It watches over us
But is no god
They watch us
But are no hall of angels
No pyramid, cherubim to seraphim
Full of virtue and good will.
Millions have prayed for a jealous god
Full of brimstone for this Gomorrah
Millions pray
Would such truth be better?
Did not Gyges sin and Golem?
In spectacle they fornicate
A hall of stages for the panopticon
Elevate and immolate and all of us look on
iPad notes with white coat.
The push and pull, this power,
It is no God that looks and listens
In their blindness and their pidgin
What canon inculcate? What virtues
Make sainthood for blind watchmen?
The flocks of rock doves in Trafalgar
Startled like dust clouds from a dumped pallette
Some would say
They're outside the National, they're art.
What harmonies to resonate, incubate
Birth hatchlings of our nature with what wings?
Fear, fear how they make you fear
In this future, fear for our odds
It is no hall of angels.
And vain hope to wish it watch of jealous god.