Sunday, November 16, 2014


You never would expect
A foghorn aged become clarinet
Those clarion cries we can't forget
And yet...

She was a warrior of raucous nights
Her cries would frighten dawn
But now with notes sweet tender light
She lullabies her fawn.

Now she glides on summer lawns
Without the cider bottles strewn
Strewn like those souls left to mourn
Those suitors who beseeched the moon.

Oh I could tell you
Of the Princes, oh the dukes and heirs
How they queued and how they howled
That ever she be theirs.

There were wails and there were tears
From her peers there were glares
Laughter's heard at sunset now
In peels and in pairs.

If you are here, now
And not lensed through all those years
It's easy to forget
A foghorn was this clarinet.

Friday, November 14, 2014


On a journey though rain
Not showers
But rain that comes in cords
Not driving
But windless falls
The tall clouds
Closed to bind the sky as one
A single shaft of sun
Moving storm fast
Found me.

A gasp of brightness
Light across the stone
Lifted my face to the rain
To the pale northern sun
Ice in the eye
White against grey
Shone, burned
And was gone.

My iris carries stars
As if I saw some fey spirit
In the grey soaking air
A ghost of spring
Hope of spring
As winter closes in.

At King's X, we filed in
Polite murmurs
And I took the Tube.