Monday, July 31, 2017

Cherry groves

In these high days the fruit trees bow so low
Cypriot tankard 18th century BC

The cherry spreads its sweep to brush soft pates
Of shrouded idlers slumbered through the grove
Above hand's rest hang all the jewels to sate
Any appetite.

                     Why scale the smooth ringed trunk
When there is fruit to hand to make you sick
Ripe fruit to hand to get you giddy drunk
And baskets brim from catch of beaten sticks.

Would it be greed to leave this tussock
Reach like apes, curious amongst the branch
To push and pull the lush sweet summer luck
Or derelict to spurn these gifts, this chance.

What paths to muse, lain prone in cherry groves
With windfall presents, these sweet merry odes.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Power to the people

Iraq. Early Dynastic. pot 2800BC

When they cried 'power to the people'
They didn't mean it.
Just a them and us confrontation
Against power's concentration.
But it was people that had power.

Now they mean it. Increasingly
We will say it and mean it
Against the unceasing creep of invisible webs
Networks and algorithms in people's stead.

Computers are blind to the streets
Blind to banners,  deaf to demos and chants
Algorithms do not have to face
Their children, their uncles and aunts.

When we cry power to the people
We will mean it.

Thursday, July 06, 2017

We, myself and I

So this guy, who I've never met
But connect with over digi shit
From keyboard skirmish in some debate
Pops up on messenger to ask
Who are you?
And I'm like, wait.....?

I am at least 43% bacteria
Who are not me, who do not share my DNA
Governed by linked Eukaryotes
That hold at least some sway.

So who are we, this team
Bounded in a lipid skin
That processes all this data
From without, within?

A nested complex system
Fractal departure in fractal set
A mobile arc for DNA
Electro-chemical and wet.

An optic set of stories
And culture that I've sponged
A city built on many towns
Foundations, deep, unknown.

I am all those I know
And how I know them too
The other teams of storied cells
A node in the Ubuntu.

The Greeks will tell I'm an immortal soul
Ever true like maths
That there is one unchanging me
If I mill through all the chaff.

But if I'm an equation
Then it is one non-linear
The answer made each moment new
With situation and parameter.

For I am not that three year old
Or that young man of twenty
To go chasing after some true self
Is just a quest that's empty.

I am not me ten years back
Or even yesterday
And I am not who I will be
Even later on today.

I am we, is what we find
The more sciene probes
For there is at least one self
In each temporal lobe.

There are neurons
In my heart and gut
Not just in my head
And chemicals that change
With every book I 've read.

Chemicals that change
If on my head they place a crown
Or bind me in shackles chained
In prison, beaten down.

Chemicals that change
If love holds me for a time
Or I run a marathon
Or live on nout but limes.

I have understandings
From animals extinct and dead
And understandings from unique genius
Like Einstein, in my head.

I'm a complex adaptive system
That mills meanings as I be
And even by this evening
I'll be a different form of we.

Saturday, July 01, 2017

She is a survivor

Be kind to her
Even if she has grown to wear the crown
Be kind.

Soon after birth she broke
Murdering family, self-harm
Long before the uncle appeared
Be kind to her.

Acount the infant trauma
Questions and pictures of hurt youth
Frozen at heart to know no path
Away from these vexed complexes
Rooted in past and tangled in her hair.
Treat her with kindness and care.

She still walks with stars in her eyes
Still dreams, still streams with tears
And screams, still finds the same faults
Can't stitch the torn seams
Still fights the guilt, clings to toys
Pulls up the quilt. Still cannot help
But see the pictures of those young eyes.

Still caught in recriminations and hate
Asking the same questions she asked then
Young questions from a long held crown.
Confounded in the same debates
From the 1860s
Darwin, Melanin, Socialism or Liberalism
Like she'll never move on, be kind to her
America, her civil war
Survivor of childhood trauma.