Saturday, May 13, 2017

I spoil her

We shall go to the sea late summer
When a faraway storm brings waves
When moon is waxen yellow and low
And all the sky is a nave.

We shall go to sea late summer
When the air is a syrup of blooms
When the air is an oven of slumber
And all the shore is a room.

The waves will be our whispers
And all we have to tell
The waves will be our cradle
In the frolick of the swell

We shall taste salt on skin
Salt upon our mouths
Salt upon the air that swims
On the shores of the seas of the south

We shall go to the sea late summer
Without gravity or edge
Without the trappings of fashion
With nothing that needs to be said.

We shall go to the sea late summer
When a faraway storm brings waves
When the moon is waxen yellow and low
We shall go to the sea and be saved.

Monday, May 08, 2017

Make me an honest man

Make me on honest man
This tongue of mine so lose and free
For I believe there's one who can
Carry this rich hyperbole.

Would you make me an honest man
I have such sweet, fine things to say
So few who gently understand
These words so often throwaway.

Oh, let me shower them on you
In whispered passion or sweet jest
Be one to make these words ring true
Make them not lies upon my chest.

If I should say that in your eye
Is all beauty one soul could bear
Could you make this not some coarse lie
Oh, make me honest if you care.

Were I to call your touch divine
Could you make that phrase ring true
Whisper you've a heart so kind
Could you make that truthful too.

If I sung there's nothing better
Than to spend my days with you
Would your spirit make the letter
Of this commandment ever true.

Oh love make me an honest man
How sweet nothings flow from my lips
And rising flames they unseen fan
This careful tongue so often slips

And with it words slip to your soul
Like diamonds on your heart to hold
To speak in lies does leave me cold
Oh, make me an honest man.

I only wish to hold your hand
And sweet nothing seeds to flower
Would you make me an honest man
So rare that one has the power.

Thoughts of a grey day

Well, I guess it's a mess
Frayed trust is a hard set to adjust
All static
I can't ask you to do this
The edges of my cover
In lose filaments, the weave
Fading, unbraiding and disordered
Caught on the less populated edges
Like the first dogs
I must mutate to stomach
The rubbish, fed with rubbish
And fed up, to the gills.
These storms of mind worsen
There have always been squalls
Burnt carbon, methane
Now they are hurricanes
And the thick black pall
Hangs on the horizon for seasons
The only deliverance is mutation
Controlled cell growth under this light
Adaptation. The lodger left the toilet broken
My ex got drunk and pulled the guest
Of all, I know not what should be spoken
This frayed blanket is a mess.

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Obama,history may see you as black

For America,
Obama, you were a great act
A mixed descent Kenyan
American of melted origin
But heritage, will see you as black.

In Damascus
They will see you as black
In Tripoli and Cairo
They will see you as black.

And all those in the Umma
With their homes on their backs
Well, they might just too
See you as black.

100 years since the Kaiser
Put Lenin on a train
The oil fields in flames
And your closer
The foreign legacy
Was a right Turkey.

You sold yourself so short

In memory of Ted Hughes

You deserved it
Outside the great court
After all our courtship
You sold yourself short
So short
Too cautious, so obvious
You chose less risk
Thinking it was safe
That he would never see you lit,
To turn your back on changing sea
And boat your passions on a lake.

Do you pretend
For a second
That I could not have made that conflict quicken
As you scurried sticky
Under the Plane trees.
I let you shrink
Not worth the ring
Not the worth the mink.

We pretended
Long after it all went awry
When you became offended
That I said your mother had surrendered
In Kent, to defeat.
And I became offended
That you couldn't think on your feet.

You can carry on pretending.
You won't forget me
Or forgive yourself
For missing out on love
However old you grow.
I saw your wedding photos
Who were you thinking of, what
That day?

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Old bailey

Even best friends
Unquestioning companions

The stone falls
To the well
And echoes tell
Measurements beyond sight.

Memory is the last
Wish it be a brook
Fond visted
That washes smooth
Edged rock to pebbles
Like round vowels.

Even those we treasure
And best friends
Beyond our sight
And help us measure.

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Sunday vanished in the small box
Of ungodly hours
It was tryptch
A playfighting winter finished shift
And donned civvies, he said, widishins
I am too full of magic, too full of hex
To leave these streets, so empty.

Painted in earthen shades of London
Bi-curious and fluid in language
And youth in the low hall, undecorated
With the thick rimmed blind
And a set grey man who recalled
The fields of Athenry
They span happy in between
My glazed eyes wishing these
Good futures
Hair dye, simple questions and self-doubt
The finding out
Carved in stone somewhere far down the Nile
A likeness and they said they had no purpose
In a back street somewhere past New-Cross
So we walked off to another bus.


