Friday, February 20, 2015

She said she was in love

She said she was in love
As if this one word
Would make good
All that I'd just heard.

She said she was in love
As flighty adolescents do
But nowhere was the care and curiosity
Of the word I knew.

If each love is a key
Mine was not the lock
The turning that would free
Our spirits from the blocks.

She said she was in love
As lust confused from time to time
If each love is a fingerprint
Hers was at a crime.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine for Y

There is water between us
I will go down to this water
Now, when it is dark
And dive and pull and roll
Each lifting and then crashing wave
Each stroke rake through raging storm
Through Biscay, through Golden Coast
And on and on to round the Horn
Swim in thunder and blinding white
Swim with longing through the night
Swim through however many dawns
Till all natures forces come becalmed
Until I come to haboured beach
To stand again within your reach
As all the gods I have beseeched
Are there to answer all for each.

The fool in Jolene

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please just take me as I am
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't go, for once just understand

Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green

Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I would be complete with you, Jolene

Your face it haunts my very dreams
And every night it always seems
I wake up wet and crying out Jolene

And I can easily understand
How you could soon have any man
But you don't know what you mean to me, Jolene

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please just leave me as I am
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't go, for once just understand

Though my love was always true
Love like yours I never knew
Now your the only one for me, Jolene

I had to have this talk with you
My happiness depends on you
And whatever you decide to do, Jolene

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please just take me as I am
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't go for once just understand.

Can't get next to you

I lost your number
To a pick-pocket down the Arsenal
I would've given an engagement ring
Or all my summers
For that one simple thing.
Humming Al Green.
I miss your integrity
When I find myself in times of trouble
What your voice says
I guess it's unpossessing
My house is less of a mess.
A lick of paint does wonders
For your conciousness.
I'm just about driving now
If I buy a van
We could elope as spouses
Rent the houses
And raise kids in Kyrgzstahn
Or Australia
But you've probably got different plans
Like I said, a pick-pocket took my dockets
So I had to email ya
Give us a call
To hear from you and all.

English donkey

There is a donkey
That carries all the portage
For the village and the palace
Carries to all quarters
Harnessed up with baggage.

Some have seen it at the palace gate
They say "that gold's a heavy weight "
Some have seen it at the butchers
And say it carries meat
Some see it at the hospital
Bearing medicines for meek
Some see it in the quarters
Where they say it runs cocaine
Some see it piled with wood and straw
And think it poor and plain.

But the donkey goes about it chores
However understood
Forever lifts and forever hauls
'Most every type of good
One day dray horse, one day mule
One day pet, one stubborn fool
But always on the donkey's back
Is some good of value
To which we're attached.

For there are cars and there are planes
And even dog-led slays
But they never ever carry it
In quite the donkey's way.
Some petrol fuelled, some larger limbed
Some even work in teams
But it seems
It's the donkey that we turn to
When we want to carry dreams.

Though short and plain and spindled legged
Its strong and versatile as eggs
And carries all from water's edge
For high and marbled palace.

Valentine for uplink

You're my every hope and solace
My every focus like opium
The dopest promotion for human beings
A voice like seeing dawn E'ing
I can't depict the state of addiction
Search for superlatives in fan fiction
The Aphroditeest, Venusuviusest
The finest moviest, stars like Grace
Leaving Bacall in your wake, trailing
Oh the depth of the fall
Infinite, unfailing
Like bars, chains and a jail
Lead where the largest freedom could ever avail
Gold cast female
Hot as your own star
I'd forget every object of worth
For your presence
Like heaven on earth
If its a crime I plead guilty as charged
Face any penalty
To be even part of your entourage.

Valentine for A

There is love like wine
Love like air and water
Love like gold and jewels
But your love, for me
Is more like trigonometry
A truth and understanding
Of unpredictable utility.
Value that will never cease
Like pivot points and levers
And knowing dawn is east.


Singular or plural
Water birth or epidural
Church or a beech
In a suit or sandles
Do you count the candles
Your place or mine

Oh hot bird what flies in air
It is with heart too full of care
I long to squeeze and pull your hair
Slap your arse bent taut and bare
Oh how I long to kiss you there