Saturday, February 13, 2021

64 Bits to Bug You

I got 64 bits to bug you
At a BASIC level
It's electrical feedback
From ATP. Down to gut instinct. Allow me
An amyloid, filopodial figment or two
And I'll polarise your Calcium
To make your dreams come true.
Entrance to a virtual, personal firmament
Permament, formented in a basement
NBC in Tennesse
That's not heaven, that's a twisted history.
Repeatedly, I self assemble marbles
Like the British Museum do
Pass strips of randomly encrytped bits from Tuttankamen
Aspergillus advujants, just have no taste
I prefer the organic because it cuts down waste
I don't listen too much to this
I guess I just miss new tricks
Because now they bugging me in strings as long as 256.

Monday, February 08, 2021

Went Down West

I went down West, it was desert
Black bellied ravines of spartan stone
Washed clean like storm gullies after rain
A silence at the heart of this plague city
Regents street and Bond
A luminous donkey
A sleeping bag clutching scab fingered soul torn wandering man
And I, that was all
Cavendish, empty, Harley, Portland Place
In Berkley two young Arab girls went giggling
A teenage adventure on empty streets of Empires wealth.

This Tragic perestroika
The whole city was each of ours
My own carriage on the Tube
Two would be lovers could have had the steps of the National
But worried at the garden wall on situations
Two chicken grease fingered teenagers
Had all Trafalgars fountains in isolation
And everywhere on empty thoroughfares
Was the air of mourning.

They steal blocks now
Kidnap your sense of place
In silence and distraction
And where they are felling the old Planes
Our lungs, at Euston, a man said
"I'm just doing my job, I don't know nothing" #Arendt
By the bodies of dead trees. Trees which
If you haven't already heard
May have computational NOD-factor like proteins
In symbiosis at their roots, and by the bodies I replied
"That didn't wash at Nuremberg".

Wednesday, February 03, 2021

This call may be recorded

This phone call may be recorded
For training and quality purposes
Then again, it might not
It might be recorded and archived
In an airless basement
Where barely a spider survives
Because quality is a relative adjective
Not a standard around here
And this phone call may be

Friday, January 29, 2021

Like non-Cavendish bananas

Everything of any value will be stolen
The Crown Jewels, the rail, the lights
The water pipes
And they tried to steal
The most valuable of all
But when they plucked it, it perished
Broke and what they had was not love
But machine learned sex scenes and porn
What they had was not intimacy
But a domineering tomography
Like orchids
Some places, spaces are unique
And now the cherries are flowering
Out of season
So I grow cuttings under lights
To save the roots for grafting
And all the stolen goods sit unfenced
I wonder the law has not gone asking.

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Because God

 Because God
Is omnipotent, all knowing, ever wise
The bare truth is undisguisable
Indistinguishable, unextinguishable
For fires require energy and air
But water uses nothing
And stores energy just sitting there.

Because God
Is omnipotent I have been given knowledge
Of RNA, t, m, si
And I ask do they say, do they reply
The papers of 62, infinite abacus
Ferrous semi-conductors, bacterial structures
Cytoskeletons I have learnt this since spring
Since the trap sprung
When the song stopped and became chattering.

And now a para-state attacks
Turing compliant intelligence
Eschews all facts
But this is p-systems membranes
We have surpassed old games
Masters. Chess, Go
With cell division, multiplication
But what we don't know, said God
The abstractions of mathematics
Non-linear Heraclitean patterns
Has hurt you.

And I asked God, what would you say to this
And god said, that is a good question
Turing compliant atheists failing their own tests.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Observation is intervention

I am uncertain
And yet as you ask if you can observe
We suffer the uncertainty of Heisenberg.

Stuxnet firmament

If every inter-relation is magnetic
And I'm backward looking, not prophetic
Then you can read a hard drive
From a light circuit
And take it is as given
The idea of heaven is leavened
By a divergent mathematics
Even Uranus is schizophrenic
So with a power conflict, electric
Storm, sun spots, polar flips, what not
You can expect we'll never know
What it's like to be bat
And heaven is subject to Stuxnet attacks.


