Sunday, April 08, 2018


In lieu of a hotel
I spent the night in Pattaya
In various bars
Decorated with whores
But you had exhausted me
Of all, none seemed worthy.

Saturday, April 07, 2018

Emotional Intelligence

I had looked in through a lense
Bent light magnifying the focal point
Making elephants from sea horses
Like a ship's captain or spy.
Espionage on my psyche.
Infiltrating which why.
Straightening my spine
In mantras, calming horses in the garden
Until once I just heard waves
Like radio from inner tides
Like surf wash, too wide for the eye
Meaningless through a lense.
The voice the forest makes
From all its combined parts
Asidophilous, the gut, the heart
The eukaryotic colony, full symphony
Messages formed before the ear
Before words reach
Wi-fi in the mitochondria
Answers like a village greeting
Within the citadel's defence
In waves received emotional intelligence.

Thursday, April 05, 2018


Phone battery and lense
Tracksuit bottoms.
This is an incomplete list.
Add wanderlust for spice
A thimble of zest
Add white to blue mornings
And watch the sky lift
Add enthusiasm and stir
Thrice widdishins
And check the clocks
Add why to nots.
It will never add up
If you look for the answer to be four
It's not arithmetic, this course.
This an incomplete list.