Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Canada Geese

The streets are heaped with grey snow
Some days ago
It settled in a shower of innocent smiles
And childhood passtimes
Delicate, joyful and soft.
That snow is lost.
A few walk the rocks
Swaddled in slow nervousness,
Beneath the Gull's screech,
Life is on hold
In brown scaffolds
And frozen ground.

Months ago
When the flames came to the trees
And nights turned from steam to wind
I watched the geese circle
A flotilla of foghorns
Bellow beating the air
Tugging to adventure
Far, more bracing climes.

Face upturned and feet earthbound
I watched them flock and go
And as the grey sets in the snow
I would that I had followed.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Speak not of roses

Speak not of roses when you talk of my love
For she is kinder than a flower of thorns
She carries no barbs to wound in your hug
Nor sits as winter sticks forlorn.

My love ne'er spites with clapsed closed buds
Her petals proud and face forever blooms
Her wise roots tap not the blood rich mud
Evercoloured beyond one sweated June

There is no sickly scent to suffocate
A curious close pressed nose
She lies not idle in staid estates
Oh name her not a common rose.

Gather all the flowers upon this earth
They make not half of my love's worth.

Valentine for A

My summer lover
And memory of youth
Sing me a second's harmony
From your tuned strings
For just a slowed half step
A shutter snap remembrance
Lest we forget
The romance,
The wind from the thoroughfare
Lifting your hair
An embrace by
Empire's memorial gates
The high August skies
And the cliffs of brick we fled
For the Queen's gardens
Which you lit
Like some piece of fallen heaven
As we rolled woll bail bodies
Through short fused freedom.