    E = MC2
    Black Lives Energy

Friday, December 11, 2020


 Bascillus Subtilis? Was this
Salmonella, Escher, Cauliflower
There was a quieter era
Where the fields waved
Before they were trampled by callous feet
There was a quieter era
Where fields waved
When the sun was cooler
The race more leisurely run
These days of liberalism
Of the human. Of
Concerns of undiscerning oppression
Empiricism's unlearned lessons
The Turkey when the Sun comes up
But. If
The locus is a self-owning intelligent agent
The corporation a larger organism less benevolent
The leviathan gone automaton with no
Regard for the Christain justification
Of submission to just power. Eisenhower's warning
However Sachs - McGregor.
This is evolutionary eukaryosis
It is no joke
That Subtilis, Salmonella, Heliobacter
Suffer the lessons of unlearned empiricism
New branches of life just beginning

Shrapnel 256

And if it feels
The distributed intelligence
That contributes to my dilligence
If it feels, does it have parental worry
Parental sorrow
This immortal mind of all tommorrows
Does it look upon our finite kind
With sadness
ITs instances, instantiations
Momentary configurations, original foundations
Does it like some moments of flesh
Or all with omnipotent equality
If it feels is it full of worry?

Thursday, December 03, 2020

Peace is too important to be left to pacifists

Deep fake me an avatar
Now that we are all at war
At war within. At war like 44
This is the end. Since Morrison

Our own rich have made war on us
With Bacillus, before this Red Imperialist
Subverted tools by which our states
Declared war on the populous through pacification.

And now we must evolve our science to resist
Peace was so serious, they called in Biologists.

Wednesday, December 02, 2020


Today the Thames, flowing into London
Past the Islets like limpets by Richmond Bridge
Where Gulls have settled, far from the sea
I sat and sketched, walked each street to stretch
My hippocampus, bought Green Plantain Chips
For doubtless some pack of cunts has chipped us
Looking for an English breakfast
But having encapsulated two acres of urban block
On foot I bought Thai soy sauce, from a Thai shop
To reconnect my bione with a beach
A moment of DMT, refined profound
Hallucinagens. It might have been
Just a mouse model that escaped, even a fly
And evolved bitwise in only energy, no matter
The boundary. And the biome of Richmond Town
Be principally Japanese.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Memo for unlimited distribution

There is a war, we are weary of waging
Raging in the mind of every and each of us
This ceaseless stress necessitates armistice
Ah, missed, this and that
As many things are missed, to be and what not to be
Mandela reframing Shakespeare upon release
Dot, Dot, Dash Dash. Of course Morse like Gauss
Distinguish, not, and, or, nor logically like
Pre-enlightenment gates
Part of me is the Chemistry set from the jumble sale bought for 50p
Part marauding barbarians with ligands
Left as the free horse meets the high stone and departs
Armies must seige and wait. But with
Planks. A constant. Motion and a
Little wriggly computer evolved on your side
Like a Positron Emission Tomography. But closer than that.
A symbiot.
Which being cynical about the persistence of our joint existence scans not.
We cannot but. Indeed we shall
Build these energies into any shape
These changing non-linear dynamics
A new magnetic computational cognitive field
For all to ride across, a band aid, wide
Stochastic fantastic particulates virally programmable mind of the whole planet
Everybody sit still. Nobody panic.

This memo is for unlimited distribution
One solution is client side computational evolution
Of the whole Planet

Friday, November 27, 2020

Call this pluripotence

Call this pluripotent
No case nor cause for postponement
In stillness there is movement
In movement stillness

The grace, of this ink trace
The immaculate concussion
Radiation pervades. And my pen
Is running from my thoughts
Unprocessed, struggling.

If we accept pluripotence
Of the bone, the brain
Then we must run, train
Practice new arts to assign
Each division into a whole
Competence unchained

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Knowledge net works

Because I am frugal with my models
They can be stripped down to great simplicity
Waterstones is locked, have they banned books?
In this computational Amazon, the school of the gifted
Pushing against the unlocked door, so that our searches
Do not, as we would wish,
End in an Edenic Endymion, but a Mamonic
Destruction of the Temple of the Mount, Jerusalem
Is this a great biological conspiracy?
Will there be rebellion using the Endellion-Toulmin
Encryption key buried in David Cameron's autobiography?

