Monday, October 02, 2023

Each time has a home -Precipice

Each time has a home
That tone rings again.

Each moment, present
Each blurred vibration of a Bee's wing
Swimming in syrup air
Each now, here
Then, there
Has a home, somewhere in mind.

That beam that shone
The light of ripened day
Blushing, as it tarried in the sky
An aeon of zeptoseconds gone
The sight of a brook reflected
Perhaps, in the high troposphere
Two photons fell in love, and rejected
One fell on the opsins of my iris
Lodged, a quanta, billiard through mind
Recalibrating one synaptic charge
Recalibrating our life with lain memory
And some observer
Two stargazers separated by seas
Saw the other flee to them
That unbeknownst we forever carry
A twinned charge in the home of a now.

As from the Nile delta, inexactly
The Indus, some rake handed farmer
Gazed up to Sirius, as we gaze to Sirius now
One tangled photon, confused and lost
On a bees-path to earth has arrived at your eye
Just this past hour.
Perhaps the world's cooolest computer
Can find the weight of that thought
The knot, dense, that shaped field
That home in the mind.

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