Saturday, March 28, 2020

All hail the Pangolin

All hail the Malayan Pangolin
That makes the mighty quake and quail
Bader Meinhoff, Al Qaeda
Others have tried and failed.
The Ides of March
Comes a reckoning 
What is it that you great Kings owe
The Malayan Jungle and its Pangolin
Pay now before tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Shrapnel No.27

Willow, my owl
I wish I were as wise
Wish for you
For you
The wish for you
That is for me
An anguished wish
Of rivers where the water's passed
The falling leaf is carried off
The wish of when stars pale lost
Willow my owl my best wishes,

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

No virus for old men

It spares the women and children
The way our liberal leaders won't
They're busy giving rights to armies
And making war on every front
War on every back.

They've the power to make the weather
Can control the tide
And from their high panopticon
There is no place to hide.
Their machines consume a continent
Raise towers to their pride
They bend space and time
With the massive gravity of lies.

And from atop their pyramids
What they fear most of all
Is that little germ they cannot crush
Invisible and small

For it spares the women and the children
But not old men who fly on planes
Emergency, emergency this must be contained.
The fearmongers all gone fearful
And what they fear most of all
Is that germ their armies cannot bribe or crush
Invisible and small.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Scrap Mr

Waist high pale child pulling on the worn wire
Stretches a small mitt to clutch thin thread and tugs, tugs
The loosened lank snake, looking for coppers
Expecting no connection. Fed on scraps
Broken junctions, where the lines are dead.
He with two small others slightly taller
Waddling like bowling pins
Living short circuits. The wide street hill
Gap tooth mill terrace leads to fields, tatoos
Women screaming like squalls in a storm
Men cry when the bunting is flying.
“Scrap Mr?”
Three bowling pins, pipe broke gangland in egg.

Voices, shells, pipes, wires
All break
The yard will bale them
Send the pieces east like wool
Like when sheep first drove people from these hills.
Plunder of the monasteries and rail
The Communists made this
Imperialist dialectic.

Scrap Mr, Scrap Mr
They'll pull on all the strings in this old town
Stripped and scrapped
Stripped and scrapped.

Monday, March 09, 2020

To be

You will be brave for me
For if you are not
Then you are not.
So you will.

To be at all
For you, Ubuntu
You must be.
By me fearless
What you think impossible.

So you shall
Cross the wide water, still
That surrounds. A Coracle
I'll send, your knees
Wobbling, step in.

We both know there are sharks.