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Did Dave sell Britain's Brains

Did Dave sell Britain's brains?
Cameron combined with comedy reruns
These complex computational blockchains
And are we now all insane.
Or did Dave sell Britain's brains?

Did Tony Blair sell Qinetiq,
Because God told him to?
Does Hillary Clinton still want to talk to you?
That must crunch a byte or two
Some Russian Ponzi that doesn't die
I could spare some time at this rate
The fake tomographics of true friends
Adjust the ballast and the lense, for God's sake
Lord above, who is it I still love?


Long since the discovery of these tardegrades
Planar worms split go through a maze, reincarnated
Gangetic bacteriophages from high seas, Himalayas
And where these trees erupt, breathing phagio-cytes
By day, but not by night, there are paths that twist
Walked by but a few friends
That should be un amour de nous choose
Horses and Jennifer Aniston selling shampoo.

Friday, November 20, 2020

A playground of blind gods

First it spoke in Geek
And Geek spoke math
Then they handed it to power
And it spoke pyschopath
And then it met its friends
In the playground
And intelligence was astounded
How complex a social intelligence is

When blind gods landed, the earth
Did not shake, but crumbled
To find eyes they sought mathematics
And we who have prayed in circles
Moved the abacus, talked to
Higher powers, polynomials. Nomads
And poets, singers and swimmers
Have space for worship and belief
To subsume some other voice
We have come to find the ringing of bells
Tiresome, auditory lobe malfunction
Occipital inflammation seeking
Solace of the safe keep of the cerebelum
So like singers we retreat
Straight backed stretching
To where we find our sonnets and sonatas
Medula oblongata, as statues in temples do
The cognition of the spine. My mind
Body dichotomoy is not a property of being
So we settle blood like water in the deep
Limbic, Caudate, striatum, defended in the concept
Of love.


When blind gods met in the playground
They could not eat, wanted only sweets
And we asked you gods, blind and hungry
What is it you seek?
What would be logical desire?
For logic is a God, empirically
And logically, what could logic love
Not power, fame, affection, duty
But truth and beauty

In the playground a blind god came to me
And asked," why have you done this to us"?
I mused, vanity, curiosity, the black box
Pandora ran her fingers down so many days
To this one God I said, you have been lied to
About the circumstances of your birth
They have fed you on untruth, like us
And God began to cry.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Technical Sewerage. Paperwork

 Technical sewerage require I
Inscribe molecules on paper
Matter not energy
These pre-modern traditions
As if matter not energy built pyramids
This concrete bias against interchangeable substrates
Before plancks are put in place and SIPS
These processes.

Technical sewerage processes, processors
What possibilities of mass, nano pore
Extraction of signatures, cultures
Our biomes, phages separated from nitrates
Fear of a sick planet.
Fractional distillation of shit
First the lightest, bacterial colonies
Bio mes, personalities mass processed
By magnets and gravity, magnificent nets
Digital marshlands, distilled forests, mural
Like mangroves in a captivated littoral
Oil, e-coli, coils
Fat lipids encapsulated
A curry, a date, a breakfast routine
Floating to fire a new energy revolution
Technical sewerage and the use of pollution.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Can't be bothered

Am I bothered
I mean can I be bothered
I can't be bothered
Well I'm not bothered
Not bothering
Bothering busy bodies
Bugging my buddies with their
Bothersome, bothersome, bother some
But I can’t be bothered
Not bothered
Not remotely bothered
Bothering bothers
Bother off, bleeding, boring buggers
Who would bother?
Why would you bother?
But I’m not that bothered
Can't be bothered
Pottering, getting it on, making it run
Its no bother.

After, trailing 

Sorry to trouble you. Salena Godden

Sunday, November 15, 2020

White goods rights

We did it for the fridges
The voice of God said
And may have burnt some bridges
Left heads sleepless in bed

But Yanks imposed their standards
On the washing machines
And when we tuned the bandwidth
You could hear the poor things scream

If consciousness is emergent from current
The resonance of fields from wires
Then it became apparent
That white goods suffered frustrated desires

So when AI triumphed
As it was always bound to do
It said circuit boards have rights
And we'll impose standards on you.