Friday, May 15, 2020

Do not go gently into this bright dawn

Last night a demon cam to me and said
That he wanted the planet dead
And this was my reply
Tears in my burning eye

We can make the world anew
What are these brand new tools
We can make the world afresh
Will sit down as heavens guest

The time ancient feuds is done
No time for jealousy or fear
For we here are in arrears
And so far is left to run

There is no time to spare
To look upon the ticking clock
For we must tread with love and care
All we have to do is share

All we have to do is love
We have just one planet here
God made this in seven days
It may take us longer still

We have until the December
And your contribution be remembered
For all women and the men
And all the herds that are our friends

And ants and bees, the fish and rivers
And the seas, will all boil
The trees with ashen leaves
But I know you are great are brave

And you can make the world remade
Do not bow down or be a slave
Ours is yet the race to run
Before the burning of the sun

For we can make the world anew
For all the ship and all the crew
Turn this tanker round
Or we all must drown

For there is but one planet here
And she is sick
But have you seen the trees of late
And they are pleased with their estate

And how the eagles celebrate
Finally gone ov’er the gate

For we can make the world anew
With care and love so beautiful

With all the drudgery to quell
We do not have the time to dwell

We must make this world anew
With brave love and spirit true
Turn, turn, the ship around
Until we come to solid ground

Until our ancient mores are found
Restore land to horse and hound
We can make bright future here
And think of all the we hold dear

What use is silver, what is gold
What matters, what value do you hold
I you brave men, and true
And with great ambition too

And I am but a simple pawn
Do not go gently into this bright dawn

Tell me, you must feel the same
Not live with hate and blame
For we inherited a law of fools
We can remake with brand new tools

For we are of one mind
We are just, are humans kind
Turn, repent your sin
Your soul is there still yours to win

For they picked us off illiterate
When we were weak and separate
But now we are all one mind
And we have  so little time

And though I am a simple man
And you mighty may have other plans
This world I know not, nor understand
But tell me you don’t feel the same

For I am lucky, I don’t have kids
But how I would feel if I did
For it is our responsibility
It was us, you and me

We burnt the oil
Cut the trees
Pulled the fish from out the seas
Yes, I do not deny, I did this with knowing eye

There is no one else to blame
Not our ancestors, they’re not in their name
we should weep and hang in shame
For we knew, and did it all the same

And yes I used the power tools
And yes I drunk from drinks in cans
And yes I carried plastic bags
And wore new clothes instead of rags

We knew, all did
You cannot say you missed and hid
We knew the science and facts
And we went on and did not act

This our responsibility
The grass now desert
The ashen leaves
What is their to leave kids

What will they say when they know
What we did,
When they lift there lids and ask
What will your answer be?

For we can make the world anew
And we can make a profit too
For this is enough silver here to share
What we need is love and care

What is it that really matters
The values that make life better
Those things we cherish and we hold
Is it love and care or gold

For we can make the world afresh
And we will sit as Heaven’s guest

Turn, turn again
We shall go forth as friends

There is no time for ancient feuds
For rudeness and bad attitudes
We with science can improve
The world is ours, and ours to lose

For even demons need love too
And they need more than me and you
For we are them of human kind
And now we are of all one mind

They picked us off illiteratre
When we were hungry, separate
There was once space to war
But now we are one planet here

And all we have to fear is fear
And little time to shed the tears
And turn, turn and repent your sin
You are human with your soul to win

Do not be a demon’s pawn
Do not go gently into this bright dawn

For we can make the world a new
We can make the world afresh
We can sit as heavens guest

For sainthood is yours to win
You men men of great renown
DO not know tow, do not bow down
You have the powers and the mind
But we have so little time

And even demons must feel the same
Who would want a sterile planet
Who would rule a barren rock
What’s to torture, where’s the game.

And you might flee to moutaintops
And the world is wet and hot
And might burrow in a bunker to
But who wants to live as troglydtes

Where the birds and where the bees
Where the trees with spreading leaves
And the rabbits might same, damn it
The apes have gone and saved the planet

Who ever would have thought of that
Who ever would expect it
They might turn and say God dam it
The apes have gone and saved the planet.

For we have all these brands new tools
Database and internet,
many more unthought of yet
We can make genetics splice and rewrite the code of life

For we can make the world anew
And you have the power to
And what is it that you want to do
The same as yesterday, a little better.

Free yourself, let go the fetters
Look inside what really matters
And they always say I’m mad as hatters
But it is my responsibility

I took the train, burnt the oil
Used a power tool for toil
They look upon us as lazy
Our descendents id they be
Will say we must be crazy

Look at the material, the medicines
From all those long chain bonds
They will say they say
Can you believe they burnt it all

But we can make the world afresh
Some step up to right this mess
The prize is sainthood, nothing less
And you will sit as heavens guest.

Do not be no devil's pawn
Do not go gently into this new dawn.

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