Thursday, February 29, 2024

Frankincense and chaos

I shall put the shelves you pulled down the street
In the back shed to bring order, organisation
You left more, an always.
Frankincense and chaos append you in thought
Like the Egyptian Plover
Tooth pick in a Crocodile's bill
Wilful, joyous self-demolition
It must work so well in desert air
The pungent scent that touches your gum
Equivocal, enticing.
You left the Queen of Hearts, with faster to run
Forgotten so much
As in art, a master of one.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

The tail that wagged the dog

It was the amp that agitated
The bug that bred
In the hair that itched
Of the tail that wagged
The dog.

Saturday, February 03, 2024

The Free Press

They fought and fled
In shackles died
To have books read
And town hear cry

To make print free
Words cut and dry
So all could see
With their own eye.

And yet is seems
Under the Sun and Sky
The free press now
Were cheap to buy.