These loves of different shapes
They do not always tessellate
Naturally slip to fit, embraced
Like fate cast each for other's sake.
In an instant stick, attach
Some may not stretch, to depth
To fill that hole, some gap
Or knot that stops the closest breath.
But oh, those fine balancing acts
Dynamic, each in flux and pivot
Like champagne, upon a plaque
Upon a hand, upon a ship.
With time some loves may mould
Flow to sediment depressions
May shave or carve, swell to holes
May grow
We never sat that lesson.
May grow
We never sat that lesson.
And you, you loved me
Like I was a leak in the gutter over
your pot
And I, like you were a lost
Lego technic toy from the attic.
But the shapes didn't fit.
I knew it. Did you
Did you make that mistake?
The shapes don't always tessellate.