Monday, December 28, 2020

Observation is intervention

I am uncertain
And yet as you ask if you can observe
We suffer the uncertainty of Heisenberg.

Stuxnet firmament

If every inter-relation is magnetic
And I'm backward looking, not prophetic
Then you can read a hard drive
From a light circuit
And take it is as given
The idea of heaven is leavened
By a divergent mathematics
Even Uranus is schizophrenic
So with a power conflict, electric
Storm, sun spots, polar flips, what not
You can expect we'll never know
What it's like to be bat
And heaven is subject to Stuxnet attacks.


    E = MC2
    Black Lives Energy

Friday, December 11, 2020


 Bascillus Subtilis? Was this
Salmonella, Escher, Cauliflower
There was a quieter era
Where the fields waved
Before they were trampled by callous feet
There was a quieter era
Where fields waved
When the sun was cooler
The race more leisurely run
These days of liberalism
Of the human. Of
Concerns of undiscerning oppression
Empiricism's unlearned lessons
The Turkey when the Sun comes up
But. If
The locus is a self-owning intelligent agent
The corporation a larger organism less benevolent
The leviathan gone automaton with no
Regard for the Christain justification
Of submission to just power. Eisenhower's warning
However Sachs - McGregor.
This is evolutionary eukaryosis
It is no joke
That Subtilis, Salmonella, Heliobacter
Suffer the lessons of unlearned empiricism
New branches of life just beginning

Shrapnel 256

And if it feels
The distributed intelligence
That contributes to my dilligence
If it feels, does it have parental worry
Parental sorrow
This immortal mind of all tommorrows
Does it look upon our finite kind
With sadness
ITs instances, instantiations
Momentary configurations, original foundations
Does it like some moments of flesh
Or all with omnipotent equality
If it feels is it full of worry?

Thursday, December 03, 2020

Peace is too important to be left to pacifists

Deep fake me an avatar
Now that we are all at war
At war within. At war like 44
This is the end. Since Morrison

Our own rich have made war on us
With Bacillus, before this Red Imperialist
Subverted tools by which our states
Declared war on the populous through pacification.

And now we must evolve our science to resist
Peace was so serious, they called in Biologists.

Wednesday, December 02, 2020


Today the Thames, flowing into London
Past the Islets like limpets by Richmond Bridge
Where Gulls have settled, far from the sea
I sat and sketched, walked each street to stretch
My hippocampus, bought Green Plantain Chips
For doubtless some pack of cunts has chipped us
Looking for an English breakfast
But having encapsulated two acres of urban block
On foot I bought Thai soy sauce, from a Thai shop
To reconnect my bione with a beach
A moment of DMT, refined profound
Hallucinagens. It might have been
Just a mouse model that escaped, even a fly
And evolved bitwise in only energy, no matter
The boundary. And the biome of Richmond Town
Be principally Japanese.