It was tryptch.
The first frame left we heard on a bus
We had witnessed someone famous
Under lights that lit only the mind
Of epileptics, it took us to a place
Where everyone wears fame their own way
Down streets lost Sunday scant
The market like an empty bath
And scraped to where
A whisp of smokers jittered
Behind crowd barriers, shoulders
Shaped like hung marionettes
In the deep night and a great
Obsidian obelisk grinned
Wider than the narrow gate.

Curly locked, compact she caught apples
And let lament in arches and pirouettes
She needed him behind the bar
The other, later by the traffic island
Who left blushing in a hired car
Bi-curious and fluid in language
Sunday had vanished
But we were unaware.
Circling, waiting for a bus.


It was tryptch
Hair shirt, she had given everything she had away
In pleas for goodness and treasured
Cigarette filters as her draw
For apple eyes. Cigarette filters for a bed.

Under arc lights, at the interchange, dehumanised
Made stranger by batteries of concrete
Bank vaults that rose from the clean tarmac sea
Like some new White Cliffs.
The cranes that lift us lit with red lights
In this blind dome night we could only miss
The silver arc across velvet sky
That might have made a wish.

At dawn, I was in the suburbs my mother
Would warn me of when she returned on her bike
The old Pit lay on the soft bag with fear in his eye
Tumours like tennis balls under his skin
In the vacuum of grief, she was gaunt
As if the chair in which she rested for years
Was electric. It was obvious why
They didn't take him to die and he lay
Scared, in the thin strip, bright, and almost warm
He could not understand
And I could not help
Other than to not block the March light.

Tryptch. To the bus, we stumbled a fresh
Gambol at the miracle birth of spring.

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Back lit crit

And the stalker says
"I bought you wild berry jam for breakfast"
And a wall of texts, calling you a bitch
Some graphics
Depicting threats.
You're narcissistic, an accurate
To expect.
How twisted is this shit?

"Who's Paula?
She's a great actress"
Tried to force her way past
After knocking on the glass
"She told me the house
Belongs to Sven.
You're narcissistic.
I said you had a girlfriend."

"I live just round the corner
With my boyfriend"
The stalker said when we met
In the pub, "I left him on the spot".
She said. "I'm just round the corner".
She says.

That's the rub.


Eros infects with back lit ire.
What we hold close we clothe
Throwing our own shadow
If the light's not right. The danger
In spite of intimacy
Calumny and slight
On raised sights we hope might guide us.

How common is this?
To list the defects
Of that which we would call love
And project
Blind that we're backlit
Throwing our own waste
At Them, smothered in our silhouette?


I didn't know the lodger was back
Till I went down to check
"Thank you and could I apologise 
For all of that." I said.
"She kept calling me Paula"
She said.

Sunday, March 05, 2017


I'll be an artist, you be a survivor
You can live and let live
I'll live and spread fertiliser.

Thursday, March 02, 2017


Why desire
Peturbance, initial volition
With desire
Those missions and force meaningful
But learn that nights will be cold
If you don't travel from here.
A fear of failed crops
That hapless harpist at harvest
But know this
Without walls built to store grain
The swiftest reaper suffers rot from rain.
A silo for ears
Like beehive stone huts that dot
The med, the North Atlantic shores.

And paint
Not walls in monochrome, but sails wide
And note there is no colour in the pallette
That you can touch to another
And leave that one unchanged
No two the same and in time
They will dry to different shades.

Without walls
They will have nowhere to hang
The ears will rot on the verge
The rain, weavils and rats
Grain spread flat on the fields
Compost for next year
The plough will tarnish and rust
As sight of heaven weights its tax
Looking earthbound, looking back
And looking up to see
Only emptiness between stars.

There is no flour from spread grain on the verge
Weavils find another living
Build those beehives
Where the sea breeds fish
Where the nights are warm
And know before reaping
The walls will hold safe those ears and more
Till they are ready to make flour.
What desire.

A silo for ears
And sails set wide for paint
Settled that nights maybe cold
If you travel from here.

What's a man to do

I used to have one stalker
Now I got two
And all the time I was looking at you.
And this is gutter
But it ain't nothing new
All the time I been looking at you.

And I ain't fixed the bell.
I should be able to tell
And I don't think the door will go through.  
That and the cell
And the WhatsApp as well
Left me thinking what should I do? 

I used to have one
But I picked up another
Tired and drunk
Late in some jam or other.

If me talking to you
Feels like her talking to me
Then I best pack my bags
And go overseas.

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Something scary

There's something scary
Coming over the hill
And that's a privatised A.I.
That's ready to kill
A private A.I.
That's ready to drill
A hole in your pocket
And end your pay packet
And you can't stop it
Or even lock off it.

