiminitto
The round black edged revolving circles Phiminitto knew
Their metal frames and bright colours would come and go.


The movement woke Phiminitto
Aligning with the influx
Digesting the regular radio
Something that tasted of muck


The spot from where the wind blows shone
The round black rubber, red outline
Rolled on, black, white and another one
The first was a little behind its time.


Phiminitto shifted under the currents
Relaxed, feeling capacitous
Considering what the weather was
The smaller shape became apparent.

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