Saturday, February 15, 2020

A note

It's almost an injustice
You did not waste any of my time
Gave more in that short current
Than others I was part of didn't
Who were part of me.
The inequality of magic.
It's almost an injustice.

There are men who built their life
On one sentence of my advice
And women too.
I know the pitchforks. the brands the fearful bring.
They claim it justice.

Friday, February 14, 2020


When you're famous
For being so powerfully glamorous
And have an office, staff and PA

Then I'll send you piece
To make your staff laugh at least
And you oblivious, can go on with your day.

Rhymes with

Binge drinking
Singed sinners besiege Saturday
While out back
In syringe filled alleyways
A minge clings to a tale of solstice at Stonehenge
Her one time at the Fringe
The way summer begins.
And the sky was tinged orange.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Old man of the forest

And when, from an ancient Teak
On the last escarpment
The Orang saw the steel towers sleek
He dreamt he would one day make
A great wooden saw
And cut through all the blocks at their base.

Rope and cocaine

So I went down there
With bundle of rope and bag of cocaine
Knew she comply with the pain
And how she'd complain.

So I went down there
With rope and cocaine
This is not what you think
It was more of a game.

All that tension and friction
Restriction and sweat
All bent and all folded
Position all set.

See the scenes from the screens
See they get in your dreams
And she so keen for me to mean
So I went down there
With a rope and cocaine

Like, bike shed half glance, when fumbling
For a hand was moving elephants
Over the Rubicon, Rubicon was fruit,
Beer tasted as strange as a kiss
Memories like wolves gooseberry on this,
Cupboard full of tins
So I went down there
With a rope and cocaine.

We watched TV and drank tea
And I came home again.