Monday, April 20, 2020

Play silver flute

When the magic people, pixie folk
Take fright in nightmares
Peep from behind the flowerstems in fear
Play them flute. Lips to silver cane
See how light sounds touch upon the evening air
As sweet notes open flower cups
Lullaby the magic folk
Till beddy byes, beddy byes
Calls and strokes their smokey eyes.
Dreamcasting they will dance the broad stiff
Flowerstems, hand in hand in rings
Singing of the garden sweet
Its mossy mounds and moist dark nooks
Its spreading fronds so pungent.
Where the water falls in drips
From the lip of a broken pipe
They will play music on the stocks and tulips
In revelry through raucous night.
Take flight above the pretty blooms
Beating wings a blur, till buds closed, blossom
Petals a tremble vibrate delicate like glass
Resonate in harmony with silver flute's long gasps.

Put your lips to the flute and trust
Magic folk will make their fear art, order at the edge of chaos
And flourish.

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