Wednesday, July 25, 2018


These loves of different shapes
They do not always tessellate
Naturally slip to fit, embraced
Like fate cast each for other's sake.

In an instant stick, attach
Some may not stretch, to depth
To fill that hole, some gap
Or knot that stops the closest breath.

But oh, those fine balancing acts
Dynamic, each in flux and pivot
Like champagne, upon a plaque
Upon a hand, upon a ship.

With time some loves may mould
Flow to sediment depressions
May shave or carve, swell to holes
May grow
We never sat that lesson.

And you, you loved me
Like I was a leak in the gutter over your pot
And I, like you were a lost
Lego technic toy from the attic.
But the shapes didn't fit.
I knew it. Did you
Did you make that mistake?
The shapes don't always tessellate.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Field of Hay

This field of hay
Is featureless
The sun lost
In late day haze
Cans and empties
Which way is home?
Is it fair to ask
The field is featureless.

Friday, July 20, 2018

White satin

Seraphim, guardian of hope
Culmination of nature's art
Jet flame high, remote
Open up, let flow you heart
Your lips
Close enough for blood to bind
All before, pay no mind
Other lovers, yours and mine
Pay no mind
Gossip and judging eyes
Pay no mind
For what judge
Are eyes of souls and love?
Call, tell me are your hands empty
Holding soap bubbles
And where do you remember me?
Do you pinch yourself sometimes
Troubled that I can't be true.
Those actors that you know
Could they dig this deep?
Could you?

Sunday, July 15, 2018

To the editor

To the editor
I often write poetry
Do you read haiku?

Trying for Sticky Toffee

They promised sweets of our heritage
And pink cheeked childhood
Cooking sticky toffee
It's not looking good.

That sweet sticky toffee
That you chew and chew and chew
Till you're sick
Seems simple enough
But it's a delicate trick.

If it's too hard
We'll break our teeth in a bite.
If it's too soft
We'll swallow all overnight.

Stir butter and sugar
But the heat's hard to judge
I've always preferred the imported chocolate
A British tradition,
They'll serve us a fudge.

(Diabetes is the only outcome of this shower
There's a mountain of butter, start over
The pan's a hard scour.)

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Shrapnel no.7

Chavin Ceramic. 1st Millenium BC

Black coffee and acid for breakfast.
Tai Chi.
False spring starts me like a childhood memory.
You should stay one day
For coffee.
We could discover a whole new city.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Thing 2

Haul upon these mooring lines
Till separate gravities meld
He told me hard across formica tables
And I laughed
So far from Delphi
How would it be different.

The harlequin and bells
Against pavement teeth, stacked dice
With lights on on some floor
Adequate camouflage
Concrete, at least temporarily.

They changed hands
The cafe that made the churros
Watered down the chowder
And soon there will be funerals
Crush buckets like pallbearers

Traditions, like guards
Will change
Like water through a lock
So soon forgot we'll say here's level
Even if it's the 27th floor
And they still call the children African
Eating bacon, stale churros
And shaking shrapnel at their elders
To buy beer.