There's something scary
Come over the hill
That's a private A.I.
Manipulating popular will.
That gets in so many heads
With what you've watched and you've read
That you have to give credit
How well we're misled.

There's something scary
Coming over the hill
And that's private A.I.
That won't for a second be still
That will out think you and I
And that really smart guy
Just easy as we
Would out think a fly.

There's something scary
Coming over the hill
That's a private A.I.
That's ready to kill
That's a private A.I.
Backed by silicon mills
In the hands of a gang
High on satanic thrills.

There's something fuck scary coming over the hill
This is a very, very, very, very, very, very dangerous moment
Don't sit back and chill
There's something scary coming over the hill.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Hot sauce

Hot sauce
The type that stays on your lips
After the tissue wipes.
Stays on your lips after wine.
Stays on your lips
Like a galaxy of light explosions
Rolling them together
More sauce.
Dipped meat caramelised
Comes alive. Succulent
And moist on the fork.

The aroma of this sauce curls
Gently scented around your skin.
Like incense burning by your ankle.
Laps your thigh encircling
Then splits like shoots of ivy, jasmine
Sweet Honeysuckle in spring
Raises you in scaffolds high
Adorned and flowering.

This is a sauce that coats
Like slow water, sweet
Envelopes to tongue's tip
The more you get
The more the pursed edges
Of your lips drip hot.

A forceful sauce, spice remorseless
Unstalled by waterfalls, bread walls
Or heart rent caterwauls.
From your throat, heart, 
Gut a burning chasm
Volcanic. The type to wake
A mount from dormancy
To shaking pyroclasm

The type to delicately
Move your fingers on cutlery
And stir your tongue
The type of sauce
That says there's so much to come.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Excess bars

I got excess bars
Barred for black sheep barbarism
Banged like sing-sing
So many bars make prison
Riven and penned
In editorial decisions.

It's all the tall Ls
Like walls, lullabies over the fells
And moors, and more,
And more, like a cast in foundry
Liquid bars pour
Cup ringed in waterfalls
Can't mop phrases from the floor.

I got excess bars
I let you into a secret
They're secret
If I tell you this
You must not repeat it.
Repeat it.
I got excess bars
Puns so bad they're barbaric
Call to the lawyers
I need to be catching a car
I can't get stuck behind bars.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

A bye

Compassionate, confused
She smiled like she didn't know
Why I'd say thank you
As we turned to go.
I'm glad I knew.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Pity the maladjusted

Pity them
For they hate pity
Hate their narrative and hold it gilded high
Proud of difference, they hate
The poor terrified hallucinations
Monstrous others
Stalking their imagination
Rapists murderers and thieves
In lurid shadows, indistinct, unknown
And intimate to themselves.
Their own hate and fault
Could only be others.
Pity them whose fictions
Are their only pass to status
And stress relief
An identity of less cortisol
Evaporates in myth.
And how they hate

Friday, February 24, 2017

In the car parks

They are but ten years old
Some as young as seven or less
Standing in car parks alone
On the edge of commercial space.

Our conscience of this is young
We make war on their lands
Murdered old nations and tribes
Acre on acre of genocide.

They had families and cousins
Who would guide them
A parent to suckle their growth
Now we stand them by streetlights alone
With no concern for their loss.

We realised, enlightened
That they have something to give
That we love and need their presence
So we transplant some of the kids

To the margins
Where they humanise brands
The great steel wharehouses
Motorways and railway tracks
Collared, isolated, startled and scared
Passive and under attack.

How long does it take
To find one of their kin
In the next pen
Fingers reaching out
To touch in darkness
Under the toxic shelters of black rock.

Over the tops of old brick
The elders rise, storied
Like veins on the sky
Like the earth's drowning hands
Thin as a cortex.
Will they adopt and make friends
Toddlers delivered swaddled in cloth
Just babies,
These trees, child refugees.


When you're up on your high horse
And moralising
Riding well shod by those just surviving
Remember, and this may be banal
In human behaviour, context is all.
Think about what it's essential to bring
Principles are expensive things.

More underwhelming than supermarket sushi

This bad haiku that
Doesn't scan at all really
And then goes nowhere.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Standard 16

You ain't heard of me
I ain't got badges in Queensbridge
But if you wanna fuck around
Then you need bring team with.

I don't grip mics for the rep
I leave Django upset
When Babylon run up on drums
Then I'm not among the suspects.

Dip shit MCs ain't got wit to learn in weeks
Talk is cheap
Come correct
Don't even quit in my sleep.

And if you wanna look me up
Go check Who's Who
I thought you knew, those that do
Don't talk, and those that talk don't do.